The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

I do love the double standards though.

"Yes, Democrats do lie and make false accusations when a Republican is in the White House. But when a Democrat is in the White House Republicans should rise above that stuff."

Lol. Hypocrisy is the life blood of liberalism.

You do realize you are attempting to argue with two of the biggest idiots on the forum right?

They're just dragging you down to their level. You would be better served not responding to their asinine vulgarity and just correct their lies unlinked. Otherwise you end up in a circle of stupidity designed to avoid truth, the facts and reality.

It is a fact that Liberal Democrats are incredible hypocrites and blamed Bush for high gas prices; but now they are incredible assholes claiming that their tactics don't count against their beloved Messiah. You can't expect to have a rational debate with assholes.
You do realize you are attempting to argue with two of the biggest idiots on the forum right?

They're just dragging you down to their level. You would be better served not responding to their asinine vulgarity and just correct their lies unlinked. Otherwise you end up in a circle of stupidity designed to avoid truth, the facts and reality.

It is a fact that Liberal Democrats are incredible hypocrites and blamed Bush for high gas prices; but now they are incredible assholes claiming that their tactics don't count against their beloved Messiah. You can't expect to have a rational debate with assholes.

Yes sir, I'm quite aware of that.

This is sort of like batting practice until a lib with a semblance of coherence comes along.
It is a fact that Liberal Democrats are incredible hypocrites

There’s no such animal as a “liberal” Democrat. They’re all a gang of fucking “LEFTIST” bastards. LIBERALS promote everything in the very, very liberal Bill Of Rights.

Why do y’all insist on labeling the leftist, socialist, communist bastards with a media conjured-up misnomer? Classical Liberalism is the beauty and soul of the American experiment.
There’s no such animal as a “liberal” Democrat. They’re all a gang of fucking “LEFTIST” bastards. LIBERALS promote everything in the very, very liberal Bill Of Rights.

Why do y’all insist on labeling the leftist, socialist, communist bastards with a media conjured-up misnomer? Classical Liberalism is the beauty and soul of the American experiment.

I know you are trying to refer back to the classic term of what Liberalism is; which would make me a Liberal:

lib·er·al·ism [lib-er-uh-liz-uhm, lib-ruh-] Show IPA

1. the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.

2. a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.

3. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) the principles and practices of a liberal party in politics.

4. a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptions, and the development of spiritual capacities.

But we're talking about Liberals in todays terms of taking an extremist left turn. So while I understand your ire and ranting about the true definition of Liberalism, we all do know that we are talking about the leftists buffoons who have coopted the term and now use it to piss on the Constitution.
I am.

What will fix this economy will be to marginalize this President and Senate until new ones can be seated.

If that means employing the very tactics they used to assume power, then so be it.

I do not feel compelled to fight under the Marquis of Queensbury rules while my opponent is allowed to fight under MMA rules.

What would you have the new president do to fix the economy? Anything specific?
For those wondering, the key to revitalizing our economy to stop outsourcing, offshoring, and importing workers.

In short, we need to reject the globalist ideology which is destroying us.
For those wondering, the key to revitalizing our economy to stop outsourcing, offshoring, and importing workers.

In short, we need to reject the globalist ideology which is destroying us.

You are the first person I've met on this forum that agrees with me on that. I think the Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010 would have been the biggest jobs bill in a long time but since this current GOP will fight against anything Obama stands for, even water, they voted it down. Or maybe it was labeled poorly because I know a lot of Right Wingers are title only readers and like to pretty up titles like the Patriot Act to push them through.
Ok, question you Right Wingers. I've had 3 people now tell me that the pay gap is because of big government and I haven't heard why. It sounds completely idiotic to me and I challenged all of you on it.

Explain to me how big government causes such a big rich/poor pay gap if you can.
Ok, question you Right Wingers. I've had 3 people now tell me that the pay gap is because of big government and I haven't heard why. It sounds completely idiotic to me and I challenged all of you on it.

Explain to me how big government causes such a big rich/poor pay gap if you can.

I’ll let the right-wingers speak for themselves since they are half of the racket while the left is the other half of the racket, i. e. Republicans and Democrats and their crony capitalist racketeering partners on Wall Street.

