You can find it here:
Notice that the current number is 142.469 million or a rate of 58.6% actively seeking or working in the economy.
Notice also that the number of active participation of the labor force when Bush left office was 145.362 million or 62.2%.
What this means is that there are 1.307 million fewer people participating in the workforce than when Bush left office.
If you are wondering how we can create so few jobs over the last four and three quarters years of Obama's Presidency and yet the unemployment rate is at 8.1%; it is because so many millions have just given up finding employment and are no longer counted. The REAL unemployment rate is closer to 13.5%.
This is the ugly little truth ObamaFanatics don't want to acknowledge about the worst economic recovery in this nation’s history. For them, it is much more important to defend a partisan ideology than acknowledge its massive failure to do anything but create more misery.
With midterm elections coming up next year, Democrats are busy trying to deflect Obama’s failure onto Republicans claiming that if Republicans had just bowed to his majesty Obama and given in to his demands, regarding another massive $550 billion stimulus spending bill that mirrored the already failed massive $850 billion stimulus bill but this time, more jobs would have been created.
Only a brain dead ignorant lefttard can believe such incredibly stupid talking points. But this is what we have running the country now. An inexperienced economic ignoramus who has never created a job, run a company or done anything productive
in his entire life elected by low information buffoons based on nothing more substantive than “hope and change.”