The protesters’ narrative on Israel is false. Here’s the truth


It’s Time To Expose The Hamas Lie Of Inflated Civilian Casualties

The Israel Defense Forces spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus, accused Hamas of inflating civilian casualty numbers in Gaza, stating that the figures are false and that Hamas is attempting to conceal combatant deaths.

He criticized global organizations for accepting these numbers without skepticism and emphasized that the IDF is fact-checking and comparing the data.

Conricus highlighted the IDF’s efforts to minimize civilian casualties and stated that they focus on fighting against the enemy, Hamas, while respecting humanitarian law.

“The biggest age group, the part of the demographic of Gaza that you see heavily underrepresented in the Palestinian figures, are men at the age of 17-35, which is the combat age of men.”

“They’re not there. And it doesn’t compute with the general population of Gaza; men are at least 49% or 50% of the population yet they are very little to be found in the list of casualties; that doesn’t compute.”

“And I think what the Palestinians are trying to do, what Hamas is trying to do, is to inflate the amount of civilians killed and deflate and hide the amount of combatants killed,” he pressed.

“Not the first time Hamas has tried to do this.”

“What we are busy doing is fact-checking and referencing dead terrorists that we are aware of and then comparing that to the list of names and numbers that Hamas has given out; finding the discrepancies and then we will be showing that to the world and again exposing another lie: of how Hamas manipulates information; how they like and try to deceive,” Conricus said.

Wow, worst run-on word salad malarky I have seen. Back to school dan.

Guessing from the Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom condescending arrogance cognitive dissonance suicidal thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists super ego avoidance need additional acceptance of more Christian Nation Klues Klucks duh Klans SCOTUS edJEWcation that George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Federal Lynching churchstate of hate national religion......

It’s Time To Expose The Hamas Lie Of Inflated Civilian Casualties

The Israel Defense Forces spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus, accused Hamas of inflating civilian casualty numbers in Gaza, stating that the figures are false and that Hamas is attempting to conceal combatant deaths.

He criticized global organizations for accepting these numbers without skepticism and emphasized that the IDF is fact-checking and comparing the data.

Conricus highlighted the IDF’s efforts to minimize civilian casualties and stated that they focus on fighting against the enemy, Hamas, while respecting humanitarian law.

“The biggest age group, the part of the demographic of Gaza that you see heavily underrepresented in the Palestinian figures, are men at the age of 17-35, which is the combat age of men.”

“They’re not there. And it doesn’t compute with the general population of Gaza; men are at least 49% or 50% of the population yet they are very little to be found in the list of casualties; that doesn’t compute.”

“And I think what the Palestinians are trying to do, what Hamas is trying to do, is to inflate the amount of civilians killed and deflate and hide the amount of combatants killed,” he pressed.

“Not the first time Hamas has tried to do this.”

“What we are busy doing is fact-checking and referencing dead terrorists that we are aware of and then comparing that to the list of names and numbers that Hamas has given out; finding the discrepancies and then we will be showing that to the world and again exposing another lie: of how Hamas manipulates information; how they like and try to deceive,” Conricus said.

Why would anybody in their right mind accept Hamas casualty figures?
Guessing from the Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom condescending arrogance cognitive dissonance suicidal thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists super ego avoidance need additional acceptance of more Christian Nation Klues Klucks duh Klans SCOTUS edJEWcation that George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Federal Lynching churchstate of hate national religion......

If anyone is wondering what a triggered loon looks like, look no further than this clown. :palm:

Why would anybody in their right mind accept Hamas casualty figures?

People who willingly promote that lie obviously are not in their "right minds." Look at MoonBat.

They accept them because they hate Jews and America even more than terrorists and organizations like Hamas.
You are a very sick wanabe troll.


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.