The Right Fails Leadership 101: Vote Left!

Hello evince,
Hello PoliCoward,

I don't think lots of death is coming.
Lots of death is coming. It comes to every single person eventually.

I think the outspoken extremists are simply getting most of the attention and the good quiet people are not being heard.
Don't worry, the "good quiet people" are not being so quiet anymore...

They are calling out the Satanic tyranny for what it is. They are telling Biden to fuck himself. They are telling Inslee, Brown, Newsom, and company to go fuck themselves. They are going outside of DeBlasio's house and letting him know what they think of his Satanic actions. They are going to school board meetings and giving the demons on the school boards a piece of their mind about their children being assaulted with masks, jabs, and CRT. They are walking out of school in protest of the once "me too" Demonkkkrats who are now standing in support alongside rapists instead of standing alongside the teenage girls who are being sodomized by the creepy men who these Demonkkkrats are allowing into these girls' bathrooms.

The sleeping bear is now awake, you DEMON!

Most Americans do not want violence. They simply want to live in peace and harmony.
Correct... It is largely just the Demonkkkrats who want violence and are inciting it.

Most Americans want the same things: prosperity, security and freedom.
Correct... It is largely just the Demonkkkrats who want skyrocketing unemployment, lower wages, cargo ships stuck outside of sea ports, shortages of labor and goods; skyrocketing gas, food, goods, and energy prices; increased crime and chaos in the cities that they control; increased tyranny via forced mask wearing, forced inoculations, and numerous other "COVID" regulations meant to destroy the prosperity of the States so that they can "6uild 6ack 6etter.

Most Americans do not realize how Putin is using social media to drive us apart, get us to fight among ourselves.
Putin has nothing to do with this. It is DEMONKKKRATS who are causing this. Demonkkkrats WANT division and hatred. Demonkkkrats WANT to see "black vs white", "woman vs man", "poor vs rich", "vaccinated vs unvaccinated", and etc..... That division is what allows them to have an easier time controlling the masses.

What Demonkkkrats DON'T like to see is what happened in NYC with the Brooklyn Bridge protesting of NYC's forced inoculation tyranny. They don't like to see tens of thousands of people of ALL races, creeds, religions, backgrounds, etc. joining together in opposition to their tyranny. They don't like to see BLM supporters standing side by side with MAGA supporters in opposition to them. --- That must've fucked with their minds a bit... "Ummm, we're supposed to be treating MAGA supporters as domestic terrorists, but we're supposed to be letting BLM do whatever they want to do.... ??? How do we do this when they are standing side by side???"

F Demonkkkrat hate.
F Demonkkkrat division.
F Demonkkkrat tyranny.

Cooler heads shall prevail.
Correct. Jesus Christ (and his Church) shall prevail over Satan (and his Demons).

People who take up arms in a peaceful society will either be killed by authorities or apprehended and locked up.
Not the way such a situation would end.

Most people don't want to destroy their lives in exchange for 15 minutes of fame.
Most people won't hold back when they have nothing else to lose.

People have families, jobs, good lives to live.
Certain people do, yes.

Don't think for a minute all the extremism we are seeing in any way typifies America.
I don't. I don't consider Demonkkkrat extremism as a typification of the former USA.

It does not.
Ageed. See above.

It's just getting lots of attention because it is attention-getting, and capitalism has found a way to monetize extremism.
Incoherent thought. The first part is circular and the second part doesn't specify/define "extremism".

Social media monetizes extremism.

Responsible leadership does not bow to extremism.

That's why the right fails Leadership 101.
Continued incoherency.

That's why everyone in America needs to vote the right out and vote in the left.
The exact OPPOSITE of this needs to be done.

The Trump party is a dead-end trip. We can't go there.
There is no "Trump Party". It doesn't exist.

Racism and hatred is not the answer.
I agree, which is why I do not vote for Demonkkkrats.

F Demonkkkrat racism.
F Demonkkkrat hatred.
F Demonkkkrat tyranny.
F Demonkkkrat Satanism.
'Oh my! We have a terrible crisis! What are we going to do?'
What "terrible crisis"?? You have yet to unambiguously define what you are even talking about.

