The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

You won't be able to figure it out until you first figure out that I haven't discriminated against anyone.


You have in fact discriminated against Polish people.
Yet another really stupid comment. One is not "pushing" what one is providing in response to demand. Economics is clearly not your strong suit.

Really? I am an atheist and it has nothing to do with any science. It sounds like you don't even know what atheism is. It also would appear that you don't know what science is.

This energy you sense in people ... does it adhere to the laws of thermodynamics? Is it more of an A/C current or a D/C current? Does it behave more as a particle or as a wave?

Yet another stupid comment. You're not very good at math, are you?

I always found this particularly amusing, i.e. the idea of treating the LACK of doing something in particular as actively doing something. For example, doctors practice medicine. I tell people that I am a fully trained and fully qualified medical abstinence practitioner!

The correct wording is "abstain" (from sex or from practicing medicine).

Drop the Marxism or you are hosed.


I've felt a dark heaviness around individuals before, and my friend pointed out the same thing to me, without me saying a word!
I didn't invent the theory, Conservatives did. And because Trump has mainstreamed conspiracy theories, the Cultural Marxism lunacy is no longer confined to the Far-Right. Now it's common on the "moderate" Right.

Very Jewy trolling.

Maybe he has a Jewish father & a Scottish mother.

He's Scots-Jewish, he sees the whole World as a bargain! LOL!
If you know Swabians are cheap, are you a German?

I wouldn't be surprised.

Your policies are much like Austrians, Bavarians & East Germans, big on LGBTQ, but for Nationalism, and against Multiculturalism..

Nein, but my boyfriend is German and I've lived in Germany for a little while.
I'm a Swiss/Austrian/Italian/Swedish mix. So maybe my Austrianess is making me pro-white and pro-LGBT.

I have noticed this in East Germany. Because they haven't been subjected to Globalist propaganda for decades, like in West Germany, they remained Nationalist. And now, because Multiracialism is failing on a very public stage, they've become even more Nationalist. But they also have a tradition of LGBT rights going back to the Weimar Republic and they've seen that gay and trans people don't harm society.
Nein, but my boyfriend is German and I've lived in Germany for a little while.
I'm a Swiss/Austrian/Italian/Swedish mix. So maybe my Austrianess is making me pro-white and pro-LGBT.

I have noticed this in East Germany. Because they haven't been subjected to Globalist propaganda for decades, like in West Germany, they remained Nationalist. And now, because Multiracialism is failing on a very public stage, they've become even more Nationalist. But they also have a tradition of LGBT rights going back to the Weimar Republic and they've seen that gay and trans people don't harm society.

Yeah, you remind me of a female poster from Austria on the last forum I was on. (Although she was more pro-Trump than you, though)

I'm not so sure, it's just that East Germans have been less exposed.

East Germans also have more Eastern European DNA than other Germans, same with Austrians.

Remember Austria wasn't Soviet bloc, and for a bit at least had voted in a Nationalist Sebastian Kurz.

Greece also wasn't Soviet bloc, and is more Nationalist too.

Finland also isn't very Multicultural.

So, a lot of the fringes of the Soviet bloc, which weren't included in the Soviet bloc, are doing better.

I think it's that Individualism cr@p in the North & Western fringes of Europe.
Nein, but my boyfriend is German and I've lived in Germany for a little while.
I'm a Swiss/Austrian/Italian/Swedish mix. So maybe my Austrianess is making me pro-white and pro-LGBT.

I have noticed this in East Germany. Because they haven't been subjected to Globalist propaganda for decades, like in West Germany, they remained Nationalist. And now, because Multiracialism is failing on a very public stage, they've become even more Nationalist. But they also have a tradition of LGBT rights going back to the Weimar Republic and they've seen that gay and trans people don't harm society.

A lot of Italians are Nationalistic & Socially Conservative.

The same applies to ones in the USA!

Growing up where I did in a Italian dominated neighborhood 1 hour North of the Bronx.

We had a lot of issues between Italians & Blacks.

I witnessed Italian dudes on several ocassions randomly attack Blacks.

I also witnessed a riot, where many Italian kids threw rocks, hurled slurs & throw bottles, and shot off fire works at a Black Jamaican kid.

