The President

Like almost any heated issue, it's impossible to have an honest discussion about race in America.

Anyone who tries to talk reason is immediately labeled, ridiculed or attacked.

It reminds me almost exactly of how opponents to the invasion of Iraq were called traitors & terrorist sympathizers - you just can't have an honest discussion when the conversation starts that way.
I deeply feel too many people are absolutely moronic on this subject and on this case. I have seen some deeply stupid statements from people I thought were smart. The only way to get people to consider another point of view, is to talk about that point of view. If you read the President's statements, that is what he is doing here.

This statement has been said before this case. I can remember hearing it back in the '90's. So I guess I was asking not in the context of just this case but as a whole.
I wonder if anyone has seen his comments today? I understand they were impromptu? I can't seem to find a video, but here is a link. Unfortunately, no transcript either.

This is going to be huge I believe. I am proud of him for doing this, honestly, he surprised the shit out of me. You should see twitter, it fucking exploded. The racism is off the hook. They are calling him the racist in chief and claiming he is trying to ignite a race war.

But...there are also a lot of very happy, and I think, moved people.

I hadn't heard about them. I think he did his best to get those who aren't black people to understand the daily experience that African Americans go through, with people suspecting them of all sorts of things just because of the color of their skin.

Wow. great remarks. I hope everyone reads the full transcript.
I actually feel it was pretty radical, considering how careful even Carter was. I think it's clear Obama does not agree with the jury's decision. He cannot come out and call them racist, he has to say our system has spoken, but I think reading those comments, we can be pretty sure BAC was right when he scoffed at the notion Obama would privately agree with this decison.

Considering that I view OBama as a coward in so many way, this was impressive. Props.

I agree. He didn't have to make this speech. He will get pilloried by people who want to beat him up and use this as an excuse.

But read it! please!

He acknowledges the verdict and that system did what the system is supposed to do.

He then discusses context, and his personal experiences of having people follow him around the store or pull away from him just because of the color of his skin. People who haven't been in that position - PLEASE understand how awful that is. White people with a lot of tattoos can probably relate to this.

He says understanding history is important to understand the reaction to the shooting. (He's always a teacher, but he's right!) He acknowledges the problem of black-on-black violence as well.

Then he talks about moving in a positive direction, and things they did in Illinois that helped cut down on racist profiling by police officers there. And he offers the help of the federal govt to the states if they want it - help with training and reviewing the laws.

And then this quote - "This is a long-term project. We need to spend some time think how do we bolster and reinforce our african-american boys." and "There are a lot of good programs being done across the country on this front and for us to be able to gather together business leaders and local elected officials an clergy and celebrities and athletes and figure out how are we doing a better job helping young african-american men feel that they are a full part of this society and that they've got pathways and avenues to succeed. I think that would be a pretty good outcome from what was obviously a tragic situation. "

He's trying to get something positive out of this. That's great.

And then reminds us that each of us needs to examine ourselves and our feeling about race and bias.

And acknowledges how much progress has been made; it's getting better.

Final -
But, we should also have confidence that kids these days I think have more sense than we did back then, and certainly more than our parents did or our grandparents did, and that along this long, difficult journey, we're becoming becoming a more perfect union. Not a perfect union but a more perfect union. All right? Thank you, guys.

What's not to like?
Ummm why the call to examine SYG? That doesn't make sense, since it wasn't related to the case at all....

Here's what he said:
I know that there's been commentary about the fact that the stand your ground laws in florida were not used as a defense in the case. On the other hand, if we're sending a message as a society in our communities that someone who is armed potentially has the right to use those firearms, even if there is a way for them to exit from a situation. Is that really going to be contributing to the kind of peace and security and order that we'd like to see.
I agree. He didn't have to make this speech. He will get pilloried by people who want to beat him up and use this as an excuse.

But read it! please!

He acknowledges the verdict and that system did what the system is supposed to do.

He then discusses context, and his personal experiences of having people follow him around the store or pull away from him just because of the color of his skin. People who haven't been in that position - PLEASE understand how awful that is. White people with a lot of tattoos can probably relate to this.

He says understanding history is important to understand the reaction to the shooting. (He's always a teacher, but he's right!) He acknowledges the problem of black-on-black violence as well.

Then he talks about moving in a positive direction, and things they did in Illinois that helped cut down on racist profiling by police officers there. And he offers the help of the federal govt to the states if they want it - help with training and reviewing the laws.

And then this quote - "This is a long-term project. We need to spend some time think how do we bolster and reinforce our african-american boys." and "There are a lot of good programs being done across the country on this front and for us to be able to gather together business leaders and local elected officials an clergy and celebrities and athletes and figure out how are we doing a better job helping young african-american men feel that they are a full part of this society and that they've got pathways and avenues to succeed. I think that would be a pretty good outcome from what was obviously a tragic situation. "

He's trying to get something positive out of this. That's great.

And then reminds us that each of us needs to examine ourselves and our feeling about race and bias.

And acknowledges how much progress has been made; it's getting better.

Final -

What's not to like?

Great post, and good closing question.
So, there is no rational basis. Shocking.

So you don't think it's worth even asking the question if SYG laws might make it more likely that people will kill in what they consider self-defense instead of trying to leave or avoid the situation?

I'm not saying whether or not it does worsen the violence - but is it worth asking the question?

I think it is, and worth trying to find out.
Formerly Lorax, as well.

I've been outed as a GOP operative. I had a good thing goin' for awhile, though.

A liberal shunned by the left. Now you're just a man without a home. There's hope though. Desh blew off bac before claiming his views didn't count because he was a socialist and now their tight again so hang in there dude.
A liberal shunned by the left. Now you're just a man without a home. There's hope though. Desh blew off bac before claiming his views didn't count because he was a socialist and now their tight again so hang in there dude.

I haven't claimed any such thing. Asshole is often synonymous with the left...but not exclusively.

You guys on the right are doing an awesome job of applying diaper rash lotion in a timely fashion though! He's in good hands.