The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

Let me know when you can bring more than not everyone can.

Wow. Persuasive. Are you not aware that a thriving middle class is what has allowed the financial sector and many businesses to even thrive in the first place? Your unreasoning love of cruelty and destruction is what is destroying our fine nation.
Wow. Persuasive. Are you not aware that a thriving middle class is what has allowed the financial sector and many businesses to even thrive in the first place? Your unreasoning love of cruelty and destruction is what is destroying our fine nation.
We have a very thriving middle class
You reTard
s. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

It's top ten percent,
Very easy to do

No...31.3 million would be top ten's real.easy to do....take.313 million and take a.decimal.point away.

5 million millionaires is a little more than guess what? 1%....exactly.the problem.
This "Government intrustion is making it hard for me to make money" line is rich with the rich. The Rich actually OWN Government ever since you decided Corporations are people. How is that working out for you?

I'm not rich by any stretch of your uninformed emotionally hysterical mind; and I say it.

I deal with Government on a weekly basis and can see how it stifles enterprise, the ability to get anything done and to start a business; I own my own.

Please spare me your weak koolaid laced talking points.
Wow. Persuasive. Are you not aware that a thriving middle class is what has allowed the financial sector and many businesses to even thrive in the first place? Your unreasoning love of cruelty and destruction is what is destroying our fine nation.

Another brain dead leftist who mindlessly parrots the brain idiot talking points of Obama. You really are an asshatZombie.
Too much brain talk always ends in a dead topic. I know to keep the topic short, but a brainy topic is never short.

There's nothing intelligent about your incredibly dumb premises and theories; how does one respond to stupid? This is why there is a lack of response.

At some point, people with a modicum of intelligence realize that it is fruitless to engage dullards and idiots in debate because it will only lead to the never ending circle of stupidity where dullards like you are proven wrong in their strawman premise only to engage in the next false dullard claim eventually leading back to the original false dullard claim.

No one pushing for a bigger pay gap thinking that if their bosses make more, they will; dumbass.
The thing the idiot Right Bangers never question, recognize or attack is Government Fraud.

The programs are in place to help the needy, not the moochers.

The Right AND Left need to find a way to keep the moochers out of programs meant for the truly needy. Until then the Right Wing holds the argument "Everyone on welfare is a moocher" and the Left holds the argument "Everyone on welfare is needy" and the truly disabled get sick of this.

The clueless brain dead left supporting this buffoon of a President don't have the intelligence of an ant. If there were jobs being created in this failed Obama led recovery, you wouldn't have to worry about moochers and massive welfare programs.

But dullards on the left are too clueless to comprehend the OBVIOUS; they're more inclined to cluelessly parroting the Marxist class envy rhetoric of the DNC.