You gonna start using your guns?

dumb cunt
An extremely stupid person.
You gonna start using your guns?
It has been sad to watch the Republican Party be replaced by the party of trump.
The government of 1776 collected no taxes, but it also had no Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The Trump party has shown they cannot lead.
They fail the basic leadership test.
What you want in good leadership is the ability to handle not only the day-to-day needs of society, but the crucial ability to handle a crisis well.
The right fails this basic test.
Instead of doing a good job of dealing with a crisis, they deny it and run from it.
Look at the Climate Crisis.
How do they deal with that? Do they do a good job of recognizing the problem, formulating a good plan of response? NO! They pretend it's not a problem at all. They deny the problem even exists. They wish to do nothing.
Look at how they have dealt with the coronavirus.
Same horrible approach.
Instead of forming a well considered response plan, their idea is to simply bury their heads in the sand and pretend it's just not an issue. It's ludicrous.
Denial does not make problems go away!
NEVER EVER vote for the right.
They are dangerous. They are getting people killed needlessly.
We need to do better.
The Trump party has shown they cannot lead.
They fail the basic leadership test.
What you want in good leadership is the ability to handle not only the day-to-day needs of society, but the crucial ability to handle a crisis well.
The right fails this basic test.
Instead of doing a good job of dealing with a crisis, they deny it and run from it.
Look at the Climate Crisis.
How do they deal with that? Do they do a good job of recognizing the problem, formulating a good plan of response? NO! They pretend it's not a problem at all. They deny the problem even exists. They wish to do nothing.
Look at how they have dealt with the coronavirus.
Same horrible approach.
Instead of forming a well considered response plan, their idea is to simply bury their heads in the sand and pretend it's just not an issue. It's ludicrous.
Denial does not make problems go away!
NEVER EVER vote for the right.
They are dangerous. They are getting people killed needlessly.
We need to do better.
A random thought on that: the colonial governments of 1776 were setup by the British Government. If we return to that system, we are unravelling the Revolutionary War.
Many Repubs will say they believe in climate change, but cannot say so and keep their jobs. In private, many of them hope Trump gets nailed for his insurrection, but they will not say so in public.
Hello Nordberg,
They hate to admit it when they are wrong (on climate change).
A lot of this holding out is a strange sort of 'saving face' thing in their view.
They are afraid they will look silly if they admit they were wrong, and they don't want to look silly, so they are simply sticking with what they previously believed. And we cannot rule out the whole rumor mill. It's hard for an individual to change his own mind when all of his friends have not changed theirs. And they may all be in a similar frame of mind, nobody wanting to go first.
After all. For a Trump partisan to change his mind, he has to also admit that liberals were right.
It's asking a lot for a blowhard know-it-all type of person who is supported by a like-minded peer pressure group. Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions Failed Global Warming Predictions That You Need To Know About Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its highly anticipated Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) on August 9, to much doomsaying and alarm. Though its findings had been previewed for weeks, to say it dominated headlines is to understate the case. It sucked the air out of the entire atmosphere.
Had Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York not resigned amid allegations of sexual abuse, the IPCC report might have been the only story to receive significant coverage this week in almost every international, national, regional, and local media outlet.
The headlines from The Atlantic (“It’s Grim”), BBC (“Climate Change: IPCC Report Is ‘Code Red for Humanity’”), and the Guardian (“Climate crisis ‘unequivocally’ caused by human activities, says IPCC report”), capture the tenor of the coverage, to wit: “The World Is Ending, and You Are to Blame!”
Hint: It's no longer about Trump...
Good leadership means you look out for the country, not yourself.