The real difference between Europe and the USA

Practically everyone back then was dying of starvation and probably looked like the worst anorexic you've ever seen, and that's what "thin" meant back then. In paintings they drew rather idealized pictures of slightly overweight women. The morbidly obese still looked ugly, though.
The dentist remark really only applies to the Brits, not the rest of Europe.

Like most countries dental health depends on affluence, it is not very helpful, for instance, to compare West Virginia with California. It is the same in the UK, London and the South East are in a totally different league to Scotland and Wales which have both the worst diet and the worst teeth. Actually the nation with the worst teeth in Europe is without doubt Poland, which is unsurprising as so many of their dentists now practice in the UK and Western Europe. By the way, dental treatment is free in the UK until the age of 18, I doubt you can say that in the US.

Ireland is also very low down the list of good dental hygiene.
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Like most countries dental health depends on affluence, it is not very helpful, for instance, to compare West Virginia with California. It is the same in the UK, London and the South East are in a totally different league to Scotland and Wales which have both the worst diet and the worst teeth. Actually the nation with the worst teeth in Europe is without doubt Poland, which is unsurprising as so many of their dentists now practice in the UK and Western Europe. Ireland is also very low down the list of good dental hygiene.
Yeah, but anything that compares West Virginia to anywhere has to factor in that there are 1,000,000 people in West Virginia and only 2 last names.
Practically everyone back then was dying of starvation and probably looked like the worst anorexic you've ever seen, and that's what "thin" meant back then. In paintings they drew rather idealized pictures of slightly overweight women. The morbidly obese still looked ugly, though.

The Romans liked fat women. They also liked bisexuality and orgies.