Men have no more privacy rights, paternity rights, freedom of association rights, reproductive rights and are always considered the oppressors in PC society while women like minorities are the victims of them. Because of the feminist endorsed and pushed no fault divorce laws, men lose everything they worked hard for when the woman decides to get a divorce on a whim. Men lose their homes and their kids and their savings to the discrepancy of the courts on her behalf. The only time there is an exception is when drug abuse has been confirmed that the woman is guilty of. Regardless of the woman's income, men are forced to pay child support regardless of the man's income or whether or not he's even employed and must pay back child support when he does find any type of employment. In many cases men even lose their visitation rights to see their own children if she can somehow claim through her lawyer harassment. Men cannot get a good paying position many times because women (like minorities) have access to affirmative action and men do not. Men cannot find gainful employment because in many cases they are passed over for women again using affirmative action which men cannot use on account of women using it.