The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

Capitalism is good, but it can be, and is, corrupt in America. We have media sources and ignorant Americans pushing for a bigger and bigger pay gap. Most of these ignorant Americans are poor ones who think they will earn more once their boss earns more, because their boss told them so.

No one ever stated that the rich shouldn't be rich or the invested and educated individual shouldn't make more money........but when is the line drawn? Do we have to see another depression like the Great Depression where people would line up in masses for a days work for pennies while the rich lived overly lavish lifestyles while the poor suffered and couldn't even pay for their families meals?

People do realize that when a select few hold all the money, only a select few buy products and we see recession/depression.............(R)ight? When the rich are just rich, instead of SUPER rich and the average person makes a decent wage is when our Country prospers. Yes, the Rich have to budget money too.........imagine that. And this isn't an attack on the rich, this is an attack for more equality in which the rich will still be rich, just not taking ALL the profits but respecting the workers as a team member.........Not Trumping around stating "I Built That by myself, my workers are expendable"...Let me tell you..NO business is successful with bad workers...So if you have a business that is have good workers. If they aren't good workers, they are replaced and the good worker that takes that job deserves good worker pay.

Many on here have stated in these talks that "It's not your business what the top takes, if they want to buy 3 mansions and an island it's not your choice, it's a free market" I answer better believe it is our business buddy. And the people can do something about it. The workers CAN stop working to demand more. In a situation like Wal-Mart today, they SHOULD stop working and demand more, I've never met a person that worked at Wal-Mart and said they treated them fairly, and I've met dozens. Yet the daughter of Sam Walton, Christie is worth $28.2Billion as a solo individual............................................................................................................................................................................................(do some wage math and see what 1 billion can do for the workers........maybe even 2..............or is it "How dare you, Christie deserves all of that, not the multi-thousand workers trying to provide for their families" you get it yet?...How much is enough?.....A top psychiatrist for the rich recently had a discussion on the biggest problem and it was "I just can't get enough".

Even the poor are giving 3.2% to charities and the richest are giving 1.3% "Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

Answer; It's all greed driven. Fox News/RW media and greedy rich are convincing the poor that they need to coddle the rich in order to make more money. Even when Corporation profits are at an all time high and workers wages are at an all time low.

I heard this "extremeist" comment before but I'm beginning to believe it, "The Right wants to cut education funding because if everyone is educated, who will they take money from?". These people were correct. Rich people are rich because they take it from the middle class/poor. "Convince the uneducated they need something, and they buy it~sales basics". Today I recognize equality is a bitch for people who are superficial and can't find other ways to shine. Today I believe the rich should still be rich..........but I think they should budget their money like everyone else, perhaps sell 2 yachats....sell the island....provide for your kids and not your great, great, great, great grandkids because if they run the business correctly, they will do just fine without the inheritance....

Superficial, ignorant money driven minds are the worst minds in the world, not just America. This has been a problem since before we recorded it. "The abuse of buying and selling votes crept in and money began to play an important part of determining elections. Later on, this process of corruption spread to the law courts. And then to the Army, and finally the Republic was subjected to the rule of emperors~Plutarch 120 A.D."...............I wonder if they learned anything yet but know they didn't read this far.
Too much brain talk always ends in a dead topic. I know to keep the topic short, but a brainy topic is never short.

Capitalism is good, but it can be, and is, corrupt in America. We have media sources and ignorant Americans pushing for a bigger and bigger pay gap. Most of these ignorant Americans are poor ones who think they will earn more once their boss earns more, because their boss told them so.

No one ever stated that the rich shouldn't be rich or the invested and educated individual shouldn't make more money........but when is the line drawn? Do we have to see another depression like the Great Depression where people would line up in masses for a days work for pennies while the rich lived overly lavish lifestyles while the poor suffered and couldn't even pay for their families meals?

People do realize that when a select few hold all the money, only a select few buy products and we see recession/depression.............(R)ight? When the rich are just rich, instead of SUPER rich and the average person makes a decent wage is when our Country prospers. Yes, the Rich have to budget money too.........imagine that. And this isn't an attack on the rich, this is an attack for more equality in which the rich will still be rich, just not taking ALL the profits but respecting the workers as a team member.........Not Trumping around stating "I Built That by myself, my workers are expendable"...Let me tell you..NO business is successful with bad workers...So if you have a business that is have good workers. If they aren't good workers, they are replaced and the good worker that takes that job deserves good worker pay.

Many on here have stated in these talks that "It's not your business what the top takes, if they want to buy 3 mansions and an island it's not your choice, it's a free market" I answer better believe it is our business buddy. And the people can do something about it. The workers CAN stop working to demand more. In a situation like Wal-Mart today, they SHOULD stop working and demand more, I've never met a person that worked at Wal-Mart and said they treated them fairly, and I've met dozens. Yet the daughter of Sam Walton, Christie is worth $28.2Billion as a solo individual............................................................................................................................................................................................(do some wage math and see what 1 billion can do for the workers........maybe even 2..............or is it "How dare you, Christie deserves all of that, not the multi-thousand workers trying to provide for their families" you get it yet?...How much is enough?.....A top psychiatrist for the rich recently had a discussion on the biggest problem and it was "I just can't get enough".

Even the poor are giving 3.2% to charities and the richest are giving 1.3% "Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

Answer; It's all greed driven. Fox News/RW media and greedy rich are convincing the poor that they need to coddle the rich in order to make more money. Even when Corporation profits are at an all time high and workers wages are at an all time low.

