The President


Can we not make this about SYG? can we not make this about whether or not Darla said BAC's opinion didn't count because he was a socialist?

Can we focus on the speech?

Feel free to discuss what you want.

Darla comes on my threads & does her "SF & Thing1 sittin' in a tree" routine, or calls me dogshit for how I'm treating BAC. So I'll talk about whatever I want on her threads.

She can ban me next time if she wants.

Can we not make this about SYG? can we not make this about whether or not Darla said BAC's opinion didn't count because he was a socialist?

Can we focus on the speech?

I definitely never said that about BAC, but I totally take your point. This really was an awesome speech, and I am sorry I let my friday afternoon goofiness kind of distract from it.
whoops, sorry, I got my D's mixed up!! I'll sit in the corner with the stupid cap on for awhile...

Hahaha. I'm in permanent stupid time out so we can have a Friday afternoon happy hour party!


and isn't "fucking fucker" a tad redundant?

I saw Fiona Apple in NYC once, and her sound kept messing up & she was worried that she'd get bad reviews, so she told all the press people in the 1st few rows "Don't you fucking fuck me you fucking motherfuckers."

I always loved that.
I read the transcript and as usual, I thought Obama was very presidential ... and very good. I could hear him with his stop/go style of speaking as I read through it. While we would not agree on SYG, I would definitely love to see some of the stuff he mentioned (cop training, etc.) implemented. I also think I go from that speech that government can't fix everything. I have never voted for the man but do not think he is the evil guy that some would like for him to be.
I read the transcript and as usual, I thought Obama was very presidential ... and very good. I could hear him with his stop/go style of speaking as I read through it. While we would not agree on SYG, I would definitely love to see some of the stuff he mentioned (cop training, etc.) implemented. I also think I go from that speech that government can't fix everything. I have never voted for the man but do not think he is the evil guy that some would like for him to be.

Yeah -he was insanely eloquent as always. Definitely reminiscent of the race speech he gave in Philly before he was 1st elected, though different angles for sure.

I personally don't think this case & verdict needed to be made any more racial, however.
I wonder if anyone has seen his comments today? I understand they were impromptu? I can't seem to find a video, but here is a link. Unfortunately, no transcript either.

This is going to be huge I believe. I am proud of him for doing this, honestly, he surprised the shit out of me. You should see twitter, it fucking exploded. The racism is off the hook. They are calling him the racist in chief and claiming he is trying to ignite a race war.

But...there are also a lot of very happy, and I think, moved people.

I watched it and literally cried at his heartfelt honesty and compassion. Everything I've seen is calling it one of the most historic presidential speeches in history.

Of course, I haven't been by Drudge.
Yeah -he was insanely eloquent as always. Definitely reminiscent of the race speech he gave in Philly before he was 1st elected, though different angles for sure.

I personally don't think this case & verdict needed to be made any more racial, however.

Well, I'm guessing that he thought he had to address it somehow and I thought he said quite a few of the right things without taking it too far. I mean, he could have come out like some and took a confrontational stance, and maybe he would have like to have done it, but he did well by saying just enough and making some good points and suggestions.
I don't think its within the power of the federal government to do so, at least not the executive branch.

Jim Crow is a national problem, Trayon is a symbol of bigger issues in the USA. The verdict of the Zimmerman case has reminded the black community that there is still inequality.