The Relentless Feminist War Against Men in America.

Lol, I would be overjoyed to hear you never had children, that all women denied you reproductive rights, but I have a feeling some poor soul has to take care of your sorry butt.

I can't find your previous comments where I listed father - son activities and your proclamation that you did all these things better than men ever could but it's a good example of just how desperately you want men neutralized in the societal structure of man - woman relationships and marriage. Man - boy bonding is what you oppose which is essential as the first step to responsible manhood for young boys. Father - son activity is what you resent in feminizing boys and all of society in general.

The father as the authoritarian figure for the children both boy and girl is what you are in the process of destroying on purpose. The authoritarian father who's disliked by the off spring in their very early years and hated especially by the daughter during the teen aged years then loved, admired, and respected by both and all siblings in their young adult years as they are thankful and understanding of how valuable male father figure tough love was to all the off spring once they reach adult maturity.

To you, father figure imagery which is so very important to young girls and man-boy bonding as so desired and yearned for by young boys are both your enemies in your sick, perverted redesign of society ever driven by lesbianism in union relationships which requires moral relativism as a basis to eliminate all male influence within the child - parent growing and nurturing process.
I can't find your previous comments where I listed father - son activities and your proclamation that you did all these things better than men ever could but it's a good example of just how desperately you want men neutralized in the societal structure of man - woman relationships and marriage. Man - boy bonding is what you oppose which is essential as the first step to responsible manhood for young boys. Father - son activity is what you resent in feminizing boys and all of society in general.

The father as the authoritarian figure for the children both boy and girl is what you are in the process of destroying on purpose. The authoritarian father who's disliked by the off spring in their very early years and hated especially by the daughter during the teen aged years then loved, admired, and respected by both and all siblings in their young adult years as they are thankful and understanding of how valuable male father figure tough love was to all the off spring once they reach adult maturity.

To you, father figure imagery which is so very important to young girls and man-boy bonding as so desired and yearned for by young boys are both your enemies in your sick, perverted redesign of society ever driven by lesbianism in union relationships which requires moral relativism as a basis to eliminate all male influence within the child - parent growing and nurturing process.

Dude only groans because he doesn't see through the fog he creates smoking that DOPE, to see you're right.
Dude only groans because he doesn't see through the fog he creates smoking that DOPE, to see you're right.

This lunacy by the feminists includes father-son bonding which is more important than mother-son bonding at the boy's early age after the mother's milk nurturing period because they claim that that important bonding is discriminatory against women because men cannot bond better with boys than women can.

The separated man ordered by the court out of his home gets usually two days a week to spend time with his son and sometimes less than that. She gets at least five days to fill his head with poison against the boy's father and to feminize him.

That's not a fair fight.
This lunacy by the feminists includes father-son bonding which is more important than mother-son bonding at the boy's early age after the mother's milk nurturing period because they claim that that important bonding is discriminatory against women because men cannot bond better with boys than women can.

The separated man ordered by the court out of his home gets usually two days a week to spend time with his son and sometimes less than that. She gets at least five days to fill his head with poison against the boy's father and to feminize him.

That's not a fair fight.

Time you read some Freud? But, then, Oedipus tended to be a bit short on vision in his later years! :)
I wish someone had nipped this feminist thing in the bud. Now it's too late. Like weeds. You have to pull out the first weed or you're fucked. The one I could never understand was Steinmane, the one in the picture. You can't tell there but when she was young she was damned good looking. She could get a man. What was her problem? Probably a birth defect. Maybe her mother smoked. Or her mother could have been fat. But you know therw was a problem somewhere there.

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Philly Cheesesteak is an effeminate freak who wants real men to give-up things like competitive sports. To hear him wail about feminism is hilarious, when, it would seem that they've already succeeded in emasculating him.
Some men are so insecure in their manhood they must criticize women, bring them down a notch. Any threat to their presumed superiority is met with anguished cries that women are castrating their souls. Weird and weak I think. Why not simply acknowledge our history and go with the flow, why stew in this frightened state. The picture I have is Philly flexing his muscles all alone as no strong women would put up with such a weak man. LOL
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Philly Cheesesteak is an effeminate freak who wants real men to give-up things like competitive sports. To hear him wail about feminism is hilarious, when, it would seem that they've already succeeded in emasculating him.

You go to Hell you troll punk in your football shirt.

Your God gives you the authority to mass murder millions in the name of social justice. You are a pathetic, Calvinist, puritan, self righteous moral midget.

Those who mass kill in the name of God are vermin.
Some men are so insecure in their manhood they must criticize women, bring them down a notch. Any threat to their presumed superiority is met with anguished cries that women are castrating their souls. Weird and weak I think. Why not simply acknowledge our history and go with the flow, why stew in this frightened state. The picture I have is Philly flexing his muscles all alone as no strong women would put up with such a weak man. LOL

The feminists are responsible for the destruction of the entire social structure of the country.

Midcan fucks 'em, gets 'em knocked up, then goes down the road, all planned that way by feminists. If he fucks 'em and gets 'em knocked up when they don't want to be, then the abortion chamber comes into play with Midcan still long down the road.

Meanwhile millions of fatherless children are wards of the state costing tax payers billions of dollars every year because these young girls buy into the feminist bullshit that they can have it all. They can't have it all and it's about time somebody exposed this feminist lie.

I just did.
Some men are so insecure in their manhood they must criticize women, bring them down a notch. Any threat to their presumed superiority is met with anguished cries that women are castrating their souls. Weird and weak I think. Why not simply acknowledge our history and go with the flow, why stew in this frightened state. The picture I have is Philly flexing his muscles all alone as no strong women would put up with such a weak man. LOL
I don't share many of the views of Philly but he is a Vietnam vet, so I doubt that he is insecure about his manhood. You come across as some kind of primping metrosexual who would shit himself if he ran out of facial scrub and moisturiser.

Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk
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You go to Hell you troll punk in your football shirt.

Your God gives you the authority to mass murder millions in the name of social justice. You are a pathetic, Calvinist, puritan, self righteous moral midget.

Those who mass kill in the name of God are vermin.

What have you got against Calvinism, and when the fuck did I become a puritan? Is this you admitting that you are a failed she-man who deserves to rot in hell?
Some men are so insecure in their manhood they must criticize women, bring them down a notch. Any threat to their presumed superiority is met with anguished cries that women are castrating their souls.

I don't share many of the views of Philly but he is a Vietnam vet, so I doubt that he is insecure about his manhood.

I guess it's always possible he's also one o' the 5 million people who SWORE they'd attended Woodstock.
You go to Hell you troll punk in your football shirt.

Your God gives you the authority to mass murder millions in the name of social justice. You are a pathetic, Calvinist, puritan, self righteous moral midget.

Those who mass kill in the name of God are vermin.

Those who kill in the name of the white race are noble, though, eh?
What have you got against Calvinism, and when the fuck did I become a puritan? Is this you admitting that you are a failed she-man who deserves to rot in hell?

When you kill for some phony righteous cause, a lot of innocent people die and get seriously injured. People suffer prolonged agony. Children starve and die unnecessarily due to lack of medicine. Older seniors are cast out into the streets because their homes are burned out underneath them.

You are a fraud moralist who thinks you have the authority to kill from a higher calling. You're a typical Calvinist who cannot mind your own business and you hate those who don't live as you do and behave like you don't.

I .. am an angelical Christian who practices live and let live. I don't kill due to some phony higher calling like you do or Leon does with his race baiting.

I'm a better person than you are .. punk. In fact, I'm one of the best people in this forum.