The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

You didn't answer the question; who in this country is being forced to work for pay they feel is not adequate?

Why do you want to pretend that in a global economy we can shrink behind our borders and pretend we are not part of the world?

What nation ever prospered through protectionism? Here let me help you because you appear to be lazy and stupid; NONE.

I said everyone. That's still my answer.

And american did great prior to this hyperglobalized economy. now we're doing shitty. Do the logic.
I said everyone. That's still my answer.

So you're just a dullard who thinks saying something is without facts or substance makes it so?

Let me help you; NO ONE is forced to work for ANYONE in this country. There; it wasn't that hard now was it dipshit?

Carry on dumbass.
So you're just a dullard who thinks saying something is without facts or substance makes it so?

Let me help you; NO ONE is forced to work for ANYONE in this country. There; it wasn't that hard now was it dipshit?

Carry on dumbass.

We are forced by the conditions of existence to work. We work for shelter, for food etc. So we are forced to work, in reality, your neoconservative psychosis aside.
We are forced by the conditions of existence to work. We work for shelter, for food etc. So we are forced to work, in reality, your neoconservative psychosis aside.

That wasn't the question; who in this country is being forced to work for pay they feel is not adequate?

Yes we all have to work if we want to pay our bills and eat; but who is forced to work for someone they do not wish to for pay they do not think is fair? The answer is NO ONE.

Your dullard response suggests someone who would rather engage in brain dead antics and partisan hyperbole than deal with reality or the facts. This isn't a right or left issue or question; it is merely a question of reality and facts; two things that have been lacking in your posts.
The thing the idiot Right Bangers never question, recognize or attack is Government Fraud.

The programs are in place to help the needy, not the moochers.

The Right AND Left need to find a way to keep the moochers out of programs meant for the truly needy. Until then the Right Wing holds the argument "Everyone on welfare is a moocher" and the Left holds the argument "Everyone on welfare is needy" and the truly disabled get sick of this.

Fraud is, by definition, a form of deception. What are we really supposed to do to make this problem go away?
I actually disagree with you a bit here my friend.

I don't think the Democrats actually feel a need to deflect responsibility. Their allies in the news media have successfully established these figures as the new normal. For instance, if George Bush had these gasoline prices there would have been demonstrations in the streets.

Last year a flu vaccine shortage went by quietly, and I then I remembered how even flu vaccine shortages were George Bush's fault.

They're playing to an audience whose memory is washed clean repeatedly by a steady diet of government freebies.

:facepalm: Moron, Bush II did have these gas prices. Considering inflation, we are paying less for gas now. Idiot.
:facepalm: Moron, Bush II did have these gas prices. Considering inflation, we are paying less for gas now. Idiot.

Another incredibly stupid post from the forum dimwit:

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20

Of course what the dimwitted lefttard doesn't comprehend is the point; which was that when gas spiked at $4.09 a gallon during the Bush Presidency, shrill lefttards and their media mouthpieces basically accused Bush of helping his oil buddies get rich on the backs of the poor people. Today, with gas prices twice that of the Bush Presidency, not a word.

What it illustrates is the buffoons like hypocrisy of Liberal Democrats; but then you are a dimwitted asshat, how could you possibly comprehend even the obvious.

Democrats blame Bush for high gas prices

WASHINGTON (AP) — Consumer gasoline prices continue to soar as the Bush administration places too much emphasis on drilling reserves and not enough on alternative fuels, Democrats said Saturday.

In his party's weekly radio address, Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida noted that Brazil has announced it will achieve energy independence this year, something the United States has sought since the country's first oil crisis in the 1970s.

"In Brazil, drivers are filling up their cars with ethanol instead of gasoline," Nelson said. "And today in America, President Bush says, 'We have a serious problem. America is addicted to oil.'"

Nelson said Bush acknowledges the problem but refuses to enact policies to address the issue.

"The administration's emphasis is on drilling, a strategy many experts say won't make a dent in the U.S. oil problem," he said.

Nelson noted how the United States has just 3% of the world's oil reserves yet consumes 25% of oil production.

"We cannot drill our way out of this problem," he said.

Video Flashback: Obama and Democrats Blast Bush for High Gas Prices in 2008
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, February 25, 2012, 11:11 PM
:facepalm: Moron, Bush II did have these gas prices. Considering inflation, we are paying less for gas now. Idiot.

Another incredibly stupid post from the forum dimwit:

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20

Of course what the dimwitted lefttard doesn't comprehend is the point; which was that when gas spiked at $4.09 a gallon during the Bush Presidency, shrill lefttards and their media mouthpieces basically accused Bush of helping his oil buddies get rich on the backs of the poor people. Today, with gas prices twice that of the Bush Presidency, not a word.

What it illustrates is the buffoons like hypocrisy of Liberal Democrats; but then you are a dimwitted asshat, how could you possibly comprehend even the obvious.

Democrats blame Bush for high gas prices

WASHINGTON (AP) — Consumer gasoline prices continue to soar as the Bush administration places too much emphasis on drilling reserves and not enough on alternative fuels, Democrats said Saturday.

In his party's weekly radio address, Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida noted that Brazil has announced it will achieve energy independence this year, something the United States has sought since the country's first oil crisis in the 1970s.

"In Brazil, drivers are filling up their cars with ethanol instead of gasoline," Nelson said. "And today in America, President Bush says, 'We have a serious problem. America is addicted to oil.'"

Nelson said Bush acknowledges the problem but refuses to enact policies to address the issue.

"The administration's emphasis is on drilling, a strategy many experts say won't make a dent in the U.S. oil problem," he said.

Nelson noted how the United States has just 3% of the world's oil reserves yet consumes 25% of oil production.

"We cannot drill our way out of this problem," he said.

Video Flashback: Obama and Democrats Blast Bush for High Gas Prices in 2008
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, February 25, 2012, 11:11 PM
That wasn't the question; who in this country is being forced to work for pay they feel is not adequate?

Yes we all have to work if we want to pay our bills and eat; but who is forced to work for someone they do not wish to for pay they do not think is fair? The answer is NO ONE.

Your dullard response suggests someone who would rather engage in brain dead antics and partisan hyperbole than deal with reality or the facts. This isn't a right or left issue or question; it is merely a question of reality and facts; two things that have been lacking in your posts.

Again, my answer is everyone. Are you some kind of moron?
Again, my answer is everyone. Are you some kind of moron?

So you think that by constantly saying something that is totally stupid and false enough times, you think it will make your case. The only thing denser than your retarded commentaries is you thinking others are the morons.

Dismissed asshat; you're an idiot.
Another incredibly stupid post from the forum dimwit:

*sigh*. Indeed. I had just read something to effect that this is the highest 1000 day average of gas prices in US history.

The point the Rune missed was that Bush took the blame. Obama doesn't.

In the summer before the 2004 election, Kerry revealed Bush had a secret plan with the Saudis to drive down gas prices at election time. In fact, at election time gas prices were on the rise. Bush got blamed for both the secret plan that didn't exist *and* the high gas prices.

And Bush was blamed for a flu vaccine shortage, which was repeated last year with no talk of it being Obama's fault.

Free government goodies wash away liberals' memories, like those flashlights in "Men in Black."
So you think that by constantly saying something that is totally stupid and false enough times, you think it will make your case. The only thing denser than your retarded commentaries is you thinking others are the morons.

Dismissed asshat; you're an idiot.

No. I think repeating something that is true makes my case.