Here’s reality. BIG government likes to BIG regulate to convince the populace that it’s on top of BIG corruption in BIG corporations. The reality is BIG government and BIG corporations are BIG bed fellows. BIG regulations are only BIG roadblocks to medium and smaller corporations and businesses. BIG corporations are the only institutions that can afford them because they can afford to move their operations offshore to anyplace they like and they have the loot to diversify operations into every corner of the world. They can afford all of the lobbyist it takes to bribe their political friends in government. They can afford to bribe the politicians for BIG regulations that favor them and exclude competition from the lesser healed competitors. All it takes is campaign loot, insider trading information and promises of a job once their political partner in crime leaves the government. Even high tax rates become advantages for BIG corporations because they can afford to bribe loopholes and subsidies for themselves that exclude other competitors.

The system is rotten to the core. It’s not true capitalism, it’s crony capitalism/fascism. Both duopoly parties are guilty of it. The bastards buy and sell the markets on insider information. 60 minutes exposed that. Look at where the bastards go to work once they leave office. They make more money lobbying government than they made in government. The BIGGER the government is, the BIGGER the corruption is. It’s not complicated it’s a fucking Wall Street/Washington racket. It ain’t rocket science, it’s just plain ole bribery. The most amazing part of it all is the fact that the government/duopoly racketeers are able to keep the political division at near 50% in the country and stirred up, angry and pointing fingers at each other, when in reality the duopoly bastards are all in it together, with damn few, but a very few exceptions.
You are the first person I've met on this forum that agrees with me on that. I think the Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010 would have been the biggest jobs bill in a long time but since this current GOP will fight against anything Obama stands for, even water, they voted it down. Or maybe it was labeled poorly because I know a lot of Right Wingers are title only readers and like to pretty up titles like the Patriot Act to push them through.

Both parties have gatekeepers trying to keep anti-globalization sentiment out of the party, because they're both bought and paid for by multinational corporations, who love the short term profit pops of destroying countries with a high standard of living.
I’ll let the right-wingers speak for themselves since they are half of the racket while the left is the other half of the racket, i. e. Republicans and Democrats and their crony capitalist racketeering partners on Wall Street.

Here’s reality. BIG government likes to BIG regulate to convince the populace that it’s on top of BIG corruption in BIG corporations. The reality is BIG government and BIG corporations are BIG bed fellows. BIG regulations are only BIG roadblocks to medium and smaller corporations and businesses. BIG corporations are the only institutions that can afford them because they can afford to move their operations offshore to anyplace they like and they have the loot to diversify operations into every corner of the world. They can afford all of the lobbyist it takes to bribe their political friends in government. They can afford to bribe the politicians for BIG regulations that favor them and exclude competition from the lesser healed competitors. All it takes is campaign loot, insider trading information and promises of a job once their political partner in crime leaves the government. Even high tax rates become advantages for BIG corporations because they can afford to bribe loopholes and subsidies for themselves that exclude other competitors.

The system is rotten to the core. It’s not true capitalism, it’s crony capitalism/fascism. Both duopoly parties are guilty of it. The bastards buy and sell the markets on insider information. 60 minutes exposed that. Look at where the bastards go to work once they leave office. They make more money lobbying government than they made in government. The BIGGER the government is, the BIGGER the corruption is. It’s not complicated it’s a fucking Wall Street/Washington racket. It ain’t rocket science, it’s just plain ole bribery. The most amazing part of it all is the fact that the government/duopoly racketeers are able to keep the political division at near 50% in the country and stirred up, angry and pointing fingers at each other, when in reality the duopoly bastards are all in it together, with damn few, but a very few exceptions.

When you say, " BIG roadblocks to medium and smaller corporations and businesses" what exactly do you mean. Besides minimum wage, an attempt to force the pay gap closer together, what roadblocks hurt medium and smaller business? List a few.
We can't even get the wingnuts here to admit that 'globalization will raise all boats' and 'trickle down' were lies. I knew it at the time and now it's plain for anyone with a job and half a brain to see. Forcing American workers to compete against Asian slave labor and rightwing deregulation has sucked the wealth out of and destroyed the middle class. But that has been the plan since Reagan began it. Turn us into a 3rd word country, suck the wealth to the top 1% and create a Fascist/Feudal oligarchy.

why else would the right invest billions into stopping anything that benefits workers, soldiers, the infirm, police, firemen and our society in general? Because they don't believe in American society anymore. Their propaganda is powerful and creates millions of toadies who will defend their international masters even though they are acting against their own best interests and the best interests of the next couple of generations.

I believe there's going to be another republican depression and when it happens we will throw the economic royalists out on their asses.
Both parties have gatekeepers trying to keep anti-globalization sentiment out of the party, because they're both bought and paid for by multinational corporations, who love the short term profit pops of destroying countries with a high standard of living.

