The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

*sigh*. Indeed. I had just read something to effect that this is the highest 1000 day average of gas prices in US history.

The point the Rune missed was that Bush took the blame. Obama doesn't.

In the summer before the 2004 election, Kerry revealed Bush had a secret plan with the Saudis to drive down gas prices at election time. In fact, at election time gas prices were on the rise. Bush got blamed for both the secret plan that didn't exist *and* the high gas prices.

And Bush was blamed for a flu vaccine shortage, which was repeated last year with no talk of it being Obama's fault.

Free government goodies wash away liberals' memories, like those flashlights in "Men in Black."

Fuckballs; No one gives a fuck what you supposedly read. You want to make a point link to the article, otherwise you are just blithering as usual.

2. The rest of your post is just annectdotal as well.

Let me show you what you are doing; Bush himself claimed there was nothing he could do about oil prices.

See how that works? Rhetoric but no proof. I understand that since you believe everything Rush says without question, you assume the rest of us do also, but that is not the case.
Fuckballs; No one gives a fuck what you supposedly read. You want to make a point link to the article, otherwise you are just blithering as usual.

Why? You're just going to ignore it and respond with more vulgarities.

U.S. gas prices have set a record — spending 1,000 consecutive days above $3 a gallon. This level, AAA warns, may be the new norm.

Gas prices have fluctuated but AAA points out that, on average, Americans have not paid less than $3 per gallon since Dec. 23, 2010.

Monday, the national average was $3.52 per gallon and prices have been above $3.50 for over half of this 1,000-day streak.
What happened to monopoly laws? All we are seeing these days are monopoly's. Everyone is getting ran out of a chance of business. And just like the Great Depression era, the monopolies are controlling the government and using them to squash any kind of competition.

Dupont squashed hemp. Big oil squashed electric cars. etc etc Yet these morons keep guarding Corporations stating "They are people my friend"..
What happened to monopoly laws? All we are seeing these days are monopoly's. Everyone is getting ran out of a chance of business. And just like the Great Depression era, the monopolies are controlling the government and using them to squash any kind of competition.

Dupont squashed hemp. Big oil squashed electric cars. etc etc Yet these morons keep guarding Corporations stating "They are people my friend"..
What a broom sweeper!
Bet you can't even afford an electric car/golf cart
Somehow this is President Obama's fault? Speculators and oil companies have nothing to do with it? Does Obama set the price of gas?

Now it is President Obama's fault, yes.

All of those years the left blamed President Bush, I said it wasn't the president's fault because oil is a global commodity and he does not have personal control over that. However, the rules were set by the left and the media who constantly hammered Bush over gas prices.

So normally I would agree with your assessment, but sorry, the left made the rules and now it's time for them to quit whining and lay in the bed they made.
Now it is President Obama's fault, yes.

All of those years the left blamed President Bush, I said it wasn't the president's fault because oil is a global commodity and he does not have personal control over that. However, the rules were set by the left and the media who constantly hammered Bush over gas prices.

So normally I would agree with your assessment, but sorry, the left made the rules and now it's time for them to quit whining and lay in the bed they made.

You are funnier than shit, except shit isn't funny.

Gas prices were not Baby Bush's fault. Nor are they Obama's fault. Your partisanship is showing.
Now it is President Obama's fault, yes.

All of those years the left blamed President Bush, I said it wasn't the president's fault because oil is a global commodity and he does not have personal control over that. However, the rules were set by the left and the media who constantly hammered Bush over gas prices.

So normally I would agree with your assessment, but sorry, the left made the rules and now it's time for them to quit whining and lay in the bed they made.

The left blamed bush, but you know that's not right. Now you're insisting on the same bad logic?

Does the left really make the rules? Please try to rise above things. If all you can offer is mirror image errors, you dont have much to offer.
Terribly sorry, but if the left sets the standards, then they also have to be held to their own standards. Terribly sorry, but I don't believe in altering the national narrative based on which party is in the White House, which is now naturally what liberals advocate. They made their bed; they must lie in it.

And since nobody on this forum seems to have a memory that stretches back further than last night's brisket, a little trip down memory lane:

With gas prices at a record high, Democrats Tuesday poured fuel on the debate over the soaring prices, accusing the Bush administration of failing to stabilize the market ahead of the summer vacation season.

Speaking at a Washington event, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe held up a gas can -- with the label "Can Bush" on it -- and said, "It is now time to can Bush."

"The Bush administration is in the pocket of big oil, and it is hurting Americans in the pocketbook," McAuliffe said. "They are so deep in the pocket of big oil, we need to drill down just to find them."

In Portland, Ore., presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry said, "We need a president who's fighting for the American worker, the American family at the fuel pumps to lower the price of gasoline in the United States."

