The President

The judge conducted the trial in a professional manner. The prosecution and the defense made their arguments. The juries were properly instructed that in a case such as this reasonable doubt was relevant, and they rendered a verdict, and once the jury has spoken, that's how our system works.

Barack Hussein Obama, Democrat
lets break it down and discuss what is divisive about one of my posts?

can you do more than dance?

Desh, constantly calling people racists, who are not, is INHERENTLY DIVISIVE.

So is your intense focus on color. The whole world is color to you. It's all about the differences, the distinctions, the OUR people vs. THEIR people.
I don't recall the president calling anyone a racist

but then they lie all the time

Well, dumbfuck, take a look at what i quoted. Obama says things would be different if Trayvon were white. By extension, he's saying the jury was racist. Because you can't say "things would be different if trayvon was white" without implying that the jury treated him differently because he was black. Ergo, Obama has implied that the jury was filled with racists.

Did it get through your thick skull this time?
In this conversation we must have, would it be too much to ask that people stop calling others racists? Can we stop blaming people for events that happened before they were born and involved people with whom they share no relation?

I would love to see it happen, but I resent the attempt to shame people by implying they're supportive of discrimination that took place in the past.
A week later, I think an important question to ask is this: are we closer, or more divided today than we were prior to the verdict?

I think it's "more divided," without a doubt. And I think the Prez, as eloquent as he was, only added to that.

Because we've become a nation where you either disagree w/ the verdict, and are thus enlighted - or you agree w/ the jury's decision, and are a racist. By making the GZ case entirely about race, this is where we are now at.

The GZ case could have just been about an idiot who did something stupid, but where there just wasn't enough clear evidence to convict him. That probably happens every week, at minimum, and we're not split as a nation each one of those times.
Obama made a proper use of the Bully Pulpit.

If Trayvon had been white, he would not have been shot.

So, what does that say? It says that GZ is a particular kind of idiot, & psycho.

People are talking like this is endemic of so many things beyond this one idiot. It is one idiot, and that is all. Are we all responsible for the GZ's of the world?
I mean, what's the plan? How do we get rid of the GZ's of the calling everyone a racist?

We can only do what we can. Educate people, try to make the world a better place. Karl Malone was a total bigot about AIDS when Magic first got it. Magic didn't get up in his grill & call him a bigot; he educated Malone, and Malone is a better man for it today.

Great - Obama could have been TM. I could have been the guy who got killed by a drunk driver last week. What's the point?
So, what does that say? It says that GZ is a particular kind of idiot, & psycho.

People are talking like this is endemic of so many things beyond this one idiot. It is one idiot, and that is all. Are we all responsible for the GZ's of the world?

I think we can safely assume that since they've compared themselves to trayvon, they view everyone else as zimmerman