The President

It isn't just about white people shooting black people, you have missed the point and it really surprises me coming from you. Maybe you need a drink to help you see that.

I get what is going on. I understand what the President said. I understand the concern.
I'm sorry, and I know I shouldn't say anything, because I've had a couple. But how many incidents are there like this, really?

Many, many more than you and I can imagine. But I can tell you from personal experience this: As a young gay male, I recall walking down streets being followed by someone and the uncomfortable (at best) feeling it gave me. I also remember one visit to a restaurant/bar for dinner. Walking back to my car afterwards I remember someone following me. A few seconds later I was beaten to hell and back.

So yes...I know what it's like and realize this could be a daily occurrence for a young black man.
I wonder if anyone has seen his comments today? I understand they were impromptu? I can't seem to find a video, but here is a link. Unfortunately, no transcript either.

This is going to be huge I believe. I am proud of him for doing this, honestly, he surprised the shit out of me. You should see twitter, it fucking exploded. The racism is off the hook. They are calling him the racist in chief and claiming he is trying to ignite a race war.

But...there are also a lot of very happy, and I think, moved people.

i happened to be watching cnn when he made his impromptu speech. it was very good
So you don't think it's worth even asking the question if SYG laws might make it more likely that people will kill in what they consider self-defense instead of trying to leave or avoid the situation?

I'm not saying whether or not it does worsen the violence - but is it worth asking the question?

I think it is, and worth trying to find out.

I refuse to participate in more anti gun propaganda. I refuse to participate in historical revisionism
All that crap in your signature file makes your posts hard to read. That goes for a bunch of people. Many of you have a little too much bling going on.

Carry on.

You can't read simple sentences? I think the problem is on your end there chief.
Here's the thing.

Racism in America is our elephant in the room. It's still there. It may not be as rampant or obvious as it used to be in the mid-twentieth century and earlier, but it's still there.

As the president said, every single young black male walking along the street is Trayvon Martin.

We need to remember that.

Every black male thinks they can violently attack someone and expect not to get blasted? I hope not.
Did anybody else notice the 'reasonable doubt' portion, where he says "The jurors were properly instructed that in a case such as this, reasonable doubt was relevant and they rendered a verdict"...

I'd just like to note that in every case reasonable doubt is relevant. Not just in a "case like this".
All that crap in your signature file makes your posts hard to read. That goes for a bunch of people. Many of you have a little too much bling going on.

Carry on.

It is an easy thing to turn off sigs, it's right there in your user control panel.
Extremely well spoken by the President. Great post.

"It could have been me" was the perspective of every red blooded American that took the time to put themselves in Trayvons perspective.

"Why did Zimmerman exit the car and follow" was the perspective every red blooded American questioned about Zimmerman.

Trayvon had Liberties.
I don't understand, he was speaking from his experiences, why are people offended by the truth?
Because he doesn't speak out in any of a dozen more deserving cases? From my perspective the Trayvon Martin case was an example in mob rule cluster farce. People spoke out without information and then continued to speak, both sides dug in and shouted at eachother and now nobody is willing to let go and let it die. The president is supposed to spend his limited time on things that matter. Sorry but I don't think a trial that is over qualifies. He could speak to racial problems but then I'd like to see an inclusion of all the problems, latino black issues, white black issues, asian issues, latino white issues, maybe even native american issues. We elected a leader, I'd like him to lead, stand against this mob mentality and tell some people to get over it and grow up.