the reason for Nancy's delay revealed......

There is nothing ironic about the way we vote- Moronic is more like it!

moronic is just noticing that we have an electoral system after two hundred fucks aren't taking control of anything in 2020 and even if you did you wouldn't change anything.......any more than you did all the other times you had control......
The system is rigged. And besides, without Russia's help, Donald Trump wouldn't have nver even been the president of the Hair Club For Men!

If the system was rigged then Hillary wouldn't have won the popular vote. When your side loses you always claim the other side cheated. You (collective you) seem to think that no one could vote against a liberal.
Have fun while it lasts! The party's almost over!

Yessireee! The party's almost over! Just like the Mueller report


moronic is just noticing that we have an electoral system after two hundred fucks aren't taking control of anything in 2020 and even if you did you wouldn't change anything.......any more than you did all the other times you had control......

No, I think you are wrong. Our Forefathers never imagined the voting majority would vote such a rogue president into office, that would abuse his executive powers in such harmful ways and causing such a Constitutional Crisis. So therefore I expect that some executive powers will be removed through new amendments to put the balance of powers between the branches of our government back onto a level playing field.. So, I expect that there will be a huge effort to take back the Senate and flush MITCH McCONNELL down the sewer in the process where he belongs.

If you noticed, there is an Impeachment in the process. There will be a trial. Not just a trial of DOnald Trump's impeachable offenses. BUT A TRIAL OF THIS REPUBLICAN SENATE THAT HAS GONE AS ROGUE AS THIS PRESIDENT. I'LL ASSURE YOU- THE SENATE AND MITCH McCONNELL ARE JUST AS MUCH ON TRIAL DURING THIS IMPEACHMENT PROCESS.

The people will never stand for Donald Trump's corruption of the Executive Branch, the Senate, our Justice Department, and the State Department.

You may want to prepare yourself for Donald Trump's going down- Before or after Election night- BUT HE'S TOAST!