the Republican party cant win without racists votes

no you fucking idiot

he is wrong

stop being so fucking racist

LOL, so you think Ice Cube is the only black person complaining? The articles and videos I posted don't really exist? Michelle Alexander's book doesn't exist? This is all a conspiracy?
As long as Trump wins and Crooked ILLary wins, the don't give a flying fuck who votes for him

I hope that Trump's victory leads Deshtard into a crack fueled rage that leads to her going all Beefy

read and learn

A Very Brief History of Super-Predators

Kevin DrumMar. 3, 2016 1:04 PM

In 1995, the criminologist and political scientist John DiIulio was invited to the White House to attend a working dinner on juvenile crime. "President Clinton took copious notes and asked lots of questions," he reported. So what did DiIulio tell him? In late 1995 DiIulio wrote a magazine article that gives us a pretty good taste:

The Coming of the Super-Predators

We're talking about kids who have absolutely no respect for human life and no sense of the future....And make no mistake. While the trouble will be greatest in black inner-city neighborhoods, other places are also certain to have burgeoning youth-crime problems that will spill over into upscale central-city districts, inner-ring suburbs, and even the rural heartland.

...."They kill or maim on impulse, without any intelligible motive"....The buzz of impulsive violence, the vacant stares and smiles, and the remorseless eyes....they quite literally have no concept of the future....they place zero value on the lives of their victims, whom they reflexively dehumanize.... capable of committing the most heinous acts of physical violence for the most trivial reasons....for as long as their youthful energies hold out, they will do what comes "naturally": murder, rape, rob, assault, burglarize, deal deadly drugs, and get high.

It's hardly surprising that this made an impression. A couple of months later, in early 1996, Hillary Clinton gave a speech about her husband's anti-crime agenda. In particular, she noted his efforts against drug gangs:

We also have to have an organized effort against gangs, just as in a previous generation we had an organized effort against the mob. We need to take these people on. They are often connected to big drug cartels, they are not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called "super-predators"—no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.

As we all know, DiIulio turned out to be wrong about the future of crime. Juvenile crime didn't continue to get worse, it got better. But he didn't know that at the time, and neither did Bill or Hillary Clinton. All they knew at the time was that DiIulio and many others were telling them about a growing number of kids who were impulsive, remorseless, violent, and had no conception of what their actions meant for their future.

its was a current study
Yes Desh, we are all individuals. Do you have any examples of black people saying the Superpredator comment was ok?
Your racism is showing through again. All you care is how black people vote. You don't care what they actually think or about their issues.

That is why she is so upset. I just saw a poll where Crooked ILLary is only pulling 75% of the black vote. That is devastating if it is true AND it holds. She cannot win with only 75% of the black vote.
where is your evidence the commentors you offered know where the phrase came from

Nice deflection attempt Desh. Hillary said it.

You claim these are just individuals mad at her. Show some black people who say it's ok
Wow!!!!! So black people are uninformed because they are upset the First Lady called certain black folks Superpredators.

This is surreal
If other people say offense/racist things that makes it ok for Hillary to say it?

So I see how your pecking order works. Hillary takes precedent over black folks
What's crazy is that if somebody else posted that, she'd go into her standard racist rant!!!

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