The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

It's top ten percent,
Very easy to do

You posted the number. YOU post the link to support it.

If there are 5 million millionaires and they are the top 10 percent, then we only have 50 million working people in this country?

Still says nothing of the middle class, by the way. Top 10 percent isn't middle class.
You posted the number. YOU post the link to support it.

If there are 5 million millionaires and they are the top 10 percent, then we only have 50 million working people in this country?

Still says nothing of the middle class, by the way. Top 10 percent isn't middle class.

I don't know if I'm correct, but the last number given, that I heard, was 135 million workers. I would like to know the number though if anyone knows.
I don't know if I'm correct, but the last number given, that I heard, was 135 million workers. I would like to know the number though if anyone knows.

You can find it here:

Notice that the current number is 142.469 million or a rate of 58.6% actively seeking or working in the economy.

Notice also that the number of active participation of the labor force when Bush left office was 145.362 million or 62.2%.

What this means is that there are 1.307 million fewer people participating in the workforce than when Bush left office.

If you are wondering how we can create so few jobs over the last four and three quarters years of Obama's Presidency and yet the unemployment rate is at 8.1%; it is because so many millions have just given up finding employment and are no longer counted. The REAL unemployment rate is closer to 13.5%.

This is the ugly little truth ObamaFanatics don't want to acknowledge about the worst economic recovery in this nation’s history. For them, it is much more important to defend a partisan ideology than acknowledge its massive failure to do anything but create more misery.

With midterm elections coming up next year, Democrats are busy trying to deflect Obama’s failure onto Republicans claiming that if Republicans had just bowed to his majesty Obama and given in to his demands, regarding another massive $550 billion stimulus spending bill that mirrored the already failed massive $850 billion stimulus bill but this time, more jobs would have been created.

Only a brain dead ignorant lefttard can believe such incredibly stupid talking points. But this is what we have running the country now. An inexperienced economic ignoramus who has never created a job, run a company or done anything productive in his entire life elected by low information buffoons based on nothing more substantive than “hope and change.”
You posted the number. YOU post the link to support it.
It's common public knowledge in learned circles
If there are 5 million millionaires and they are the top 10 percent, then we only have 50 million working people in this country?

Still says nothing of the middle class, by the way. Top 10 percent isn't middle class.
80 percent are first generation rich
So they came from lower and middle classes
It says millions climb the social ladder
Those who don't cry
You can find it here:

Notice that the current number is 142.469 million or a rate of 58.6% actively seeking or working in the economy.

Notice also that the number of active participation of the labor force when Bush left office was 145.362 million or 62.2%.

What this means is that there are 1.307 million fewer people participating in the workforce than when Bush left office.

If you are wondering how we can create so few jobs over the last four and three quarters years of Obama's Presidency and yet the unemployment rate is at 8.1%; it is because so many millions have just given up finding employment and are no longer counted. The REAL unemployment rate is closer to 13.5%.

This is the ugly little truth ObamaFanatics don't want to acknowledge about the worst economic recovery in this nation’s history. For them, it is much more important to defend a partisan ideology than acknowledge its massive failure to do anything but create more misery.

With midterm elections coming up next year, Democrats are busy trying to deflect Obama’s failure onto Republicans claiming that if Republicans had just bowed to his majesty Obama and given in to his demands, regarding another massive $550 billion stimulus spending bill that mirrored the already failed massive $850 billion stimulus bill but this time, more jobs would have been created.

Only a brain dead ignorant lefttard can believe such incredibly stupid talking points. But this is what we have running the country now. An inexperienced economic ignoramus who has never created a job, run a company or done anything productive
in his entire life elected by low information buffoons based on nothing more substantive than “hope and change.”
There's this thing called the baby boom
Google it
This is the ugly little truth ObamaFanatics don't want to acknowledge about the worst economic recovery in this nation’s history. For them, it is much more important to defend a partisan ideology than acknowledge its massive failure to do anything but create more misery.

With midterm elections coming up next year, Democrats are busy trying to deflect Obama’s failure onto Republicans claiming that if Republicans had just bowed to his majesty Obama and given in to his demands, regarding another massive $550 billion stimulus spending bill that mirrored the already failed massive $850 billion stimulus bill but this time, more jobs would have been created.

I actually disagree with you a bit here my friend.

