The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
What's truly funny is the latest neocon mantra, "Palin is more qualified than Obama because she was a governor".

Somebody clue in these dumb bastards that their qualified future candidate QUIT when the going got tough.


She had already conquered the tough part, and your messiah, Obama, quit the Senate.

She made herself a national joke on the 2008 campaign and quit her local post under dubious circumstances

Hardly what I would call "victory" for her. How do you figure she "conquered" anything?

As for your Obama forget that you can't run for President while serving in Congress.
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I think it's laughably stupid the liberals attacking Palin.

Shit Bristol has now founded a Political Consulting Firm at 19.
Let them keep saying how dumb they are, Bristol will prob make $200,000 in 2010.


Palin is just being exposed for her dubious tales and on-the-record fuck ups. Neocons consider telling the truth an "attack"...go figure.

As for you truly believe that the rabid right wing corporate and political connections won't grease the wheel for her? And are you willing to admit you were wrong if her "firm" flops within less than 5 years?
yeah and?
I guess it would be too much to have some city slicker understand the way's of hunting for food, instead of jumping in their cars (making the huge carbon footprint) to run to the store to BUY their meat..LOL

LOL. PA is a hunter's paradise. The first day of deer season is like a religious holiday here. I don't hunt because I couldn't look at an animal and then kill it. When did you last field-dress a moose?
She made herself a national joke on the 2008 campaign and quit her local post under dubious circumstances

Hardly what I would call "victory" for her. How do you figure she "conquered" anything?

As for your Obama forget that you can't run for President while serving in Congress.

A national joke? Says liberal liars. The fact is, however, that she energized much of the conservative base, just not enough to overcome the mediocrity of the GOP presidential candidate.

Dubious? Hardly. All of the accusations brought on by her detractors were proven false.

I didn't forget anything about Obama. I simply stated a fact: that he quit the Senate. And he did nothing while he was there. In contrast, Palin conquered over corruption within the Alaskan state government, much of it within her own party.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
She made herself a national joke on the 2008 campaign and quit her local post under dubious circumstances

Hardly what I would call "victory" for her. How do you figure she "conquered" anything?

As for your Obama forget that you can't run for President while serving in Congress.

A national joke? Says liberal liars. The fact is, however, that she energized much of the conservative base, just not enough to overcome the mediocrity of the GOP presidential candidate.

Dubious? Hardly. All of the accusations brought on by her detractors were proven false.

I didn't forget anything about Obama. I simply stated a fact: that he quit the Senate. And he did nothing while he was there. In contrast, Palin conquered over corruption within the Alaskan state government, much of it within her own party.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Palin screwed one had to "lie" about her, just go to the video tape for a good laugh. The only "base" she's engergized are the fringe groups like the birthers and teabaggers, of whom the true conservative GOP politicians are distancing themselves from, because they know that the era of the Shrub is OVER!

And you have YET to provide the documented FACTS that disprove the link I provided....yet alone anything else that has Palin making an ass of herself publically.

Your statement about Obama is akin to a stubborn high school freshman who is not exactly aware of how things operate. Again, YOU CAN'T RUN FOR PRESIDENT WHILE AN ACTIVE REPRESENTATIVE IN THE CONGRESS. Period. That Obama went from Senator to President shows that he didn't just "quit", as you like to allude.

As for Palin's "conquering corruption", it's not as cut & dry as you would like. Observe:
If she stepped down ONLY because of those nasty Democrats, she's certainly proved she has no business running for the highest office in this country, where she'd have to work with Dems on a daily basis.

She stepped down because it was costing the tax payers of alaska millions of dollars over OBVIOUS frivolous law suits instigated by partisan shills just like you in order to keep her from her job. So she ourt-witted them (not difficult to out-wit a liberal shill) and resigned in order to allow the state she loves to get on with important matters

Whereas oblama and the shillary quit the Senate to run for president.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Palin screwed one had to "lie" about her, just go to the video tape for a good laugh. The only "base" she's engergized are the fringe groups like the birthers and teabaggers, of whom the true conservative GOP politicians are distancing themselves from, because they know that the era of the Shrub is OVER!

And you have YET to provide the documented FACTS that disprove the link I provided....yet alone anything else that has Palin making an ass of herself publically.

