The Relentless Feminist War Against Men in America.

You are the only person crying on this thread about being a victim! Those mean old feminist women bringing your Patriarichal society to an end! Lol

You don't believe men have reproductive rights. This is how you justify lesbian marriages. To you, men are bit players and sperm donors and insignificant in the process of pro creation. And this is how you justify men no longer being necessary as responsible husbands with all the power going to women.
I will say this, do I think men have it bad on custody issues? YES but only because its symptomatic to the patriarchal society we have today
Um, I don't believe any of those things. Philly tell the truth, do you drop acid? These hallucinations you have can't be weed, or even coke. Those are some trips you must go on.

You believe that all children should be planned children only and that notion is just as important to you as a victim of men because without your victim hood you couldn't justify being a liberal feminist in the first place. In order to be a victim needing preferential treatment and sympathy from government in the way of things such as funding for child support and single parenting, predator males are an absolute necessity and the more of them, the better.

All of this is justified by your mantra of planned children only because that mantra eliminates husbands and fathers being vital in all things involving the pro creation, child rearing experience within the family structure.

And again, this is exactly how you justify lesbian marriages and empowerment for women and women only in the family structure and society as a whole.

This is how you feminists have blended women and minorities into the same special interest victim status by men and how you also have access to affirmative action in the job market. the whole key is your victim status which is something you cannot afford to lose no more that your abortion agenda.
The ladies on the forum will not like my response to this thread. I agree that feminist have carried this ball too long and its outlived any usefulness.
You can work up hatred against any other group if you try very hard, which is how capitalism works. The only serious division, however, is between the thieves and those they steal from, but, as with their use of Hitler, they will kill us all sooner than acknowledge that, or lose a dime.
The ladies on the forum will not like my response to this thread. I agree that feminist have carried this ball too long and its outlived any usefulness.

How so? Carry this ball too long? You feel woman have obtained all the equality they need?
You can work up hatred against any other group if you try very hard, which is how capitalism works. The only serious division, however, is between the thieves and those they steal from, but, as with their use of Hitler, they will kill us all sooner than acknowledge that, or lose a dime.

I haven't said anything hateful at all. What I've done is tell the truth about liberal feminists which is politically incorrect to do.
How so? Carry this ball too long? You feel woman have obtained all the equality they need?

You don't believe men have or should have reproductive rights and that is how you empower women and at the same time make men as insignificant as humanly possible.

You believe that all people should be planned people which immediately eliminates the man from the pro creation process on purpose as a husband and a father.

That is called empowerment for women only and it has absolutely nothing to do with equality among the sexes which you will continue to claim that it does.
You can work up hatred against any other group if you try very hard, which is how capitalism works. The only serious division, however, is between the thieves and those they steal from, but, as with their use of Hitler, they will kill us all sooner than acknowledge that, or lose a dime.

You have got to be the most ignorant, dimwitted, uneducated moron on the forum; and that is saying a lot seeing that the forum is infested with dimwitted brain dead leftist twits.
The ladies on the forum will not like my response to this thread. I agree that feminist have carried this ball too long and its outlived any usefulness.

There will come a time when pro created planned boys are placed on a quota system such as abortion is used in China. Then you'll see street gangs like never before all around America containing fatherless boys but needed none the less in later, more mature years for sperm.

Do you think the feminists will bother taking their planned sons fishing or to a ball game? No, what they'll do is try to immediately feminize the boys like they're doing right now such as forbidding them to play with toy guns and stopping them from rough housing.

This will be the brave new world of the future envisioned by feminists who's leadership has always contained a majority of lesbians to begin with.
This has got to be the most asinine thread ever. I can't even believe it. I wish we could get Shatner to read these posts out loud. It's just too hilarious.
You don't believe men have or should have reproductive rights and that is how you empower women and at the same time make men as insignificant as humanly possible.

You believe that all people should be planned people which immediately eliminates the man from the pro creation process on purpose as a husband and a father.

That is called empowerment for women only and it has absolutely nothing to do with equality among the sexes which you will continue to claim that it does.

My husband was a full partner in our reproductive decisions, so I have no idea what you are rambling on about.

I am sorry if you are powerless in your life and marriage, perhaps it is what makes you do bitter and hate women.
I haven't said anything hateful at all. What I've done is tell the truth about liberal feminists which is politically incorrect to do.

You need to reread your posts, you are very hateful! Shows how much denial you are in concerning your own bad behavior! Lol
There will come a time when pro created planned boys are placed on a quota system such as abortion is used in China. Then you'll see street gangs like never before all around America containing fatherless boys but needed none the less in later, more mature years for sperm.

Do you think the feminists will bother taking their planned sons fishing or to a ball game? No, what they'll do is try to immediately feminize the boys like they're doing right now such as forbidding them to play with toy guns and stopping them from rough housing.

This will be the brave new world of the future envisioned by feminists who's leadership has always contained a majority of lesbians to begin with.

Oh, brother!!' I fished and rough housed with my boys when they were young! I took them to ball games and volunteered for all the "guy" activities!

You are just pretty funny and don't get out much. Your reality is pretty hilarious!
This has got to be the most asinine thread ever. I can't even believe it. I wish we could get Shatner to read these posts out loud. It's just too hilarious.

Every thread you erupt on becomes asinine as you drag the thread IQ down to your low-life comfort zone. Do us all a favor and just leave forever. Thank you.
reX. The Electric Lion.

