The remora of JPP
I am not sure you know what the obvious is.
Not one of the quotes I linked to had Beto in it you dishonest lying little cunt. Be less of a dishonest lying little cunt.
I guess it bears repeating because you're such a dishonest lying little cunt:
The New York Times created quite a stir recently when they ran a front page op-ed – the first of its kind since 1920 – endorsing the mass confiscation of firearms from everyone in America.
New York Governor Cuomo
“Confiscation could be an option,” Cuomo opined. “Mandatory sale to the state could be an option.”
Poughkeepsie mayor John Tkazyik wrote an op-ed in which he claims Michael Bloomberg’s gun control organization MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) “intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.”
Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin introduced a wish list for Senate Democrats that included plans to confiscate so-called “assault weapons,” confiscate ten-round clips, and set up a database for every gun in the state.
During the debate (seen below), one Democrat requested that McLaughlin not reveal the wish list as it could “dampen the enthusiasm of compromise.”
McLaughlin replied, “It absolutely has the ability to dampen a compromise” when we’re talking “about the confiscation” of guns.
No links.