The Left: "OK, Let's study it, learn as much as we can about it from science, and come up with a logical plan to deal with it."
The Left: "OK, Let's make claim to a "terrible crisis", never unambiguously define what we're even talking about while treating "it" as The Science, and treat anyone who dares question us as "heretical deniers of The Science", right in line with how religious fundamentalists act."

The Right: "No way! Dealing with it will cost money. Let's just pretend it doesn't exist and IGNORE it!"
The Right: "Please unambiguously define this "terrible crisis" of which you speak. It is not possible to hold any sort of rational discussion about "this" until you do so.
Trump does own the GOP,
Nah. The GOP owns the GOP.
ain't seen a lot of GOP leaders coming out and even criticizing Trump these days do you
and even when they did, they have since recanted their views.
Not really. You are making an argument of ignorance fallacy. Just because YOU haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist.
Newspaper editorials are not historians and do not speak for historians. False authority fallacy. Omniscience fallacy.
2020 is when Trump f*cked up addressing Covid, rather refusal to address Covid, as Americans confirmed last November
You are describing Democrats. It is Democrats that shut down the economy.
Biden won the 2020 election,
There was no 2020 election. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats. Biden was not elected. He was installed, like a toilet.
to say otherwise is idiocy,
To believe there was actually an election in 2020 for President is idiocy.
but I didn't need all the solid proof showing such, when Billy Barr, Trump's own political fixer, the guy who redefined the Justice Department inorder to defend Trump said so, that was the icing on the cake. But for those who still deny facts:
Learn what 'fact' means. A fact is not a proof nor a Universal Truth.
Apparently all you can do is cut and paste Holy Links. Holy Links are not a proof nor Universal Truth either.
False authority fallacies.
Hello evince,

Those are the ones who need to be rounded up. It does not typify the entire right.

Most people on both sides just want to live in prosperity, security and freedom.

Those are very basic things.

Most Americans are really on the same page.

It is Russia that is trying to drive us apart.

Don't let them.

Russia controls you?
N. Korea


I assume you mean the devastating effects that socialism has on the availability of food and other products.

The interesting thing about this is that both Cuba and Venezuela have very fertile land. They could grow their own food easily and bring it to market if their government would only let them.
N Korea should be able to produce food as well as S Korea. The government takes everything.

I would call that a valid definition. Thank you.
Nah. The GOP owns the GOP.


Not really. You are making an argument of ignorance fallacy. Just because YOU haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Newspaper editorials are not historians and do not speak for historians. False authority fallacy. Omniscience fallacy.

You are describing Democrats. It is Democrats that shut down the economy.

There was no 2020 election. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats. Biden was not elected. He was installed, like a toilet.

To believe there was actually an election in 2020 for President is idiocy.

Learn what 'fact' means. A fact is not a proof nor a Universal Truth.

Apparently all you can do is cut and paste Holy Links. Holy Links are not a proof nor Universal Truth either.
False authority fallacies.

Comical, once again, unable to offer a rebuttal, we get dangling particle attacks on phrases, beautiful

Responding accordingly:

Not what reality tells us

Rarity if at all

If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, walks like a duck, it ain’t ………….

Documented surveys of historian findings with citation

A Democrat wasn’t President in 2020, a fish stinks from the head down

Facts prove otherwise

Now facts are not proof, I believe Rudi already beat you to that idiocy

So now recognized factcheckers and documented studies both offering full citation and reasoning are useless, but in the next post “birdman,” which everyone he is here, will offer us Breitfart as proof

As I said, it doesn’t come any funnier
No god needed. The right to self defense is inherent.

