The President

I wonder if anyone has seen his comments today? I understand they were impromptu? I can't seem to find a video, but here is a link. Unfortunately, no transcript either.

This is going to be huge I believe. I am proud of him for doing this, honestly, he surprised the shit out of me. You should see twitter, it fucking exploded. The racism is off the hook. They are calling him the racist in chief and claiming he is trying to ignite a race war.

But...there are also a lot of very happy, and I think, moved people.
I still have you on ignore Onceler, but I consciously did not block you from this thread. Even though you would like me banned from the board.

I wonder if anyone has seen his comments today? I understand they were impromptu? I can't seem to find a video, but here is a link. Unfortunately, no transcript either.

This is going to be huge I believe. I am proud of him for doing this, honestly, he surprised the shit out of me. You should see twitter, it fucking exploded. The racism is off the hook. They are calling him the racist in chief and claiming he is trying to ignite a race war.

But...there are also a lot of very happy, and I think, moved people.

I don't understand, he was speaking from his experiences, why are people offended by the truth?
I don't understand, he was speaking from his experiences, why are people offended by the truth?

I don't know, apparently the right wing media is going nuts too. We will see. I hope it turns into a positive thing, I think it is a positive thing, but we'll see.
Please Desh don't let him turn this into another whiny little bitch fest. I thought he could be a bit mature, but I fucked up then by not blocking the little bitch. Please ignore him just on this thread Desh?

I would love to discuss the President's comments. I just read them. I think they are very worth discussing.
this is awesome.

this conversation has to take place.

this country is doomed without it

I actually feel it was pretty radical, considering how careful even Carter was. I think it's clear Obama does not agree with the jury's decision. He cannot come out and call them racist, he has to say our system has spoken, but I think reading those comments, we can be pretty sure BAC was right when he scoffed at the notion Obama would privately agree with this decison.

Considering that I view OBama as a coward in so many way, this was impressive. Props.
Branch Ricky told Jackie when he hand picked him that he thought he had the talent and the right demeanor to do what he wanted to do.

He needed a man who could have the courage to not FIGHT back.

that takes a hell of a lot more guts.

He needed someone to be the ghandi
Ummm why the call to examine SYG? That doesn't make sense, since it wasn't related to the case at all....
Question for you Darla. Or actually asking/am curious as to your opinion. When you hear "we need a national conversation on race" what does that mean to you?

(I'm not asking this as a gotcha or some type of set up question I'm just curious. And I would guess if you ask five people this question you'll get five different answers)
Ummm why the call to examine SYG? That doesn't make sense, since it wasn't related to the case at all....

Well first of all it was, because the jury said they considered it. But also, since I guess you couldn't read his comments to find your answer, I will conveniently copy them for you below.

I know that there's been commentary about the fact that the stand your ground laws in florida were not used as a defense in the case. On the other hand, if we're sending a message as a society in our communities that someone who is armed potentially has the right to use those firearms, even if there is a way for them to exit from a situation. Is that really going to be contributing to the kind of peace and security and order that we'd like to see.
Question for you Darla. Or actually asking/am curious as to your opinion. When you hear "we need a national conversation on race" what does that mean to you?

(I'm not asking this as a gotcha or some type of set up question I'm just curious. And I would guess if you ask five people this question you'll get five different answers)

I deeply feel too many people are absolutely moronic on this subject and on this case. I have seen some deeply stupid statements from people I thought were smart. The only way to get people to consider another point of view, is to talk about that point of view. If you read the President's statements, that is what he is doing here.