The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Try telling that to the birthers, teabaggers, and other fringe GOP'ers! Evidently the last 8 years wasn't extreme enough for them.

I happen to be a teabagger, as opposed to a teabagee, but I have never really taken her seriously. She is HOT, though.

You're a political "teabagger"? :eek: My sympathies. As for Palin's "hot" factor....there's no accounting for taste. The chick you added on to your post is hot...Palin is a "nice lady" from the PTA in the looks apartment...IMHO, of course.
Here is one of 19 reasons Palin stepped down..this is one the 19 frivolous lawsuit filed against Palin and all have been she said, she stepped down to stop all this dirty politics (by Democrat supporters) and because these lawsuits were costing the state of Alaska..



Judge dismisses Juneteenth lawsuit against Palin

By RACHEL D'ORO / The Associated Press

Published: January 7th, 2010 02:50 PM
Last Modified: January 7th, 2010 05:41 PM

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin that alleged she violated the plaintiffs' constitutional rights by failing to issue a proclamation in 2007 for a celebration commemorating the freeing of U.S. slaves.

the rest.
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You're a political "teabagger"? :eek: My sympathies. As for Palin's "hot" factor....there's no accounting for taste. The chick you added on to your post is hot...Palin is a "nice lady" from the PTA in the looks apartment...IMHO, of course.

Okay, relatively speaking, she is a HOT politician, in the same way that Watermark used to obsess over the PM of the Ukraine, who does have a nice ass.

I am not a teabagger, in the sense that I am not an activist at all and consider many of them extremists, but since I hate all of the teabagees, I thus consider myself a teabagger...
Okay, relatively speaking, she is a HOT politician, in the same way that Watermark used to obsess over the PM of the Ukraine, who does have a nice ass.

I am not a teabagger, in the sense that I am not an activist at all and consider many of them extremists, but since I hate all of the teabagees, I thus consider myself a teabagger...

Point taken on the hotness relativity. But as for the teabag stuff, as rose by any other name.....
So nothing she says on the campaign trail or while speaking publicly has any meaning? Because while some people are better prepared than others no one is fully prepared to become President until they actually have the job. Thus a voter must make projections.

I apologize for liking Palin and not loving her.

What has she said that you object to? The problem is that so many people, such as yourself, have these vaugue dislikes or make judgements about her without saying anything about how or what she has said or done to give them their opinions.
She tells the truth. That's what these fascist neocon globalist america destroyers hate about her.

Neocons think selling out america is enlightened. SOme kind of inevitable business decision. they're just wrong.
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If she is no threat to the left, why are they still bringing her up all the time..

that is the million dollar question, THINK about it..

why is the left so hung up on her? shouldn't they be signing the praises of their Messiah day in and day out?

Sarah Palin isn't going anywhere..:cof1:
Republicans would be wise to get on her coattails.

I actually think the republican party is down for the count. Their only mission was to keep conservatives believing they had a voice in government until the great betrayal, which we got in mccain. Mr. amnesty.

now party machine republicans will be just as hostile to the voice of actual freedom as your run of the mill statist lib.
I'm amazed that this Palin thread is still going on! Palin's public flameout is based on her ACTIONS. No one forced her to say the assinine things that she has said....and she quit her post in Alaska because the going got tough in addition to her buffoonish VP campaign in 2008. The level of denial from her die hard supporters would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic.

I do indeed hope that the fringe element of the GOP cause a rift, with Palin as a focal point. It'll be a shoe in for the Dems. That way, maybe (just maybe) people will put more pressure on the Dems to do the right thing...and/or start up a third party alternative.

Hi, Im Barry Obama, Im a community organizer.
Parties always claim it's best to be pragmatic, not ideological.

Where's the logic in rejecting a superstar like palin?

newsflash: the republicans are ideological, america must be sold out in their view. anyone preventing that is an obstacle.
A lot of Republicans are sick of the party trying to lead us left...If we wanted to be more like Democrats, we would register as one.. either they get a clue why their contributions are down or they don't..
A lot of Republicans are sick of the party trying to lead us left...If we wanted to be more like Democrats, we would register as one.. either they get a clue why their contributions are down or they don't..

I really think the republican party apparatchiks are suprised that we won't just follow their idiot lead into statist compliance.
I really think the republican party apparatchiks are suprised that we won't just follow their idiot lead into statist compliance.

yep, a lot of whining these day by the elitist Rino's..
After watching the McLame lousy run for President, that was enough for me..
A lot of Republicans are sick of the party trying to lead us left...If we wanted to be more like Democrats, we would register as one.. either they get a clue why their contributions are down or they don't..

That's funny, I thought a lot of republicans were sick of the fringies trying to lead them further right.
That's funny, I thought a lot of republicans were sick of the fringies trying to lead them further right.

You're describing the mindset of some of our more rabid neocon parrots on these boards. Remember when they howled like banshees when the Shrub gave credence to amnesty for illegal aliens being in the country for over 7 years? Teabaggers and birthers are wanting to split from the GOP.....and I encourage them to do so! ;)
She tells the truth. That's what these fascist neocon globalist america destroyers hate about her.

Neocons think selling out america is enlightened. SOme kind of inevitable business decision. they're just wrong.

Oh yeah, Palin's public quotations as of late have been the height of fact based accuracy.

Oh, and try looking up the definition of new conservatism, the PNAC and then describes YOU and your slavish devotion to all things Shrub to the letter.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I'm amazed that this Palin thread is still going on! Palin's public flameout is based on her ACTIONS. No one forced her to say the assinine things that she has said....and she quit her post in Alaska because the going got tough in addition to her buffoonish VP campaign in 2008. The level of denial from her die hard supporters would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic.

I do indeed hope that the fringe element of the GOP cause a rift, with Palin as a focal point. It'll be a shoe in for the Dems. That way, maybe (just maybe) people will put more pressure on the Dems to do the right thing...and/or start up a third party alternative

Hi, Im Barry Obama, Im a community organizer.

who was a Harvard Law grade, top of the line that taught Constitutional Law there. Then he went on to become Senator, then President in a fair election.

Deal with it