The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

As you can see folks, the 3 neocon stooges CANNOT provide any information that contradicts the FACTS regarding the self made train wreck that is Sarah Palin's political career.

Faced with facts, they dodge the issue towards personal slam fest and maudlin exchanges. This is why the pharse, "intellectually bankrupt" fits them so well.

Bottom line: the opening subject post title was thoroughly disproven with easily accessible documented facts...and the neocons just can't take it. Pity them.
How ironic = school yard repetition of an ill used retort! :lmao:

Hey chuckles, can you disprove anything I posted regarding Palin on this thread?

Let me know when you pick your ass up off the floor and can form a coherent thought on this. :cof1:
Hey chuckles, can you disprove anything I posted regarding Palin on this thread?

Let me know when you pick your ass up off the floor and can form a coherent thought on this. :cof1:

LOL.... Now, was that last line not a 'school yard repetition of an ill used retort' because YOU said it, or some other reason I am not aware of? Pick my ass up off the floor???

:lmao: <---u mean like this?

No, I can't refute that Palin has said a lot of words and sometimes makes a mistake. I can't refute that left-wing socialist nitwits like yourself, have scoured her every word, to bring us the collection of assorted errors she has made since becoming a public figure. And I can't refute that much of the Katie Couric interview was spliced together by liberal hacks who have no business anywhere near the newsroom! ...You got me there!
As you can see folks, the 3 neocon stooges CANNOT provide any information that contradicts the FACTS regarding the self made train wreck that is Sarah Palin's political career.

Faced with facts, they dodge the issue towards personal slam fest and maudlin exchanges. This is why the pharse, "intellectually bankrupt" fits them so well.

Bottom line: the opening subject post title was thoroughly disproven with easily accessible documented facts...and the neocons just can't take it. Pity them.

Barack Obama thinks there are 57 states. He said it. Do you deny it?


Wow---a old thread of mine gets as hot as Palin.

No need to read the 20 pages of content. I know it is just full of desperate progressive dupes (sucks to be mistaken, but you do have your own mind, so there is hope) grabbing on every string of literary genius (with no life exp) that still only makes sense to them as they try to forcefully retain what progressives have taught them of a better society than the USA.

Yes---it does suck to be mistaken. Especially when your parents paid $50,000/year to educate you in the old German economic idealisms (John Hopkins U being one of, if not the first--with Richard Eli--mentor of FDR).

And you thought Palin was stupid? Looks like she knows how to win as a individual to me. They just never taught that in the nations where your progressive education is based from.
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As you can see folks, the 3 neocon stooges CANNOT provide any information that contradicts the FACTS regarding the self made train wreck that is Sarah Palin's political career.

Faced with facts, they dodge the issue towards personal slam fest and maudlin exchanges. This is why the pharse, "intellectually bankrupt" fits them so well.

Bottom line: the opening subject post title was thoroughly disproven with easily accessible documented facts...and the neocons just can't take it. Pity them.

You ever been sued, Libby?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As you can see folks, the 3 neocon stooges CANNOT provide any information that contradicts the FACTS regarding the self made train wreck that is Sarah Palin's political career.

Faced with facts, they dodge the issue towards personal slam fest and maudlin exchanges. This is why the pharse, "intellectually bankrupt" fits them so well.

Bottom line: the opening subject post title was thoroughly disproven with easily accessible documented facts...and the neocons just can't take it. Pity them.

Barack Obama thinks there are 57 states. He said it. Do you deny it?

An error during a debate? A mistake? Nope, happens to the best of us.
Does he repeat it time and again? Nope.
Does he blame others for it or try to excuse it? Nope.

Does your little dodge change ANYTHING as to how I and others DOCUMENTED Palin's self made fuck-ups? Nope.

Thanks for proving my point, Curly. Carry on. :cof1:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As you can see folks, the 3 neocon stooges CANNOT provide any information that contradicts the FACTS regarding the self made train wreck that is Sarah Palin's political career.

Faced with facts, they dodge the issue towards personal slam fest and maudlin exchanges. This is why the pharse, "intellectually bankrupt" fits them so well.

Bottom line: the opening subject post title was thoroughly disproven with easily accessible documented facts...and the neocons just can't take it. Pity them.

You ever been sued, Libby?

Still dodging Southie? Bottom line: Many governors, congressmen, etc., have endured a HELL of a lot more than Palin did and NOT only finished their terms, but CONTINUED in politics. Some honestly, some not.

Bottom line: the going got rough, Palin bailed. Now she's depending on Fox Noise and dupes like you to keep her in the limelight and lifestyle she's become accustomed to. Man, aren't you tired of making excuses for her?
Wow---a old thread of mine gets as hot as Palin.

No need to read the 20 pages of content. I know it is just full of desperate progressive dupes (sucks to be mistaken, but you do have your own mind, so there is hope) grabbing on every string of literary genius (with no life exp) that still only makes sense to them as they try to forcefully retain what progressives have taught them of a better society than the USA.

Yes---it does suck to be mistaken. Especially when your parents paid $50,000/year to educate you in the old German economic idealisms (John Hopkins U being one of, if not the first--with Richard Eli--mentor of FDR).

And you thought Palin was stupid? Looks like she knows how to win as a individual to me. They just never taught that in the nations where your progressive education is based from.

And after wading through all that BS of yours... can you prove ANYTHING in the provided links regarding Palin's fuck-ups is untrue? I'll wait
Still dodging Southie? Bottom line: Many governors, congressmen, etc., have endured a HELL of a lot more than Palin did and NOT only finished their terms, but CONTINUED in politics. Some honestly, some not.

Bottom line: the going got rough, Palin bailed. Now she's depending on Fox Noise and dupes like you to keep her in the limelight and lifestyle she's become accustomed to. Man, aren't you tired of making excuses for her?
You ever been sued, Libby?