Remember, that Women Cary the Ability to Become Fertilized, TO Grow another Living Human Being
inside her.

Women Have the Ability to Give Birth to this baby and then Women have the Ability to Feed and Nurse it with Nutrition from her own body.

Women have a Montly, Menstrual Cycle, where their Body will harvest Eggs and Set itself up for Fertilization.

Then Shed these Eggs from the body. Women ARE So, So, Much Different from Men.
They are a special, Wonderful, Breath Taking and Marvelous thing.

Remember there is a Purpose and place for Women and there is always the eXception.

Some Women are Good at Doing things a man can do. But I think Women are Perfect the Way they are.

I think that the Oppression of women has been depending on the level of corruption and Evil and Degeneracy in a society.

Islam, Does not really have a Godly place for Women. Adultery and Prostitution is allowed in Islam.
Divorse in the quran, for any REASON at all, is permitted. IN ISLAM.

In the bible, Women are supposed to be clean, virgin and remain with their Husband forever.

MARRIAGE is Sacred, in the Bible...........DIVORSE is not something that is Supposed to be a NORMAL Routine .........

In Hinduism and Buddism as well , there are traditionally - no Female PRIESTS and Female MONKS.

There are no Women Authors and Scribes of any Bible Scriptures ....From the Torah to the Gospels.

Even the Quran and the Islamic books such as the Haddiths, NO Female authors.

Women have never Risen UP as one GROUP, Formed a military force and went and Conqured another nation or another military Power.

before the MODDERN ERA, THERE was no Air CONDITIONING, No Machines and Assembly Lines and MODDERN Tools available for large communities and Groups of WOMEN to go to work.

Women did not want to Be out in the blazing, boiling, Blistering heat, Digging for 8 - 12 hours a Day.

Women did not want to Be out in the boiling, Blistering, Hellish hot Nights and days, Bouncing Up and Down on a Horse all day and night with no rest, Delivering messages and mail and supplies.

Women did not want to Be out In the Truck Driving jOBS, Driving in the dirty Highways with no Air Conditioning, with the Windows down. Stopping at dirty truck stops with no Moddern Facilities and air Conditioning and quick, hot water.

Women did not want to be working in the fields, and seas and hills, with no Sanitation,...Women did not want to be out packing Heavy wood, all day and night up and down hills and through Brush and thickets.,

Women did not want to be in the Military Line with a Sword and spear, clashing and butchering the enemy fighting against 300 pound men.

Women did not want to spend Weeks and months out in the Cattle Drives, with hardly no opportunity for a BATH. THEIR skin Burning red and blistering,. and their Brains boiling, as they spend hours, on the edge of Passing out.

Women did not want to be Roofing On a Hot roof

Women did not want to be Working in the Coal Mines all day and night, with Soot and Dirt and Coal and minerals and chemicals eating their brains, eyes and skin,

Women did not want to WORK like a Man.......

Women worked as Cooks, Servers, Waiting Tables, NURSING,

WOMEN have worked hard........ And they Should never, NEVER < NEVER be expected to these other jOBS....

REMEMBER that THERE was little money available, the Men were eXpected to work themselves to death for Little pay.

Women could never even hope to compete and they did not want to try.

MEN, worked like slaves, Like DOGS and Animals.... Taking Care of their Families.

Women had it hard too,,,, Taking Care of the Home, With NO MODDERN Technology was a TRUE task

A Living and Real jOB for women in the WORLD was helping gather wood and crops and home type work.

THe Life eXpecenty of An Average man was 10- 20 years SHORTER than the Average Woman.

I jUST think that the Idea that somehow Woman have been mistreated or left out of the workplace, is

a bunch of HYPE and Lies.

With the invention of moddern Technology and TOOLS that Allow Women to have the ability and

desire to work.

Suddenly, we see the women filling the factories. Suddenly, we see the women Rushing to the City to get a mans jOB.

REMEMBER. the Technology was invented to Bring more money to the Business Owners.

The Inventions and Moddern Tools and Machines were Built, to let the business owners not need to hire so many people.

Why would the Average business want to hire a Woman, when they jUST Fired 20 men , Bought a Machine or tool that does the work of the 20 Men.

They only Loose money.... then you have Lawsuits, sexy Harrasment and Many other things that Drain the company by Hiring a Woman.

I think that Woman have WORKED very, Very hard throughout Civilization. WOMEN have had plenty to do.
Women have had it hard... REALLY, REALLY Hard..

Women have Done their Part... tHEY ARE so wonderful and hard working and dedicated...

But so have men. Please... Dont be deceived by these Television shows, and Politicians and Lezbians and HomoseXuals. who profit and PRIDE themselves....GETTING off....... From.Getting Women Worked up into thinking that there has been this Great Opression of Woman and Minorities..

Modern Technology, Modern Machines and TOOLS today, allow women and NON english Speaking People and Un Educated, ( UNSKILLED ) people today, To do the work that they could never do,

before the Modern Technology came.

Women should keep bringing their Great Skills and Great ideas to the modern world. But demonizing MEN,

based on lies, is not something that makes the situation better.

Yes there are men who discriminate against women or other minorities. But eXagerating the problem, does not make profit or help anything for very long.

I love women. and think they are so special and Precious... Thank You for being a Woman.