The right's hyperbole of Democrat's gun control

You think America is going to fall to your putined up crap fest

It ain’t going to happed shit slice

Putin is going to end up Ghadafied

And you will just be a shitty program no one runs anymore
Just like they did when they stated they only wanted to regulate "Saturday Night Specials." Then they went for ALL handguns to be registered. Then rifles. Then shotguns. The notion that they aren't saying they want to BAN everything can only be expressed by dishonest, lying dumb fucks like ADUMBLefty. :palm:

You have not shown that they want to ban everything, dumbass.

Besides, I support the Second Amendment 100%.
You have not shown that they want to ban everything, dumbass.

Yes I have. And if you went to the links, you would understand that. But that would require honesty and effort of which a thread trolling dumbass like you has no need for.

Besides, I support the Second Amendment 100%.

Then stop electing Marxist dumbfucks in the Democratic Party of the Jackass.

The New York Times created quite a stir recently when they ran a front page op-ed – the first of its kind since 1920 – endorsing the mass confiscation of firearms from everyone in America.

New York Governor Cuomo
Prior to enacting his highly controversial SAFE ACT in New York State, Cuomo suggested that certain gun control policies would be explored.

“Confiscation could be an option,” Cuomo opined. “Mandatory sale to the state could be an option.”

Michael Bloomberg’s Organization
Poughkeepsie mayor John Tkazyik wrote an op-ed in which he claims Michael Bloomberg’s gun control organization MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) “intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.”

New Jersey Democrats
Following a Senate Budget Committee hearing, a hot-mic caught several New Jersey state senators disparaging gun owners.

“All they want to do is have their little guns and do whatever they want with them,” one Senator said. “They don’t care about the bad guys.”

Another stated that the Senate “needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.

Democrat Tom Abinanti

During debate of gun control measures, Democrat Tom Abinanti of the New York State Assembly angrily explained that he was “tired of hearing about legal, lawful gun owners” and suggested that future legislation could make “none of these guns at all” legal in the future.

He added that most gun owners should be content having “one gun with one bullet.”

Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin introduced a wish list for Senate Democrats that included plans to confiscate so-called “assault weapons,” confiscate ten-round clips, and set up a database for every gun in the state.

During the debate (seen below), one Democrat requested that McLaughlin not reveal the wish list as it could “dampen the enthusiasm of compromise.”

McLaughlin replied, “It absolutely has the ability to dampen a compromise” when we’re talking “about the confiscation” of guns.

Yes I have. And if you went to the links, you would understand that. But that would require honesty and effort of which a thread trolling dumbass like you has no need for.

Then stop electing Marxist dumbfucks in the Democratic Party of the Jackass.

The New York Times created quite a stir recently when they ran a front page op-ed – the first of its kind since 1920 – endorsing the mass confiscation of firearms from everyone in America.

New York Governor Cuomo
Prior to enacting his highly controversial SAFE ACT in New York State, Cuomo suggested that certain gun control policies would be explored.

“Confiscation could be an option,” Cuomo opined. “Mandatory sale to the state could be an option.”

Michael Bloomberg’s Organization
Poughkeepsie mayor John Tkazyik wrote an op-ed in which he claims Michael Bloomberg’s gun control organization MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) “intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.”

New Jersey Democrats
Following a Senate Budget Committee hearing, a hot-mic caught several New Jersey state senators disparaging gun owners.

“All they want to do is have their little guns and do whatever they want with them,” one Senator said. “They don’t care about the bad guys.”

Another stated that the Senate “needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.

Democrat Tom Abinanti

During debate of gun control measures, Democrat Tom Abinanti of the New York State Assembly angrily explained that he was “tired of hearing about legal, lawful gun owners” and suggested that future legislation could make “none of these guns at all” legal in the future.

He added that most gun owners should be content having “one gun with one bullet.”

Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin introduced a wish list for Senate Democrats that included plans to confiscate so-called “assault weapons,” confiscate ten-round clips, and set up a database for every gun in the state.

During the debate (seen below), one Democrat requested that McLaughlin not reveal the wish list as it could “dampen the enthusiasm of compromise.”

McLaughlin replied, “It absolutely has the ability to dampen a compromise” when we’re talking “about the confiscation” of guns.


Why the hell are you inserting facts? Don't you know the leftists retarded leader said that they, the other retarded leftists, prefer "truth" to facts? Come on man!
Yes I have. And if you went to the links, you would understand that. But that would require honesty and effort of which a thread trolling dumbass like you has no need for.

Then stop electing Marxist dumbfucks in the Democratic Party of the Jackass.

The New York Times created quite a stir recently when they ran a front page op-ed – the first of its kind since 1920 – endorsing the mass confiscation of firearms from everyone in America.

New York Governor Cuomo
Prior to enacting his highly controversial SAFE ACT in New York State, Cuomo suggested that certain gun control policies would be explored.

“Confiscation could be an option,” Cuomo opined. “Mandatory sale to the state could be an option.”

Michael Bloomberg’s Organization
Poughkeepsie mayor John Tkazyik wrote an op-ed in which he claims Michael Bloomberg’s gun control organization MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) “intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.”

New Jersey Democrats
Following a Senate Budget Committee hearing, a hot-mic caught several New Jersey state senators disparaging gun owners.

“All they want to do is have their little guns and do whatever they want with them,” one Senator said. “They don’t care about the bad guys.”

Another stated that the Senate “needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.

Democrat Tom Abinanti

During debate of gun control measures, Democrat Tom Abinanti of the New York State Assembly angrily explained that he was “tired of hearing about legal, lawful gun owners” and suggested that future legislation could make “none of these guns at all” legal in the future.

He added that most gun owners should be content having “one gun with one bullet.”

Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin introduced a wish list for Senate Democrats that included plans to confiscate so-called “assault weapons,” confiscate ten-round clips, and set up a database for every gun in the state.

During the debate (seen below), one Democrat requested that McLaughlin not reveal the wish list as it could “dampen the enthusiasm of compromise.”

McLaughlin replied, “It absolutely has the ability to dampen a compromise” when we’re talking “about the confiscation” of guns.


What types of guns do they want to "confiscate"?
No scarecrow; within context it does. But first, you would need a brain to comprehend that much. :palm:

I see that you are too retarded to see the obvious.

Beto O’Rourke’s promise that “hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

Do you see any other types of gun in his statement? Yes or no?
I see that I am too retarded to see the obvious.

I am not sure you know what the obvious is.

Beto O’Rourke’s promise that “hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

Not one of the quotes I linked to had Beto in it you dishonest lying little cunt. Be less of a dishonest lying little cunt. :palm:

Do you see any other types of gun in his statement? Yes or no?

I guess it bears repeating because you're such a dishonest lying little cunt:

The New York Times created quite a stir recently when they ran a front page op-ed – the first of its kind since 1920 – endorsing the mass confiscation of firearms from everyone in America.

New York Governor Cuomo
Confiscation could be an option,” Cuomo opined. “Mandatory sale to the state could be an option.”

Poughkeepsie mayor John Tkazyik wrote an op-ed in which he claims Michael Bloomberg’s gun control organization MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) “intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.

Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin introduced a wish list for Senate Democrats that included plans to confiscate so-called “assault weapons,” confiscate ten-round clips, and set up a database for every gun in the state.

During the debate (seen below), one Democrat requested that McLaughlin not reveal the wish list as it could “dampen the enthusiasm of compromise.”

McLaughlin replied, “It absolutely has the ability to dampen a compromise” when we’re talking “about the confiscation” of guns.