This was in the early & mid 2000's!

Of course, a lot of them called bad things Gay, or even Jewish.

Like stop being a F@g, or stop being a J3w, was pretty common here!

Not to mention they commonly used the N word.

Yes, they called people dirty M3xicans.

The list is endless. Not a very tolerant situation growing up here, for sure.
Nein, but my boyfriend is German and I've lived in Germany for a little while.
I'm a Swiss/Austrian/Italian/Swedish mix. So maybe my Austrianess is making me pro-white and pro-LGBT.

I have noticed this in East Germany. Because they haven't been subjected to Globalist propaganda for decades, like in West Germany, they remained Nationalist. And now, because Multiracialism is failing on a very public stage, they've become even more Nationalist. But they also have a tradition of LGBT rights going back to the Weimar Republic and they've seen that gay and trans people don't harm society.

I think Polish Americans are more likely to be Nationalist & Social Conservatives than a lot of groups too much like Italians.

But, the difference is Polish Americans usually don't bother people & are more mild mannered.

Italians are more aggressive about it.

I have been verbally harassed, threatened & stared down by Inner City Blacks around the NYC metro.

In some cases, I ended up beating them up, for thinking they could control & abuse me.

But, now I'm more calm & mature, and the last Black guy who stared me down several months ago, I ignored.
Yeah, you remind me of a female poster from Austria on the last forum I was on. (Although she was more pro-Trump than you, though)

I'm not so sure, it's just that East Germans have been less exposed.

East Germans also have more Eastern European DNA than other Germans, same with Austrians.

Remember Austria wasn't Soviet bloc, and for a bit at least had voted in a Nationalist Sebastian Kurz.

Greece also wasn't Soviet bloc, and is more Nationalist too.

Finland also isn't very Multicultural.

So, a lot of the fringes of the Soviet bloc, which weren't included in the Soviet bloc, are doing better.

I think it's that Individualism cr@p in the North & Western fringes of Europe.

I think it's more likely that there are other factors in some countries not being cucked by Globalism. For Austria, it could be that for a long time, they claimed they were the first victims of Nazism. This was really just to avoid being called Nazis after the war, but today a lot of Austrians really do believe this. And as a result, they don't want any foreign influence in Austria, no matter who the foreigners are. I'm open to the idea that Slavic genetics just have some quality that makes people more tribal, though that wouldn't explain the Finns, who have actually had very little mixing with Slavs. Not sure if the same goes for the Greeks.
I think it's more likely that there are other factors in some countries not being cucked by Globalism. For Austria, it could be that for a long time, they claimed they were the first victims of Nazism. This was really just to avoid being called Nazis after the war, but today a lot of Austrians really do believe this. And as a result, they don't want any foreign influence in Austria, no matter who the foreigners are. I'm open to the idea that Slavic genetics just have some quality that makes people more tribal, though that wouldn't explain the Finns, who have actually had very little mixing with Slavs. Not sure if the same goes for the Greeks.

Finns might not be mixed with Slavic, but they are largely a mix of Eastern Europeans & Asiatics (Uralics), throw some Norse in a few spots.

Russians in many regions are heavily mixed with Finno-Ugric.

While, people from South-West Russia are more like Belarussians, Ukrainians, Poles & Lithuanians.

People from Central - West Russia are more like Estonians, while in North Russia they're more like Finns, and actually in much of Eastern Russia they're very much Asiatic mixed!

Even Moscow is genetically more like Estonia, than say any Slavic country.
Yep! I don't know if you meant it or not, but it represents transparency of our government.
Of course. It goes without saying.

Other rather obvious included messages:

* Strength, not weakness.
* Strength through superior firepower
* Defund THIS!
* We don't see issues as being black and white ... we see them in infrared.
* High-yield bonds are a good way to diversify your portfolio.

CAMACHO 2020! That's what I'm talking about.



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I didn't invent the theory, Conservatives did.
... but I'm getting your interpretation of this theory and you haven't gotten much right of anything else and you mischaracterize virtually everything. Do you have a website for the people who espouse this theory? I can just get the straight scoop from them.

