The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

You brought up calories
My point is the poor are far from starving, unlike most other countries.

Well, damn, then you should make your point in the first place. I figured you were saying because they were overweight they had plenty of money.

Yeppers, 99cent meal McDonald's can get people calories. Doesn't mean they have plenty of money.
Well, damn, then you should make your point in the first place. I figured you were saying because they were overweight they had plenty of money.

Yeppers, 99cent meal McDonald's can get people calories. Doesn't mean they have plenty of money.
That's on you
We have the worlds best economy by far!
Is it perfect, no way
Again, I'm for a much higher min wage
Not political attacks on great companies
Well, damn, then you should make your point in the first place. I figured you were saying because they were overweight they had plenty of money.

Yeppers, 99cent meal McDonald's can get people calories. Doesn't mean they have plenty of money.

47 million people in this country don't need money to buy food. Or to pay their rent. Or their healthcare.
47 million people in this country don't need money to buy food. Or to pay their rent. Or their healthcare.

Now, you could probably get away with a statement like that on Fox News, but on here you need to back it up. I need to see your numbers on rent assistance and healthcare, thanks
Now, you could probably get away with a statement like that on Fox News, but on here you need to back it up. I need to see your numbers on rent assistance and healthcare, thanks

So you agree with the food stamp numbers?
Yes, there are that many elderly, children, disabled, military, working poor on food stamps.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program's enrollment has risen from 26 million in 2005 to 47 million today, pushing its annual cost to nearly $80 billion -- but costs would be much higher if everyone eligible for benefits actually received them. In fact, contrary to the idea that America's poor people are collectively gorging themselves on food stamps, they're actually leaving food on the table.

Of course, since repubs cut funding for SNAP out of the farm bill, guess that's 47 million people that will be going hungry.... proud of that, repubs?

SNAP is targeted at the most vulnerable.

76% of SNAP households included a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person. These vulnerable households receive 83% of all SNAP benefits.
SNAP eligibility is limited to households with gross income of no more than 130% of the federal poverty guideline, but the majority of households have income well below the maximum: 83% of SNAP households have gross income at or below 100% of the poverty guideline ($19,530 for a family of 3 in 2013), and these households receive about 91% of all benefits. 61% of SNAP households have gross income at or below 75% of the poverty guideline ($14,648 for a family of 3 in 2013).[ii]
The average SNAP household has a gross monthly income of $744; net monthly income of $338 after the standard deduction and, for certain households, deductions for child care, medical expenses, and shelter costs; and countable resources of $331, such as a bank account.[iii]
The thing the idiot Right Bangers never question, recognize or attack is Government Fraud.

The programs are in place to help the needy, not the moochers.

The Right AND Left need to find a way to keep the moochers out of programs meant for the truly needy. Until then the Right Wing holds the argument "Everyone on welfare is a moocher" and the Left holds the argument "Everyone on welfare is needy" and the truly disabled get sick of this.
lol... even better than that. He doesn't want it done through taxation, but rather on a voluntary basis inspired by his personal brilliance.

hahahaha. "I think everyone in the world should chip in and buy me a Maserati. That's a good idea, isn't it?"

The thing the idiot Right Bangers never question, recognize or attack is Government Fraud.

The programs are in place to help the needy, not the moochers.

The Right AND Left need to find a way to keep the moochers out of programs meant for the truly needy. Until then the Right Wing holds the argument "Everyone on welfare is a moocher" and the Left holds the argument "Everyone on welfare is needy" and the truly disabled get sick of this.

Wow! Holy crap on a cracker! What a brilliant idea...eliminate welfare fraud and save the programs for the truly needy. I can't believe no one ever thought of that.

[sarcasm off]

What are you, like 12 years-old and on your parents' computer? Here's the history of welfare:

Every time the liberals propose expanding the welfare state they do so by promising to eliminate welfare fraud. "Once we eliminate all of the fraud, this program will pay for itself!"

Then they do nothing because the welfare frauds always vote Democrat. That's been the story for decades. Hack politicians using my tax money to buy themselves votes.

As for dipping into their own pockets, conservatives have always been more generous with charities. Just Google for a comparison of Mitt Romney's charitable donations vs. Joe Biden's.
In other words "I didn't read it because I'm scared I might learn something"....I knew you wouldn't read it, you hate new information. Cults are never allowed to take in new information or they are shunned.

Something new....???? thats the same old shit you pinheads have been whining about since the days of Karl Marx ...

Don't make enough money ? Quit your fuckin' job and go into business for yourself.....then YOU can give your 50,000 employees a big raise and live
happily ever after.....
Economics. When the middle class and lower class can't afford products, economy is bad. It's not rocket science kiddo

Yeah....when the middle class and lower class can't get anything bigger than a 42" flat screen, enough is enough........
Wow! Holy crap on a cracker! What a brilliant idea...eliminate welfare fraud and save the programs for the truly needy. I can't believe no one ever thought of that.

[sarcasm off]

What are you, like 12 years-old and on your parents' computer? Here's the history of welfare:

Every time the liberals propose expanding the welfare state they do so by promising to eliminate welfare fraud. "Once we eliminate all of the fraud, this program will pay for itself!"

Then they do nothing because the welfare frauds always vote Democrat. That's been the story for decades. Hack politicians using my tax money to buy themselves votes.

As for dipping into their own pockets, conservatives have always been more generous with charities. Just Google for a comparison of Mitt Romney's charitable donations vs. Joe Biden's.

So little education and such a big mouth.

Why is it just the Lefts responsibility to police welfare fraud when nearly every Right Winger I've ever known states they want to help the truly needy/disabled through taxation. Maybe it's time they talked to their Congressmen and let them know, because today, it's either end it or get more of it.

I will say that the ONLY person last election that even mentioned welfare fraud was Obama when he talked about fighting it. (he doesn't, but at least he recognized it)

It's basically "Stop our tax dollars helping the blind, they should find a way to be better, enabling them makes them more needy" ..You do know what DISABLED actually means (R)ight? Or are you more focused on the vast number of people that were declared disabled by the top % doctors who are paid to screen disability?
nearly every Right Winger I've ever known states they want to help the truly needy/disabled through taxation.

It's basically "Stop our tax dollars helping the blind, they should find a way to be better, enabling them makes them more needy" ..

I can't really argue with this post of yours because you took both sides. Pick a side and we can continue the discussion.