Hello PoliCoward,Hello evince,
Lots of death is coming. It comes to every single person eventually.I don't think lots of death is coming.
Don't worry, the "good quiet people" are not being so quiet anymore...I think the outspoken extremists are simply getting most of the attention and the good quiet people are not being heard.
They are calling out the Satanic tyranny for what it is. They are telling Biden to fuck himself. They are telling Inslee, Brown, Newsom, and company to go fuck themselves. They are going outside of DeBlasio's house and letting him know what they think of his Satanic actions. They are going to school board meetings and giving the demons on the school boards a piece of their mind about their children being assaulted with masks, jabs, and CRT. They are walking out of school in protest of the once "me too" Demonkkkrats who are now standing in support alongside rapists instead of standing alongside the teenage girls who are being sodomized by the creepy men who these Demonkkkrats are allowing into these girls' bathrooms.
The sleeping bear is now awake, you DEMON!
Correct... It is largely just the Demonkkkrats who want violence and are inciting it.Most Americans do not want violence. They simply want to live in peace and harmony.
Correct... It is largely just the Demonkkkrats who want skyrocketing unemployment, lower wages, cargo ships stuck outside of sea ports, shortages of labor and goods; skyrocketing gas, food, goods, and energy prices; increased crime and chaos in the cities that they control; increased tyranny via forced mask wearing, forced inoculations, and numerous other "COVID" regulations meant to destroy the prosperity of the States so that they can "6uild 6ack 6etter.Most Americans want the same things: prosperity, security and freedom.
Putin has nothing to do with this. It is DEMONKKKRATS who are causing this. Demonkkkrats WANT division and hatred. Demonkkkrats WANT to see "black vs white", "woman vs man", "poor vs rich", "vaccinated vs unvaccinated", and etc..... That division is what allows them to have an easier time controlling the masses.Most Americans do not realize how Putin is using social media to drive us apart, get us to fight among ourselves.
What Demonkkkrats DON'T like to see is what happened in NYC with the Brooklyn Bridge protesting of NYC's forced inoculation tyranny. They don't like to see tens of thousands of people of ALL races, creeds, religions, backgrounds, etc. joining together in opposition to their tyranny. They don't like to see BLM supporters standing side by side with MAGA supporters in opposition to them. --- That must've fucked with their minds a bit... "Ummm, we're supposed to be treating MAGA supporters as domestic terrorists, but we're supposed to be letting BLM do whatever they want to do.... ??? How do we do this when they are standing side by side???"
F Demonkkkrat hate.
F Demonkkkrat division.
F Demonkkkrat tyranny.
Correct. Jesus Christ (and his Church) shall prevail over Satan (and his Demons).Cooler heads shall prevail.
Not the way such a situation would end.People who take up arms in a peaceful society will either be killed by authorities or apprehended and locked up.
Most people won't hold back when they have nothing else to lose.Most people don't want to destroy their lives in exchange for 15 minutes of fame.
Certain people do, yes.People have families, jobs, good lives to live.
I don't. I don't consider Demonkkkrat extremism as a typification of the former USA.Don't think for a minute all the extremism we are seeing in any way typifies America.
Ageed. See above.It does not.
Incoherent thought. The first part is circular and the second part doesn't specify/define "extremism".It's just getting lots of attention because it is attention-getting, and capitalism has found a way to monetize extremism.
Continued incoherency.Social media monetizes extremism.
Responsible leadership does not bow to extremism.
That's why the right fails Leadership 101.
The exact OPPOSITE of this needs to be done.That's why everyone in America needs to vote the right out and vote in the left.
There is no "Trump Party". It doesn't exist.The Trump party is a dead-end trip. We can't go there.
I agree, which is why I do not vote for Demonkkkrats.Racism and hatred is not the answer.
F Demonkkkrat racism.
F Demonkkkrat hatred.
F Demonkkkrat tyranny.
F Demonkkkrat Satanism.