All your attempts to claim alignment with objective morality depend on sociological sophistry.First off: stop putting words into my mouth. I'm not an "objective" kind of classification guy.
Second: Can you tell me how many more times I will have to explain this to you? Will it be 100 or 200? Right now it's far more than I have to repeat something to my DOG to get him to understand.
Give me a hint and I'll try to explain it as many more times as you will need. But it's going to be the same thing I've explained to you about 10000000 times now already.
I hope you see how frustrating it is.
I don't know why you're ashamed to claim ownership of moral relativism. As long as your opinion is that the holocaust and Gulag were crimes against humanity, you are not aligning yourself with Nazis, and that's really what matters.