philly rabbit
Verified User
Lol, I would be overjoyed to hear you never had children, that all women denied you reproductive rights, but I have a feeling some poor soul has to take care of your sorry butt.
I can't find your previous comments where I listed father - son activities and your proclamation that you did all these things better than men ever could but it's a good example of just how desperately you want men neutralized in the societal structure of man - woman relationships and marriage. Man - boy bonding is what you oppose which is essential as the first step to responsible manhood for young boys. Father - son activity is what you resent in feminizing boys and all of society in general.
The father as the authoritarian figure for the children both boy and girl is what you are in the process of destroying on purpose. The authoritarian father who's disliked by the off spring in their very early years and hated especially by the daughter during the teen aged years then loved, admired, and respected by both and all siblings in their young adult years as they are thankful and understanding of how valuable male father figure tough love was to all the off spring once they reach adult maturity.
To you, father figure imagery which is so very important to young girls and man-boy bonding as so desired and yearned for by young boys are both your enemies in your sick, perverted redesign of society ever driven by lesbianism in union relationships which requires moral relativism as a basis to eliminate all male influence within the child - parent growing and nurturing process.