Your statement about Obama is akin to a stubborn high school freshman who is not exactly aware of how things operate. Again, YOU CAN'T RUN FOR PRESIDENT WHILE AN ACTIVE REPRESENTATIVE IN THE CONGRESS. Period. That Obama went from Senator to President shows that he didn't just "quit", as you like to allude.

As for Palin's "conquering corruption", it's not as cut & dry as you would like. Observe:

Again Libby, your opinion of her is from the Liberal perspective as well as some country club Republicans that don't like her breeding. It's not indicative of the opinions of Conservatives which form the base of the GOP.

Your link documents Dewey Whetsell, not Sara Palin.
Sarah Palin and her supporters remind me of a phenomenon that often takes hold in our individualistic society. Instead of judging Palin on the basis of her words and actions, she is given a pass because she is part of one line of the conservative thought. We see other examples today in the classroom where the dummy isn't a dummy but rather a victim of the teacher's incompetence. Palin didn't reply like an idiot, Couric set her up is the excuse. This enters into many ideas, global warming, evolution, tax policy, etc. Since Americans are all experts on all matter of things, just ask them, none of this can be right. It is society dummied down.

[ame=""] Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free (9780767926140): Charles P. Pierce: Books[/ame]

From 'Notebook, A Quibble,' By Mark Slouka

"I was raised to be ashamed of my ignorance, and to try to do something about it if at all possible. I carry that burden to this day, and have successfully passed it on to my children. I don’t believe I have the right to an opinion about something I know nothing about—constitutional law, for example, or sailing—a notion that puts me sadly out of step with a growing majority of my countrymen, many of whom may be unable to tell you anything at all about Islam, say, or socialism, or climate change, except that they hate it, are against it, don’t believe in it. Worse still (or more amusing, depending on the day) are those who can tell you, and then offer up a stew of New Age blather, right-wing rant, and bloggers’ speculation that’s so divorced from actual, demonstrable fact, that’s so not true, as the kids would say, that the mind goes numb with wonder. “Way I see it is,” a man in the Tulsa Motel 6 swimming pool told me last summer, “if English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it’s good enough for us.”

Quite possibly, this belief in our own opinion, regardless of the facts, may be what separates us from the nations of the world, what makes us unique in God’s eyes. The average German or Czech, though possibly no less ignorant than his American counterpart, will probably consider the possibility that someone who has spent his life studying something may have an opinion worth considering. Not the American. Although perfectly willing to recognize expertise in basketball, for example, or refrigerator repair, when it comes to the realm of ideas, all folks (and their opinions) are suddenly equal. Thus evolution is a damned lie, global warming a liberal hoax, and Republicans care about people like you."

Article appeared in Notesbook. Harper's Magazine
Palin is just being exposed for her dubious tales and on-the-record fuck ups. Neocons consider telling the truth an "attack"...go figure.

As for you truly believe that the rabid right wing corporate and political connections won't grease the wheel for her? And are you willing to admit you were wrong if her "firm" flops within less than 5 years?

If she were a democrat you'd be sucking her little man in the boat.
Translation: 'The Southern Man exposed me as a simpleton yet again, so I'll try and ridicule southerners in general.'

That is interesting as I didn't think that at all. I did think your comment, like the majority of your comments, off base and irrelevant, thus the reply. Pray tell where do your profound and unapproachable ideas come from? The air, the sky, your head?
That is interesting as I didn't think that at all. I did think your comment, like the majority of your comments, off base and irrelevant, thus the reply. Pray tell where do your profound and unapproachable ideas come from? The air, the sky, your head?

Probably where yours come from...
Again Libby, your opinion of her is from the Liberal perspective as well as some country club Republicans that don't like her breeding. It's not indicative of the opinions of Conservatives which form the base of the GOP.

Your link documents Dewey Whetsell, not Sara Palin.

Now you're just being stubborn to the point of insipidness. The link to contains DOCUMENTED QUOTES and FACTS, not "opinion". You can pretend otherwise, but reality tells another story. You're denial and vain attempt to "grey area" facts and the logic derived from them is just not working.

And if you had thoroughly read the article, you would have noted that Whetsell's commentary's are NOT the only example of Palin tall stories...the article also points to public statements by Palin herself. I suggest you read it AGAIN.

Whetsell is essentially YOU...and he got schooled.
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