The Prince of the democrat party

yes hunter is a fine example of a democrat and legacy of blow hole joeys child raising skills ethics and morality he bestowed onto his son .
The Regressive Left has been very clear that they dont believe in personal responsibility....they barely believe in the individual at all....according to them we are the avatars of of the groups that the Victim Culture Cult has designated.....they believe in the exact opposite of what MLK did.

Tell us who in your realm of fantasy has taken responsibility for anything? trump, Cruz, you? Anyone come to mind?

And even now you rely on bull shit about Bidens son, not Biden himself.
Tell us who in your realm of fantasy has taken responsibility for anything? trump, Cruz, you? Anyone come to mind?

And even now you rely on bull shit about Bidens son, not Biden himself.

no I have taken responsibility for my actions many times over the years, no bull shit about hunter hes a deviant perverted con man dope addict .
Tell us who in your realm of fantasy has taken responsibility for anything? trump, Cruz, you? Anyone come to mind?

And even now you rely on bull shit about Bidens son, not Biden himself.

I am a Truth Teller, I mostly save fantasy for my erotic life.
I am a Truth Teller, I mostly save fantasy for my erotic life.

Then someday you should try telling the truth not just your perverted interpretation of it. In fact, try telling us who on the right, trump, Cruz, McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, etc. has taken responsibility for their lies, and bull shit.
Then someday you should try telling the truth not just your perverted interpretation of it. In fact, try telling us who on the right, trump, Cruz, McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, etc. has taken responsibility for their lies, and bull shit.

As a Progressive I am not in the habit of speaking for the Right.
As a Progressive I am not in the habit of speaking for the Right.

When you make comments like this:

"Your emotional outburst indicates that you know very well that this election was fraudulent. "

you show that your claim to be a "progressive" is also a lie.
When you make comments like this:

"Your emotional outburst indicates that you know very well that this election was fraudulent. "

you show that your claim to be a "progressive" is also a lie.


If you are going to pick a fight with me then bring the quality, otherwise you are not worthy of my time.
What BBBrain fails to mention is that most loyal Democrats couldn't pick our "Prince Hunter" out of a police lineup.

If you're so obsessed with him, BB, just ask him out and get it over with.
Hunter has zero impact on politics. He was not given an admin job as Trump did for his family. He is not part of a brain trust. He is entirely on the outside. Legion will cry and weep because he still exists.

If you are going to pick a fight with me then bring the quality, otherwise you are not worthy of my time.

Pointing out reality is not "picking a fight", it is just a recognition of reality. Only the true brain dead believe the election was fraudulent. Well, the brain dead, and the partisan right wing hack.
Pointing out reality is not "picking a fight", it is just a recognition of reality. Only the true brain dead believe the election was fraudulent. Well, the brain dead, and the partisan right wing hack.

I am a socialist who believes in promoting the well functioning of the society. When the majority of the citizens dont have faith that the elections are properly conducted then we have lost that, this is one of if not the most important function of our political leadership, the only other one that comes close is keeping us safe, another thing that our leaders very often clearly dont care about. This society is very ill, we must take immediate measures to restore societal health if we are not going to be over-run by the New Chinese Empire in quick order.

I point out BTW that according to recent polling 30% of D's dont have faith in our elections, so your argument is Bull Shit on the face of it.

Do you have anything else?
Saying that you don't have faith in the election process
and clearly explaining plausible reasons why
are two altogether different things.

Do you really have problems with the legitimacy of the elections if you can't cogently explain why
without having more than inane allegations of general and unspecific fraud to back your theory?

People don't feel the need to know jack shit about the things on which they like to profusely expound.
They do like to opine on everything nonetheless.
If enough other people are acting as stupidly as you are, you begin to believe that you're making a valid point.
I am a socialist who believes in promoting the well functioning of the society. When the majority of the citizens dont have faith that the elections are properly conducted then we have lost that, this is one of if not the most important function of our political leadership, the only other one that comes close is keeping us safe, another thing that our leaders very often clearly dont care about. This society is very ill, we must take immediate measures to restore societal health if we are not going to be over-run by the New Chinese Empire in quick order.

I point out BTW that according to recent polling 30% of D's dont have faith in our elections, so your argument is Bull Shit on the face of it.

Do you have anything else?

65 fucking court cases should have given you a hint. But you cannot take hints. So damn many recounts given to Trump that it was a joke. The election was fair according to the REPUBLICAN secretaries of state.
What you have is the big lie repeated so often that it takes root in the subconscious. Hitler explained how that worked. It worked on you. But in logic, mathematics, and fact, it is a lie.
65 fucking court cases should have given you a hint. But you cannot take hints. So damn many recounts given to Trump that it was a joke. The election was fair according to the REPUBLICAN secretaries of state.
What you have is the big lie repeated so often that it takes root in the subconscious. Hitler explained how that worked. It worked on you. But in logic, mathematics, and fact, it is a lie.

Our justice system is a corrupt piece of shit....just as BLM claims.

I have been talking about our broken justice system since the mid 80's....sometimes a lot.

Here is me mentioning it Sep 2017:
Or the Epi-Pen being triple the cost it should be, and I was just yesterday arguing against price gouging in disasters, I routinely rail against the corruption and sadism of this society as we find it in Washington DC especially......Look, I am agreeing with you except to point out that there are levels of justifiable outrage. When our medical system in general and our patent law on drugs in particular have been such a wreck for so long and we never bothered to fix it we lose some of the force of our objection when bad things happen. When we glorify greed as we have and stand by as increasingly corruption and winner take all and lack of caring about others takes hold we lose some of the force of our objection when individuals take advantage of the situation to drive personal wealth at the expense of the collective by buying drug companies and jumping the price 500% so that they can line their pockets. What we do is not take care of business and then when the inevitable happens because human nature is a known we point to the worst of the worst and yell "He is an asshole, hit him hard to teach everyone a lesson!!" which might or might not work to tamp down the abuse for a short time but others will come along and do the same thing probably sooner rather than later because we never seem anymore to get around to the heavy lifting of fixing the underlying dysfunction to include most notably our bad law.

Our very very broken justice system.

We are to blame for that.
I am a socialist who believes in promoting the well functioning of the society. When the majority of the citizens dont have faith that the elections are properly conducted then we have lost that, this is one of if not the most important function of our political leadership, the only other one that comes close is keeping us safe, another thing that our leaders very often clearly dont care about. This society is very ill, we must take immediate measures to restore societal health if we are not going to be over-run by the New Chinese Empire in quick order.

I point out BTW that according to recent polling 30% of D's dont have faith in our elections, so your argument is Bull Shit on the face of it.

Do you have anything else?

Only the truth, and real facts, and since you did not post a source for your "facts" I will offer this. And unless circumstances have largely changed since January I believe these are still true.

"Confidence that the 2020 election was free and fair hits a high point: 65 percent of voters say the election was free and fair, including 92 percent of Democrats and 32 percent of Republicans.

Few voters of either party say violence is ever appropriate: 14 percent of Democrats and 11 percent of Republicans agree that violence is “appropriate when citizens believe something is wrong with their government.”

Like the right winger, it would appear you are focusing on the wrong subject.