The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

It's a theory that the Frankfurt School has infiltrated Western media and academia in order to promote "degenerate" ideas such as Atheism, homosexuality, gender non-conformity, women's rights, pornography, and so on. Supposedly, all of these ideas will eventually make people into Marxists because.... well, I never said the theory made sense.

Cultural Marxism used to be for the really extreme conspiracy nuts. But now because Trump has made conspiracy theories mainstream, the Cultural Marxism theory has become pretty common on the Right.

The Jewish community considers someone to be Jewish based on ancestry, not religion. So while Judaism is a religion, the Jews are an ethnic group, not a religious group.

It is pretty suspicious that you refuse to tell me your ethnicity. Usually the only people who don't do that are Jews.

I don't think White people have become anymore Marxist in the USA, but more degenerate is true.

A lot more single mothers & criminals were steadily increasing for decades.

Probably the only reason the issue has stablized a bit in the 2000's is the invention of the cell phone, it records crime, add in video games, it distracts & isolates from social interactions thus less violent people encounters.

It also might isolate from sexual encounters too.

As for "White people" in the USA, I think they're getting more & more Libertarian like.

Republicans used to be a bit more normal & have actually shifted against healthcare, against taxes, and more pro-gun more & more.

Republicans actually used to support more healthcare & even Republican Teddy Roosevelt trust-busted corporations.
I know, I know ... Americans are to blame for everything. I get it.

This is due to a combination of Europeans being stupid and being in denial. This is a good example of European Leftists hijacking words, in this case "nationalism." Nationalism simply means being patriotic and putting one's country first. However Leftists hijacked the word to denigrate political opponents who take pride in their country ... and gullible Leftists like yourself NEVER question what they are being ordered to believe.

That's a stupid thing to say. How does one "act" like an ideology doesn't exist? You should be thankful that nobody adds up the really stupid things you write. You'd have a rather high tally.

I can proudly say that I know what the word "nationalism" means and you can bet that I will mock all people like you who do not.

I'm very nationalist, by the way. Go USA! Donald Trump is nationalist. He puts America first. It's why he was elected.

That's another stupid thing you have written. How does sound economics erode nationalism? Good economies increase nationalism, they don't erode it. It's Marxism in all its forms that erodes nationalism and turns otherwise functionable humans into raving loons.

Las Vegas currently has 77-to-1 odds against you knowing what capitalism is.


I gave you the first Left & Right wingers in France.

Basically, anybody who was against the King & his Vetoes was a Leftist for change, and the Right was for the tradition.

You obviously didn't read that, because Hitler was more like a king, and was certainly for German traditions, and was for German hierarchy.

Technically the definitions of Right-Winger is just someone who is for tradition & hierarchy.

I don't know how so many Americans botched the definitions so heavily, but you sure did!

Please, Capitalism puts money above national interest.

That's all they do is sell out, bring in immigrants to fill labor shortages, and maximize profit margins, they also outsource to increase profit margins, and then sell out to Pornography, Degenerate Rap music, and all kinds of other Liberal things.
I know, I know ... Americans are to blame for everything. I get it.

This is due to a combination of Europeans being stupid and being in denial. This is a good example of European Leftists hijacking words, in this case "nationalism." Nationalism simply means being patriotic and putting one's country first. However Leftists hijacked the word to denigrate political opponents who take pride in their country ... and gullible Leftists like yourself NEVER question what they are being ordered to believe.

That's a stupid thing to say. How does one "act" like an ideology doesn't exist? You should be thankful that nobody adds up the really stupid things you write. You'd have a rather high tally.

I can proudly say that I know what the word "nationalism" means and you can bet that I will mock all people like you who do not.

I'm very nationalist, by the way. Go USA! Donald Trump is nationalist. He puts America first. It's why he was elected.

That's another stupid thing you have written. How does sound economics erode nationalism? Good economies increase nationalism, they don't erode it. It's Marxism in all its forms that erodes nationalism and turns otherwise functionable humans into raving loons.

Las Vegas currently has 77-to-1 odds against you knowing what capitalism is.


I don't think most Capitalist supporters even understand Capitalism.

If they did, they would stop blaming lower income individuals for being lower income.

Which a lot of Republicans do, they shame the poor quite frequently.

Meanwhile, so long as the Capitalist job market sets poverty wages, we'll have those in poverty.
A lot of it is Capitalism, they know smut, violence & sex sells, so they push a more degenerate society.
Yet another really stupid comment. One is not "pushing" what one is providing in response to demand. Economics is clearly not your strong suit.

As for Atheism, a lot of it is due to science.
Really? I am an atheist and it has nothing to do with any science. It sounds like you don't even know what atheism is. It also would appear that you don't know what science is.

But, I still believe, because I can sense energy, positive, or negative in people, or myself, and think science does a piss poor job at explaining the ecosystems of Earth, and how they came to be.
This energy you sense in people ... does it adhere to the laws of thermodynamics? Is it more of an A/C current or a D/C current? Does it behave more as a particle or as a wave?

If the ecosystems are so delicate, that a invasive species, or man can destroy these eco systems so quickly, then it seems to support creation, even if it doesn't disprove evolution, but such delicate & intricate ecosystems seem to be about impossible to create by chance.
Yet another stupid comment. You're not very good at math, are you?

