The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

Hey extremist retard; he isn't talking about the poor driving maseratis. That is your personal fantasy (which you will never achieve).
He is talking about fair pay for fair work. Nothing more, but keep trying to change the subject anyway, because we wouldn't want to address the simple truth, would we?

Who in this country is being forced to work for less money than they think they should be paid?
No. You and your mom are. Why do you want to destroy america with globalization?

You didn't answer the question; who in this country is being forced to work for pay they feel is not adequate?

Why do you want to pretend that in a global economy we can shrink behind our borders and pretend we are not part of the world?

What nation ever prospered through protectionism? Here let me help you because you appear to be lazy and stupid; NONE.