Ten Democratic governors sent a joint letter to Bush Tuesday, saying the administration has "fallen short" on resolving the rising prices, "let alone addressing the concerns of American consumers."

"We strongly encourage you to direct the Department of Energy to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the entire gasoline pricing structure, the profits currently enjoyed by the industry and the cost being passed on to consumers," the letter says. It was signed by the governors of Arizona, Iowa, West Virginia, Michigan, Kansas, Missouri, Washington, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Maine.

The intensified criticism of the administration comes on the heels of a government report that said gas prices were at an all-time high, averaging $2.01 a gallon nationwide for regular unleaded -- up 52 cents from a year ago, and up 7.6 cents from just a week ago.

Pelosi in 2008:

Prices at the pump are a pain for all of us, but Speaker Pelosi is accusing President Bush of policies that have driven up the prices, and says she has a solution to bring prices down immediately,

“Mr. President, do not fill the strategic petroleum reserve with oil at record highs. Instead, take out the oil that we brought at a lower price to bring down the price of oil, to reduce the price at the pump,” says Speaker Pelosi.

And, here’s Pelosi in 2012:

“Wall Street profiteering, not oil shortages, is the cause of the price spike,” Pelosi said in a statement.

And my personal favorite:

ATLANTA, April 19 — Senator John Kerry attacked the Bush administration on Monday for what he called "a secret deal" with Saudi Arabia to cut oil prices in time to help the president in the November election.

Two days after an Israeli missile strike that killed the leader in Gaza of the militant group Hamas, Mr. Kerry also spoke of his record of support for Israel and promised that he would end what he called the United States' "sweetheart relationship" with Arab nations that support Palestinian terrorists.

Campaigning in South Florida before flying to Atlanta to raise money, Mr. Kerry seized upon a new book by the journalist Bob Woodward that recounts an Oval Office discussion of a potential invasion of Iraq. In that discussion, Mr. Kerry said, "the president, the vice president, the secretary of defense made a deal with Saudi Arabia that would deliver lower gas prices."

"But here's the catch," Mr. Kerry, the presumed Democratic presidential candidate, said at a gathering in Lake Worth, Fla. "The American people would have to wait until the election, until November of 2004," for the Saudis to lower oil prices.

"If this sounds wrong to you, that's because it is fundamentally wrong," Mr. Kerry declared before more than 1,000 people at Palm Beach Community College. "And if, as Bob Woodward reports, it is true that gas supplies and prices in America are tied to the American election, tied to a secret White House deal, that is outrageous and unacceptable to the people of America."
Terribly sorry, but if the left sets the standards, then they also have to be held to their own standards. Terribly sorry, but I don't believe in altering the national narrative based on which party is in the White House, which is now naturally what liberals advocate. They made their bed; they must lie in it.

And since nobody on this forum seems to have a memory that stretches back further than last night's brisket, a little trip down memory lane:

And my personal favorite:

Yes, idiot, politics is a dirty business full of lies and false acusations. It has always been so, since the first politician.

You could pull up ten thousand similar accounts and it would not change the facts. Speculators and oil companies are responsible for prices,

but keep lying, you are good at it, but I am sure you need to practice to stay that good.
Yes, idiot, politics is a dirty business full of lies and false acusations. It has always been so, since the first politician.

You could pull up ten thousand similar accounts and it would not change the facts. Speculators and oil companies are responsible for prices,

but keep lying, you are good at it, but I am sure you need to practice to stay that good.

Uhhh, I posted three links.

How does that make me a liar? What am I lying about?

If anything, the links show that the people at whose feet you grovel are liars.

The only thing you're good at is baseless ad hominems.
I do love the double standards though.

"Yes, Democrats do lie and make false accusations when a Republican is in the White House. But when a Democrat is in the White House Republicans should rise above that stuff."

Lol. Hypocrisy is the life blood of liberalism.
Terribly sorry, but if the left sets the standards, then they also have to be held to their own standards. Terribly sorry, but I don't believe in altering the national narrative based on which party is in the White House, which is now naturally what liberals advocate. They made their bed; they must lie in it.

And since nobody on this forum seems to have a memory that stretches back further than last night's brisket, a little trip down memory lane:

And my personal favorite:

Being obsessed with hypocrisy in politics will just wear you out.

What will really fix the economy? Why don't you deal with that?
Being obsessed with hypocrisy in politics will just wear you out.

What will really fix the economy? Why don't you deal with that?

I am.

What will fix this economy will be to marginalize this President and Senate until new ones can be seated.

If that means employing the very tactics they used to assume power, then so be it.

I do not feel compelled to fight under the Marquis of Queensbury rules while my opponent is allowed to fight under MMA rules.