Oh, now owning a gun is an “inherent right,” so I guess that means not being shot with a gun visiting a church, store, school, shopping mall, movie theater, senior citizen center, club, or just being there takes second preference

Didn’t you ever learn that all rights are based on reason, not desire, Locke came a long time after the Solipsists

And now want supposed fallacy will I get hit with off his Google list of fallacies?
Comical, once again, unable to offer a rebuttal, we get dangling particle attacks on phrases, beautiful
Semantics fallacy.
Responding accordingly:

Not what reality tells us
Define 'real'. Buzzword fallacy.
Rarity if at all

If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, walks like a duck, it ain’t ………….
A Democrat is a Democrat. You are describing Democrats.
Documented surveys of historian findings with citation
You don't get to speak for all historians. Omniscience fallacy. Newspaper editorials are not historians. False authority fallacy.
A Democrat wasn’t President in 2020, a fish stinks from the head down
Facts prove otherwise
Facts are not a proof.
Now facts are not proof, I believe Rudi already beat you to that idiocy [/QUOTE]
Irrelevance fallacy.
So now recognized factcheckers
There is no such thing as a 'factchecker'. Editorials are not a proof. Neither is a fact. False authority fallacy. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
and documented studies
Void argument fallacy .
both offering full citation and reasoning are useless,
Citing yourself is a circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
but in the next post “birdman,” which everyone he is here, will offer us Breitfart as proof
Irrelevance fallacy. Who is Breitfart? Ah never's irrelevant anyway.
Oh, now owning a gun is an “inherent right,”
Self defense is an inherent right. That is defense with ANY weapon. That includes defense against a rogue government. That includes guns.
so I guess that means not being shot with a gun visiting a church, store, school, shopping mall, movie theater, senior citizen center, club, or just being there takes second preference
Shoot back. Oh...that's right...your hoplophobia prevents you from carrying a gun! :laugh:
Didn’t you ever learn that all rights are based on reason, not desire, Locke came a long time after the Solipsists
They are based on neither. Pivot fallacy.
And now want supposed fallacy will I get hit with off his Google list of fallacies?
Denial of logic. False authority fallacy.
I assume you mean the devastating effects that socialism has on the availability of food and other products.

The interesting thing about this is that both Cuba and Venezuela have very fertile land. They could grow their own food easily and bring it to market if their government would only let them.
N Korea should be able to produce food as well as S Korea. The government takes everything.

I would call that a valid definition. Thank you.

So did the Soviet Union. But when the government gives you no incentive to grow anything, or prices what you grow below your cost to grow it, farms stop producing. For instance in Venezuela bread has a fixed price below the cost of making it. Bakeries stopped making bread and went to pastries that sold for a profit. The government came in and told the bakeries all flour was now rationed and 80% of it had to go into bread. The government didn't give a shit that the bakeries would lose money on every loaf, that's how they wanted things. So, bakeries closed up and stopped making anything at all.
Farmers in N. Korea have to use 17th century farming techniques for the most part. They get 17th century crop yields as a result and the country starves.

Just like a desert having no water, Socialist countries set things up so they have no food. They become food deserts.

Even here, those wanting Socialism the most (eg., the Left) are getting the same thing. They let shoplifters do what they do with no consequences. They let the homeless and drug addicts hang out side your shop. You lose money so you close your shop. Soon whole sections of cities are food deserts (among other things) because operating a grocery store there is too big a risk.
So did the Soviet Union. But when the government gives you no incentive to grow anything, or prices what you grow below your cost to grow it, farms stop producing. For instance in Venezuela bread has a fixed price below the cost of making it. Bakeries stopped making bread and went to pastries that sold for a profit. The government came in and told the bakeries all flour was now rationed and 80% of it had to go into bread. The government didn't give a shit that the bakeries would lose money on every loaf, that's how they wanted things. So, bakeries closed up and stopped making anything at all.
Farmers in N. Korea have to use 17th century farming techniques for the most part. They get 17th century crop yields as a result and the country starves.

Just like a desert having no water, Socialist countries set things up so they have no food. They become food deserts.

Even here, those wanting Socialism the most (eg., the Left) are getting the same thing. They let shoplifters do what they do with no consequences. They let the homeless and drug addicts hang out side your shop. You lose money so you close your shop. Soon whole sections of cities are food deserts (among other things) because operating a grocery store there is too big a risk.

Another grand example of why price controls never work.