If I practice abstinence my demonic nightmares dissappear.
I always found this particularly amusing, i.e. the idea of treating the LACK of doing something in particular as actively doing something. For example, doctors practice medicine. I tell people that I am a fully trained and fully qualified medical abstinence practitioner!

The correct wording is "abstain" (from sex or from practicing medicine).

While, if I hate too much, I get demonic nightmares too.
Drop the Marxism or you are hosed.

A lot of it is Capitalism, they know smut, violence & sex sells, so they push a more degenerate society.

That's actually what's so funny about the conspiracy theory. The Frankfurt Marxists blamed Capitalism for "degeneracy." They saw it as the result of a society where artists had to appeal to the lowbrow people in order to make money.
I don't think most Capitalist supporters even understand Capitalism.
... so, you don't know what capitalism is, correct?

If they did, they would stop blaming lower income individuals for being lower income.
Who else is to blame for their stupid financial decisions?

Which a lot of Republicans do, they shame the poor quite frequently.
People who make stupid financial decisions should be mocked. Maybe they'll learn to not repeat those same stupid financial decisions.

Did you fall for the Nigerian banker scam? If you have, I will happily mock you for it. Have you purchased a timeshare? If so, I will happily mock you for it. There are many others.

So tell me, why should people who make stupid financial decisions be praised, glorified and ultimately rewarded?

Meanwhile, so long as the Capitalist job market sets poverty wages, we'll have those in poverty.
So long as we have losers who are too lazy to make themselves competitive, we will have people whose labor is only worth a pittance ... and they will get those wages they deserve.


Yes, the political left and the political right have a tendency to swap sides periodically, owing mostly to one particular side's penchant for dishonestly hijacking words/terms to intentionally confuse issues and to disguise the true agenda.


Are you talking about the Right stealing Libertarianism and making it insane?
Please, Capitalism puts money above national interest.
Nope. The two aren't in competition.

That's all they do is sell out, bring in immigrants to fill labor shortages,
Don't all countries bring in immigrants to fill labor shortages? How is that "selling out"?

... and maximize profit margins,
Who tries to minimize profit margins?

... they also outsource to increase profit margins,
Who tries to minimize profit margins?

... and then sell out to Pornography, Degenerate Rap music, and all kinds of other Liberal things.
You are raving. This makes no sense. Would you care to clarify?

Cultural Marxism used to be for the really extreme conspiracy nuts. But now because Trump has made conspiracy theories mainstream, the Cultural Marxism theory has become pretty common on the Right.
Let me get this straight ... you raised this bizarre theory of which I have never heard ... and yet Trump is somehow responsible for having made it "pretty common on the Right"?

It is pretty suspicious that you refuse to tell me your ethnicity. Usually the only people who don't do that are Jews.
What's suspicious is that you still have not told me how I can ascertain my ethnicity. I told you that I don't know what mine is and I asked you how I can find out so that I can tell you. So why are you climbing on my back about not telling you when you haven't explained how I can find out?

Also, where can I get the official list of ethnicities so I can at least begin perusing; perhaps I might find one that seems like

Let me get this straight ... you raised this bizarre theory of which I have never heard ... and yet Trump is somehow responsible for having made it "pretty common on the Right"?

I didn't invent the theory, Conservatives did. And because Trump has mainstreamed conspiracy theories, the Cultural Marxism lunacy is no longer confined to the Far-Right. Now it's common on the "moderate" Right.

What's suspicious is that you still have not told me how I can ascertain my ethnicity. I told you that I don't know what mine is and I asked you how I can find out so that I can tell you. So why are you climbing on my back about not telling you when you haven't explained how I can find out?

Also, where can I get the official list of ethnicities so I can at least begin perusing; perhaps I might find one that seems like

Very Jewy trolling.
... so, you don't know what capitalism is, correct?

Who else is to blame for their stupid financial decisions?

People who make stupid financial decisions should be mocked. Maybe they'll learn to not repeat those same stupid financial decisions.

Did you fall for the Nigerian banker scam? If you have, I will happily mock you for it. Have you purchased a timeshare? If so, I will happily mock you for it. There are many others.

So tell me, why should people who make stupid financial decisions be praised, glorified and ultimately rewarded?

So long as we have losers who are too lazy to make themselves competitive, we will have people whose labor is only worth a pittance ... and they will get those wages they deserve.



A few years back up to 40% of the USA populaiton made a wage of only $20,000 or less.

How is that a very liveable wage?

The Capitalist economy has always demanded entry level positions & so long as the economy demands that labor & sets the wages so low, then there will be lower income people.

However, Automation might get rid of a lot of these jobs.

How are we going to solve automation which could get rid of up to 45% of our jobs in the next 15 years?

The only solution seems to actually be government, either you tax robots, and give people the benefits, or you outlaw automation.

Automation will be a mess, because so many unemployed will probably elevate criminality.
Nope. The two aren't in competition.

Don't all countries bring in immigrants to fill labor shortages? How is that "selling out"?

Who tries to minimize profit margins?

Who tries to minimize profit margins?

You are raving. This makes no sense. Would you care to clarify?


Capitalist societies have been much bigger on bringing in foreigners for labor shortages.

The USA is more Multicultural for this reason, they had immigrants & Capitalism since the start.

As for Western Europe, a lot of their immigrants started in the 1960's to present.

Many parts of Eastern Europe just in the past few years have seen immigrants arriving.

Russia isn't a lot more wealthy today than in 1992, but it is a lot more multicultural!
