The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

No one needs to make up their mind about Palin right now..We don't even know if she's running..

I will support her because I've seen and lived with her record in Alaska, and it is impressive..Alaskans still hold a favorable view of Palin.. and as we've been seeing she can draw people to her, just look at her book put all these together and you have Lefties shitting their britches..

People were gaga about her in 2008, as well. It's called "the GOP base."

You've gotta trust me on this; lefties would be thrilled - like beside themselves - if Palin was actually the GOP nominee in 2012.
People were gaga about her in 2008, as well. It's called "the GOP base."

You've gotta trust me on this; lefties would be thrilled - like beside themselves - if Palin was actually the GOP nominee in 2012.

yeah yeah, you all keep saying that..

Obama and this administrations approval rating now below 50% in just ONE YEAR..

Elections coming this year, and the big one in 2012..:cof1:
I'm not talking about this thread.

Once the election is over, Dixie tries to shift into "objective" mode. There are some threads on this board from last fall that are so absurdly over-the-top, as only Dixie can do. I would have thought Palin was really Christ...

Let's say you stop creaming your jeans over Obama first, k?
You must because I keep getting called out for not being strong enough in her camp.

I apologize for not having a photogenic memory. I can go back and listen to her speeches and tell you the parts I thought were more populist in rhetoric and not based in conservative economics. I don't have it all at the top of my head.

I admire her story. She didn't come from money had to work hard to put her self through school. She didn't get daddy to pay for an ivy league education like many politicians did. It's also not easy to raise a family and run a state at the same time. Those are all admirable personal qualities and things I like about her. She also happens to be very hot which I like as well.

But when she's out speaking publicly that counts just along with her record in Alaska so to imply that's off limits I don't buy.

Let's deal with your complaint. You think Palin speaks too much "populist rhetoric" but again, we are left to imagine what you mean, because you didn't cite specific things she has said, which fall into this category. So, when she is getting standing ovations for saying that Government is not the solution, but the problem... you don't think she should say this? Instead, she should probably tone that down, and say... Government is sometimes the solution, and sometimes the problem... take both sides... kind of like Obama does? That's what you think she should be saying, because that wouldn't be "populist rhetoric" and it would bring more moderates on board?
Don't ya love how in the eye's of the left if you post anything against the Obama, it called hate..

yet thread after thread is posted about Bush calling him every foul name you can think of, picture threads with Palin in them depicting her with a Nazi flag, as a bimbo, one with her head photo shopped on a body with big tits... that is called "constructive criticism" I guess..
Don't ya love how in the eye's of the left if you post anything against the Obama, it called hate..

Not everything, memes. But you come on here every day, like clockwork, and start 3-4 threads with little more than BS about Obama, and spewing very little but actual hate. You can deny that all you want, but the proof is on the board; you even slam him for some of the exact same things Bush did. Posters like you have no credibility.

There is a lot of legitimate criticism of Obama to be made, and there are posters on JPP who present that, but you're not one of 'em....
Not everything, memes. But you come on here every day, like clockwork, and start 3-4 threads with little more than BS about Obama, and spewing very little but actual hate. You can deny that all you want, but the proof is on the board; you even slam him for some of the exact same things Bush did. Posters like you have no credibility.

There is a lot of legitimate criticism of Obama to be made, and there are posters on JPP who present that, but you're not one of 'em....

yes I post a lot of different thread about Obama for people to see what others are seeing..I know you don't like that, but such is life.
and just who on this board makes up who does and doesn't have credibility, you?
stop whining, it doesn't become you..
What's truly funny is the latest neocon mantra, "Palin is more qualified than Obama because she was a governor".

Somebody clue in these dumb bastards that their qualified future candidate QUIT when the going got tough.

By the standard the Neocons are using the Mayor of my city is more qualified then Palin. They can bitch and moan about Palin all they want to but the American people have all ready spoken on this issue and the majority decided that Obama was qualified and that Palin was not.
By the standard the Neocons are using the Mayor of my city is more qualified then Palin. They can bitch and moan about Palin all they want to but the American people have all ready spoken on this issue and the majority decided that Obama was qualified and that Palin was not.

President to VP? A little apples to oranges wouldn't you say?
People were gaga about her in 2008, as well. It's called "the GOP base."

You've gotta trust me on this; lefties would be thrilled - like beside themselves - if Palin was actually the GOP nominee in 2012.

Don't you guys have drugs for becoming beside yourselves?
No one needs to make up their mind about Palin right now..We don't even know if she's running..

I will support her because I've seen and lived with her record in Alaska, and it is impressive..Alaskans still hold a favorable view of Palin.. and as we've been seeing she can draw people to her, just look at her book put all these together and you have Lefties shitting their britches..
I would support her because she meets my simple test: she'd be the most conservative candidate. All this talk about intellectualism, experience and gravitas is basically meaningless.
yes I post a lot of different thread about Obama for people to see what others are seeing..I know you don't like that, but such is life.
and just who on this board makes up who does and doesn't have credibility, you?
stop whining, it doesn't become you..

Yes, people see a highly selective viewpoint of Palin from her most devoted followers. That doesn't translate to the majority.
I'm amazed that this Palin thread is still going on! Palin's public flameout is based on her ACTIONS. No one forced her to say the assinine things that she has said....and she quit her post in Alaska because the going got tough in addition to her buffoonish VP campaign in 2008. The level of denial from her die hard supporters would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic.

I do indeed hope that the fringe element of the GOP cause a rift, with Palin as a focal point. It'll be a shoe in for the Dems. That way, maybe (just maybe) people will put more pressure on the Dems to do the right thing...and/or start up a third party alternative.
Palin is not going to be a significant political figure now that she has resigned. The whole point of her staying in the Governor's Mansion in Juneau was so that she would have 6 years of executive experience prior to running in a GOP Primary. Selling books, making speeches, and running around organizing will get her nowhere.
The people in Alaska understand her reasons given for why she stepped down..It would be great if we had more politicians who cared more for their state to do the same..and there are many of both parties, instead they stay only thinking of themselves and their careers..

I wouldn't count her out just yet..
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Palin is not going to be a significant political figure now that she has resigned. The whole point of her staying in the Governor's Mansion in Juneau was so that she would have 6 years of executive experience prior to running in a GOP Primary. Selling books, making speeches, and running around organizing will get her nowhere.

Try telling that to the birthers, teabaggers, and other fringe GOP'ers! Evidently the last 8 years wasn't extreme enough for them.