I don't think the Democrats actually feel a need to deflect responsibility. Their allies in the news media have successfully established these figures as the new normal. For instance, if George Bush had these gasoline prices there would have been demonstrations in the streets.

Last year a flu vaccine shortage went by quietly, and I then I remembered how even flu vaccine shortages were George Bush's fault.

They're playing to an audience whose memory is washed clean repeatedly by a steady diet of government freebies.
80 percent are first generation rich
So they came from lower and middle classes
It says millions climb the social ladder
Those who don't cry

I'm a millionaire. I don't have a super-great job or anything. I did it by living well within my means and denying myself a lot unnecessary luxuries.

So many people do not understand the connection. They say to me, "If I had your money I wouldn't be driving that old bomb."

In fact, the reason I have the money is because I do things like drive that old bomb.
lol... even better than that. He doesn't want it done through taxation, but rather on a voluntary basis inspired by his personal brilliance.

hahahaha. "I think everyone in the world should chip in and buy me a Maserati. That's a good idea, isn't it?"

Hey extremist retard; he isn't talking about the poor driving maseratis. That is your personal fantasy (which you will never achieve).
He is talking about fair pay for fair work. Nothing more, but keep trying to change the subject anyway, because we wouldn't want to address the simple truth, would we?
You brought up calories
My point is the poor are far from starving, unlike most other countries.

How would they be doing without food stamps?
Wall mart workers receive food stamps, is that a good thing? Talk about wealth redistribution, every taxpayer contributes directly to Christie Walton's billions.
Taft is a serious retard.
Wow! Holy crap on a cracker! What a brilliant idea...eliminate welfare fraud and save the programs for the truly needy. I can't believe no one ever thought of that.

[sarcasm off]

What are you, like 12 years-old and on your parents' computer? Here's the history of welfare:

Every time the liberals propose expanding the welfare state they do so by promising to eliminate welfare fraud. "Once we eliminate all of the fraud, this program will pay for itself!"

Then they do nothing because the welfare frauds always vote Democrat. That's been the story for decades. Hack politicians using my tax money to buy themselves votes.

As for dipping into their own pockets, conservatives have always been more generous with charities. Just Google for a comparison of Mitt Romney's charitable donations vs. Joe Biden's.

Just google Bill Clinton's re-working of welfare Mr Extremely short memory. Corporate welfare is a serious fraud issue though.
Something new....???? thats the same old shit you pinheads have been whining about since the days of Karl Marx ...

Don't make enough money ? Quit your fuckin' job and go into business for yourself.....then YOU can give your 50,000 employees a big raise and live
happily ever after.....

Just more extremist bullshit. Quit your job and start a company with 50,000 employees. Yeah that happens and look at the three morons (so far) who thanked this post. Some deep thinkers in that group :palm:
Yeah....when the middle class and lower class can't get anything bigger than a 42" flat screen, enough is enough........

Televisions are free in this country retard, just look on craigslist. Find out how many people with free TVs can afford cable if you want to make an actual point.
Outright lie you lying POS.

Ya know, you said the very same thing to me when I mentioned that European intelligence matched ours on WMDs heading into the 2nd Iraqi War. So I came back with a link and you ran away.

One spanking at a time, little boy.

One spanking at a time.
Most of whom are working...why should I have to pay for some cheapskate who doesn't want to pay his workers?

Oops, sorry, meant;

this...! Duh, right-tards, why should we all have to pay taxes directly into Christie Walton's bank account? Talk about wealth redistribution. It really wasn't that long ago that she only had what 16 Billion. More than a billion a year in net income and yet she needs corporate welfare. Idiots like Taft, Truth deflector and Bowel Movement should be ashamed of their ignorance.
Ya know, you said the very same thing to me when I mentioned that European intelligence matched ours on WMDs heading into the 2nd Iraqi War. So I came back with a link and you ran away.

One spanking at a time, little boy.

One spanking at a time.

Link up. Obviously I missed it. You are last thing I would run from, a habit by the way that that I am not known for.
Ya know, you said the very same thing to me when I mentioned that European intelligence matched ours on WMDs heading into the 2nd Iraqi War. So I came back with a link and you ran away.

One spanking at a time, little boy.

One spanking at a time.

Anything I said about this would get me banned. I wonder if that's what it's meant to do?