I heard this "extremeist" comment before but I'm beginning to believe it, "The Right wants to cut education funding because if everyone is educated, who will they take money from?". These people were correct. Rich people are rich because they take it from the middle class/poor. "Convince the uneducated they need something, and they buy it~sales basics". Today I recognize equality is a bitch for people who are superficial and can't find other ways to shine. Today I believe the rich should still be rich..........but I think they should budget their money like everyone else, perhaps sell 2 yachats....sell the island....provide for your kids and not your great, great, great, great grandkids because if they run the business correctly, they will do just fine without the inheritance....

Superficial, ignorant money driven minds are the worst minds in the world, not just America. This has been a problem since before we recorded it. "The abuse of buying and selling votes crept in and money began to play an important part of determining elections. Later on, this process of corruption spread to the law courts. And then to the Army, and finally the Republic was subjected to the rule of emperors~Plutarch 120 A.D."...............I wonder if they learned anything yet but know they didn't read this far.

Your first sentence is a bogus premise and therefore the rest of your screed is not worth answering. Capitalism in and of itself cannot be corrupt. People can be corrupt.

Capitalism is good, but it can be, and is, corrupt in America. We have media sources and ignorant Americans pushing for a bigger and bigger pay gap. Most of these ignorant Americans are poor ones who think they will earn more once their boss earns more, because their boss told them so. .

Clearly we should all be brilliant like the left and listen to them. That way, when they tax my boss to spread his wealth around, I can happily believe he will just suck up the loss of his income and it won't impact my life at all. Because actions don't have reactions, he will just shrug his shoulders and say "Oh well, that's less for me."

No, he'd NEVER cut back on his hired help and make me lose my job. Employers are not in the business of making money. They're in the business of providing a community service in distributing money to people.

But hey! If I'm wrong, what the heck? The Democrats will take care of me, I'll collect money directly from the government and vote Democrat for the rest of my life.

I would seriously consider listening to your boss. Chances are he's created more jobs than Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Reid ever have.
Your first sentence is a bogus premise and therefore the rest of your screed is not worth answering. Capitalism in and of itself cannot be corrupt. People can be corrupt.

In other words "I didn't read it because I'm scared I might learn something"....I knew you wouldn't read it, you hate new information. Cults are never allowed to take in new information or they are shunned.
Clearly we should all be brilliant like the left and listen to them. That way, when they tax my boss to spread his wealth around, I can happily believe he will just suck up the loss of his income and it won't impact my life at all. Because actions don't have reactions, he will just shrug his shoulders and say "Oh well, that's less for me."

No, he'd NEVER cut back on his hired help and make me lose my job. Employers are not in the business of making money. They're in the business of providing a community service in distributing money to people.

But hey! If I'm wrong, what the heck? The Democrats will take care of me, I'll collect money directly from the government and vote Democrat for the rest of my life.

I would seriously consider listening to your boss. Chances are he's created more jobs than Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Reid ever have.

Another one that didn't The post has little to do with taxation..

This post is about the top budgeting their money better to provide better for their workers. It's about respecting the workers that help them get so far and squashing this attitude of "I did it alone and I'll just take all of those profits"

ALSO, If the anti-outsourcing bill of 2010 would have passed it WOULD have created thousands of jobs. But the Right all voted no to it......tell me what sense that makes.....fighting against a good bill just because Obama backs it is bad for America. We could even talk about "Jobs for veterans" that was voted down by the Right. Wake up kid.
You people better believe this is going to be fixed in some way shape or form. I have no doubt also that this will be the main talking topic of the next Presidential debate.

There has already been discussion to raise minimum wage to close this pay gap a bit. And we have seen people unionizing to demand more money. But if these Corporations would pay fair pay, none of this would have to happen.
Let me guess anti party is obviously not wealthy
We have the most upward mobility
And the most rich
The fatest well feed poor
But thanks libtards on economics are funny as shit
Let me guess anti party is obviously not wealthy
We have the most upward mobility
And the most rich
The fatest well feed poor
But thanks libtards on economics are funny as shit

lol... even better than that. He doesn't want it done through taxation, but rather on a voluntary basis inspired by his personal brilliance.

hahahaha. "I think everyone in the world should chip in and buy me a Maserati. That's a good idea, isn't it?"
Let me guess anti party is obviously not wealthy
We have the most upward mobility
And the most rich
The fatest well feed poor
But thanks libtards on economics are funny as shit

Economics. When the middle class and lower class can't afford products, economy is bad. It's not rocket science kiddo
lol... even better than that. He doesn't want it done through taxation, but rather on a voluntary basis inspired by his personal brilliance.

hahahaha. "I think everyone in the world should chip in and buy me a Maserati. That's a good idea, isn't it?"

This is about Unions, not hand-outs lol. People should really READ before replying. Uneducated fools.

Note; Unions aren't needed when workers are paid what they deserve. And when Unions get involved, instead of a select few that deserve a raise getting one, EVERYONE gets the raise even if they don't deserve it.

This isn't new, this isn't my idea, this is old news. You kids don't know anything about the Great Depression and the path out of it..
This is about Unions, not hand-outs lol. People should really READ before replying. Uneducated fools.

Note; Unions aren't needed when workers are paid what they deserve. And when Unions get involved, instead of a select few that deserve a raise getting one, EVERYONE gets the raise even if they don't deserve it.

This isn't new, this isn't my idea, this is old news. You kids don't know anything about the Great Depression and the path out of it..
Unions, what are you like 100

This is about Unions, not hand-outs lol. People should really READ before replying. Uneducated fools.

Really? Then why didn't you mention unions until your FIFTH post in this thread?

People really should learn to get the point, uneducated fools.
I like The Dude.

Liked him in the Big Lebowski. Like him here. :good4u:

Too many nihilists here for me though.