The Prince of the democrat party

Only the truth, and real facts, and since you did not post a source for your "facts" I will offer this. And unless circumstances have largely changed since January I believe these are still true.

"Confidence that the 2020 election was free and fair hits a high point: 65 percent of voters say the election was free and fair, including 92 percent of Democrats and 32 percent of Republicans.

Few voters of either party say violence is ever appropriate: 14 percent of Democrats and 11 percent of Republicans agree that violence is “appropriate when citizens believe something is wrong with their government.”

Like the right winger, it would appear you are focusing on the wrong subject.

When 35% of the people say that a major election was not free and fair then that is your sign that we are in Big Fucking Trouble.
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Saying that you don't have faith in the election process
and clearly explaining plausible reasons why
are two altogether different things.

Do you really have problems with the legitimacy of the elections if you can't cogently explain why
without having more than inane allegations of general and unspecific fraud to back your theory?

People don't feel the need to know jack shit about the things on which they like to profusely expound.
They do like to opine on everything nonetheless.
If enough other people are acting as stupidly as you are, you begin to believe that you're making a valid point.

"Rasmussen poll: 20-30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen from Trump."


So it ain't just a few Republicans...
The Regressive Left has been very clear that they dont believe in personal responsibility....they barely believe in the individual at all....according to them we are the avatars of of the groups that the Victim Culture Cult has designated.....they believe in the exact opposite of what MLK did.

Really as teabaggers ( blamed democrats for invading Iraq?
As teabaggers ( blamed Obama for the the withdrawl of US troops in Iraq?
As their dear leader blame Obama for not having the test for a virus that didn't exist yet?

March 3 2020
President Donald Trump on Friday deflected blame for his administration’s lagging ability to test Americans for the coronavirus outbreak, insisting instead — without offering evidence — that fault lies with his predecessor, Barack Obama.

“I don't take responsibility at all,” Trump said defiantly, pointing to an unspecified “set of circumstances” and “rules, regulations and specifications from a different time.” › news › 2020/03/13

As teabaggers( passed tax cuts for corporations that never expire but for individual's they expire in 2025?

December 5 2020
"We're all victims. Everybody here. All these thousands of people here tonight. They're all victims. Every one of you." -- Trump › 2020/12/05 › at-georgia-rally-trump

Trump pity rally Valdosta Georgia
Really as teabaggers ( blamed democrats for invading Iraq?
As teabaggers ( blamed Obama for the the withdrawl of US troops in Iraq?
As their dear leader blame Obama for not having the test for a virus that didn't exist yet?

March 3 2020
President Donald Trump on Friday deflected blame for his administration’s lagging ability to test Americans for the coronavirus outbreak, insisting instead — without offering evidence — that fault lies with his predecessor, Barack Obama.

“I don't take responsibility at all,” Trump said defiantly, pointing to an unspecified “set of circumstances” and “rules, regulations and specifications from a different time.” › news › 2020/03/13

As teabaggers( passed tax cuts for corporations that never expire but for individual's they expire in 2025?

December 5 2020
"We're all victims. Everybody here. All these thousands of people here tonight. They're all victims. Every one of you." -- Trump › 2020/12/05 › at-georgia-rally-trump

Trump pity rally Valdosta Georgia

Largely cause they got nothing, all their attacks on Biden never sold, before or after the election, and currently Biden is riding a wave, even their pounding of events at the border ain't selling. Ergo, nothing, just a regurgitation of the same old same old

What is really got to hurt them given current trends is the realization that Biden is going to get the credit for vaccinating America, and consequently when the virus fades, credit for the resurfacing of the economy.

Not surprised when you have CNN, NYT and WaPo on your side. But the truth will out soon enough, you can take that to the bank, Arsecheese!
When 35% of the people say that a major election was not free and fair then that is your sign that we are in Big Fucking Trouble.

When the vast majority of them are nothing other then sore loser right wing Repugnant ones that support a lying, adulterous, cowardly , thief, I would say that it is their "party" that is in trouble. They certainly show that have no intellectual value, no patriotic value, and certainly no ethical value. To what extent that would pass over to the country in general is yet to be seen. The country as a whole is only in danger of the violence that those useless idiots can create as they did on January 6, and in what manner can they continue to destroy the Constitution as they attempted to do, and have done since McConnell took control of the Senate.