And because Trump has mainstreamed conspiracy theories,
Nope. This is just one of your countlessTDS-driven mischaracterizations. The US government did, in fact, illegally obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump. It was the DNC that fabricated the great Russia conspiracy hoax, the coronahoax, the impeachment hoax and the Ukraine "abuse of power" hoax ... while gullible TDS'ers like you were all to eager to fall for each and every one of them.

Remind me, how was that all Trump's fault?

Very Jewy trolling.
Now I'm curious. Are you saying that this is very typical of how Jews troll people or very typical of how people troll Jews? Your wording is very ambiguous.

I have noticed this in East Germany. Because they haven't been subjected to Globalist propaganda for decades, like in West Germany, they remained Nationalist. And now, because Multiracialism is failing on a very public stage, they've become even more Nationalist. But they also have a tradition of LGBT rights going back to the Weimar Republic and they've seen that gay and trans people don't harm society.
That doesn't explain why LGBTQIATIOAPP continually whine and bitch and moan about being VICTIMS. They should just shut up until they can start naming specific names of people who are victimizing them so it can be investigated. We all know why they don't, i.e. there is no victimizing going on; they are just a bunch of self loathers who need to hear themselves bitch and whine and moan and grip and complain and cry like babies.

Nobody is VICTIMIZING them. They just enjoy being exceedingly annoying. They gave birth to the cancel culture under the ideology "We're not happy until you're not happy." They lost my support.

A few years back up to 40% of the USA populaiton made a wage of only $20,000 or less.
We have a word for this: "trivia."

How is that a very liveable wage?
Did those workers agree to that wage?

Since the answer is "yes", why are you pretending to imply that they were somehow cheated? Why are you pretending to speak for them? As far as either of us knows, they were perfectly happy with what they had and didn't want to lose it.

My teenage daughter makes roughly that much at a convenience store. Why does she deserve any more than what she is making, which is exactly the wage to which she agreed?

The Capitalist economy has always demanded entry level positions & so long as the economy demands that labor & sets the wages so low, then there will be lower income people.
You keep implying that there is somehow something wrong with this yet you always stop short of explaining exactly why.

It sounds a lot like you are advocating for huge government interference in markets of the kind that historically bring about economies like Venezuela's. No thanks.

However, Automation might get rid of a lot of these jobs.
Yes, by eliminating many low-paid unskilled positions and replacing them with highly-paid technical jobs.

How are we going to solve automation which could get rid of up to 45% of our jobs in the next 15 years?
We do whatever we can to accelerate its development and usher in the highly-paid technical jobs. We establish certifications in these new technical jobs and we widen the gap between the US and rest of the world. That's what we do.

By the way, you used the word "solve" like automation is some sort of problem. It's an opportunity. We need to leverage it to the fullest extent.

The only solution seems to actually be government,
The only way to fully leverage the opportunity is to rein-back all government interference and to let private industry barrel forward unhindered, full steam ahead.

... either you tax robots, and give people the benefits, or you outlaw automation.
... and why don't you tax rain while you're at it?

Automation will be a mess, because so many unemployed will probably elevate criminality.
People will flock to the higher-paying jobs rather than flock to be unemployed.

You didn't think this through. Economics is not your strong suit.

Capitalist societies have been much bigger on bringing in foreigners for labor shortages.
Wrong wording. Capitalist societies don't need to bring in anyone. Societies based on sound economics have better economies than the Marxist societies whose government interference doesn't work. Workers from these poorer, government-interferred economies actively seek out the stronger, capitalist economies where there are far more opportunities.

That doesn't explain why LGBTQIATIOAPP continually whine and bitch and moan about being VICTIMS. They should just shut up until they can start naming specific names of people who are victimizing them so it can be investigated. We all know why they don't, i.e. there is no victimizing going on; they are just a bunch of self loathers who need to hear themselves bitch and whine and moan and grip and complain and cry like babies.

We literally have a vice president who is homophobic and transphobic. And, because homophobia and transphobia is still so common on the Right, the president pretends to be against LGBT rights too.
You're tired of LGBT folks talking about being victims? I wonder if they're tired of actually being victims.

Nobody is VICTIMIZING them. They just enjoy being exceedingly annoying. They gave birth to the cancel culture under the ideology "We're not happy until you're not happy." They lost my support.

Serious questions here. What is cancel culture?