The Racism Myth

so you believe black and brown people should be treated the same as white people?

You believe Trayvon was murdered for his skin color?

You have already stated your position when you chose the last paragraph of the opening post, there is no need to do it more than once.
If the results of all my threads about racism show anything, they show that racism has become a myth. I have authored several threads that request examples of racism, but I have yet to see an example of it. There was the thread requesting evidence that Trump is the racist that the left claims he is, and it has gone almost 1400 posts without any such evidence posted. Lots of alleged racism and lots of propaganda, but no actual proof.

Lefties still post away on that thread, but never with any actual evidence of racism. I also did a thread requesting who people thought to be the worst racist offenders in today's political landscape. We always hear stuff about racism in the news and in every other thread, so one would think that every lefty here would have a dozen each to post, but no... No lefty here was able to identify and substantiate a single racist!

Lefties post all kinds of stuff in that thread, but they cannot post even a single example of a racist who can be substantiated as such. I also did a thread about racist in the new. Since we hear so much about racism, why not a thread to highlight racists in the news? Everything is about racism these days, so a thread about racists in the news should be pretty hot right now, right? Wrong. Here is that thread:

Has anybody seen an example of real racism in our current political landscape that they can post here? An example that can be validated and substantiated with evidence? An example that would fit any of the above referenced threads? If the meaning of racism has been reduced to describing the political opponent of a lefty, victims of actual real racism are in deep trouble.

If you are a lefty who does not know the true meaning of racism, does not care about real racism, and admits to not being aware of any real racism, just post something else besides what this opening post asks for. I will acknowledge your admission by referencing the last paragraph of the opening post.

You're asking for political examples, you won't get many. Do we have a racism problem? Yes. Little Johnny out in the suburbs playing with a toy gun in a park isn't going to get shot but little Tamir in Cleveland doing the same thing gets shot by cops, and no one cares.

Where I live we still have a problem with DWB...Driving While Black.

Insurance costs in predominantly black neighborhoods stifle business while white neighborhoods at the same socio-economic level don't have that problem.

Yeah, racism is real.
You're asking for political examples, you won't get many. Do we have a racism problem? Yes. Little Johnny out in the suburbs playing with a toy gun in a park isn't going to get shot but little Tamir in Cleveland doing the same thing gets shot by cops, and no one cares.

Where I live we still have a problem with DWB...Driving While Black.

Insurance costs in predominantly black neighborhoods stifle business while white neighborhoods at the same socio-economic level don't have that problem.

Yeah, racism is real.

and driving while brown

latinos are also targeted
As we can see, no lefty has been able to identify any racists. The left has been so busy painting any and all political opponents as racists, they have lost touch with what real actual racism is. The most impossible task for a lefty in today's political landscape is being able to identify actual real racism. Real victims of actual racism no longer communicate what is happening to them with the word "racism"
You're asking for political examples, you won't get many. Do we have a racism problem? Yes. Little Johnny out in the suburbs playing with a toy gun in a park isn't going to get shot but little Tamir in Cleveland doing the same thing gets shot by cops, and no one cares.

Where I live we still have a problem with DWB...Driving While Black.

Insurance costs in predominantly black neighborhoods stifle business while white neighborhoods at the same socio-economic level don't have that problem.

Yeah, racism is real.

Real racism most certainly is real, but if we use JPP as the data base, it is only a myth. No lefty here can identify real racism, as this thread and the ones referenced in the opening post demonstrate. All they can do is suggest things about brown or latino people who are not even a race.
Im so glad all the racists have solved the race relations situation by just wishing it away


Warning: this post contains sarcasm
I am stunned at they way lefties are turning a blind eye to what real racism is. They absolutely will not talk about real, actual racism.

I have added two more threads to the research that I am doing about lefties not being able to recognize actual racism.

This one is asking lefties to list the 5 races recognized by the census:

This one is asking lefties which race they believe a person needs to be in order to qualify as a racist.
Hello Evmetro,

If there were no racism, blacks would be doing just as well as whites financially.

Since they are not, it means they are being suppressed as a race.
Lefties have only been trained to paint political opponents as racists, and this has become the core of their agenda. Actual racism is not important to lefties, and they don't even know how to identify it.