Yea. Some of the morons on here think we need to lower our standards as low as the Country with the lowest standards "otherwise we are not competing". We can't seem to evolve beyond other nations without some within our nation pulling us right back down to 3rd world standards.
We can't even get the wingnuts here to admit that 'globalization will raise all boats' and 'trickle down' were lies. I knew it at the time and now it's plain for anyone with a job and half a brain to see. Forcing American workers to compete against Asian slave labor and rightwing deregulation has sucked the wealth out of and destroyed the middle class. But that has been the plan since Reagan began it. Turn us into a 3rd word country, suck the wealth to the top 1% and create a Fascist/Feudal oligarchy.

why else would the right invest billions into stopping anything that benefits workers, soldiers, the infirm, police, firemen and our society in general? Because they don't believe in American society anymore. Their propaganda is powerful and creates millions of toadies who will defend their international masters even though they are acting against their own best interests and the best interests of the next couple of generations.

I believe there's going to be another republican depression and when it happens we will throw the economic royalists out on their asses.

Well said.

What really depresses me is to see all the broke people that I know in a Conservative area blaming taxes for them being broke. They are fighting for their own poverty and don't even know it. All their party has to do is say "It's because of the blacks" and they line up.
Yea. Some of the morons on here think we need to lower our standards as low as the Country with the lowest standards "otherwise we are not competing". We can't seem to evolve beyond other nations without some within our nation pulling us right back down to 3rd world standards.

What's funny is those morons think they will escape the poverty that their masters want to put them in.
Well said.

What really depresses me is to see all the broke people that I know in a Conservative area blaming taxes for them being broke. They are fighting for their own poverty and don't even know it. All their party has to do is say "It's because of the blacks" and they line up.

I believe you are going to see a tidal wave coming in 2014; and it won't be a Democrat tidal wave. You see, after six years of blaming everyone else for the malaise you are desperately trying to prescribe to Republicans, the sheeple will be tired of the excuses and partisan finger pointing from idiots like Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

Of course there will still be brain dead dipshits like you and the other rabid liberal asshats on this forum still supporting Obuminism and boring us with your predictably stupid Marxist rhetoric.

The reason this has been the worst economic recovery since Roosevelts BIG government efforts can be directly attributed to the buffoonery of this President and his devisive class envy rhetoric. But you and the cabal of economic ignoramuses have swilled too much DNC koolaid to even begin to comprehend the massive failure this President has been. This is because you and your cabal of liberal goons are uneducated dullards, economically clueless and wear your emotions on your sleeves.
I believe you are going to see a tidal wave coming in 2014; and it won't be a Democrat tidal wave. You see, after six years of blaming everyone else for the malaise you are desperately trying to prescribe to Republicans, the sheeple will be tired of the excuses and partisan finger pointing from idiots like Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

Of course there will still be brain dead dipshits like you and the other rabid liberal asshats on this forum still supporting Obuminism and boring us with your predictably stupid Marxist rhetoric.

The reason this has been the worst economic recovery since Roosevelts BIG government efforts can be directly attributed to the buffoonery of this President and his devisive class envy rhetoric. But you and the cabal of economic ignoramuses have swilled too much DNC koolaid to even begin to comprehend the massive failure this President has been. This is because you and your cabal of liberal goons are uneducated dullards, economically clueless and wear your emotions on your sleeves.

You don't know a thing about me or care to know a thing about me. You are a party clown that points at anyone who disagrees with them and calls them an enemy.

Since last election I've been calling it a Christie or Paul 2016. I'll go even further tonight. Christie will beat Paul. Feel free to repeat that.
You don't know a thing about me or care to know a thing about me.

You’re right; I only know the pabulum you spew on this forum. And based on what I have seen so far, you are an uninformed gullible moron that types like a brain dead leftist. Let me guess, you think you are a Libertarian? A lot of brain dead leftists make that claim.

You are a party clown that points at anyone who disagrees with them and calls them an enemy.

Another incredibly stupid straw man asshat; I am a Constitutionalist who criticizes anyone on any side who makes asinine false claims about this nation’s history, reality the facts and has the economic wisdom of a lemming.

When have I called anyone here the enemy? NEVER.

Since last election I've been calling it a Christie or Paul 2016. I'll go even further tonight. Christie will beat Paul. Feel free to repeat that.

You can “call” all the shit you want; what the hell does this have to do with your rabidly stupid leftist arguments? Here, let me help you; NOTHING.

By the way, Christie or Paul will not be the Republican nominees.