The right's hyperbole of Democrat's gun control

Some of them shoot 1000 yds. A handgun that accurate would be easy shooting into a crowd at closer range.

You asked if it could be done. The answer is yes, yes it can be done.

Yes it can be done at that distance. The question is can it be done where there are 61 deaths and 441 injured by gunshots at that distance?
Why is addressing propaganda useless?

The only propaganda being spouted is yours dumb shit. The Democrats gun control argument is propaganda intended for uneducated dunces like you who don't have the slightest clue about the Constitution.

Another stupid claim coming from the Democratic Party of the Jackass; that the police will protect you. You're just stupid enough to buy that bullshit dim bulb.
The only propaganda being spouted is yours dumb shit. The Democrats gun control argument is propaganda intended for uneducated dunces like you who don't have the slightest clue about the Constitution.

Another stupid claim coming from the Democratic Party of the Jackass; that the police will protect you. You're just stupid enough to buy that bullshit dim bulb.

Will you please stop trolling and address the OP.
The Vegas massacre with a hand gun from long distance?

The clown would have fired four or five shots without hitting possibly anybody,
people would have scrambled for cover,
and security would be at his door.

The asshole would have had to really hurry to kill himself.

Every liberal isn't dumb about firearms, Arby.
Handguns are to stick behind somebody's ear and pull the trigger twice.
Then you leave it behind and take the cannoli with you.

Trust me, my people know about these things.

I factually answered a question and backed my answer up with a link proving it. Period.

I really don't care what you have to say, it's all gibberish anyway

Yes, I know some of your people are armed. Use them safely and responsibly.
Yes it can be done at that distance. The question is can it be done where there are 61 deaths and 441 injured by gunshots at that distance?

You wanna stand there and find out? Again, yes it could. Remember, the lead is twice the size of a an AR rifle bullet. That might hurt.
No they haven't. I have not heard them saying they want all guns confiscated.

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is calling for a ban on all online sales of guns and gun parts, an unusually aggressive proposal. Senator Elizabeth Warren wants a 30 percent excise tax on guns and a 50 percent excise tax on ammunition. Thirteen candidates want to require a license to own a gun.

New York Governor Cuomo

Prior to enacting his highly controversial SAFE ACT in New York State, Cuomo suggested that certain gun control policies would be explored.

“Confiscation could be an option,” Cuomo opined. “Mandatory sale to the state could be an option.”

Michael Bloomberg’s Organization

Poughkeepsie mayor John Tkazyik wrote an op-ed in which he claims Michael Bloomberg’s gun control organization MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) “intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.”

New Jersey Democrats

Following a Senate Budget Committee hearing, a hot-mic caught several New Jersey state senators disparaging gun owners.

“All they want to do is have their little guns and do whatever they want with them,” one Senator said. “They don’t care about the bad guys.”

Another stated that the Senate “needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.”

Democrat Tom Abinanti

During debate of gun control measures, Democrat Tom Abinanti of the New York State Assembly angrily explained that he was “tired of hearing about legal, lawful gun owners” and suggested that future legislation could make “none of these guns at all” legal in the future.

He added that most gun owners should be content having “one gun with one bullet.”

New York State Assembly

This is the granddaddy of them all.

During debate of New York’s Second Amendment-infringing Safe Act legislation, Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin introduced a wish list for Senate Democrats that included plans to confiscate so-called “assault weapons,” confiscate ten-round clips, and set up a database for every gun in the state.

Democrats renew push for gun bans at DNC, convinced mass shootings have changed politics

Elizabeth Warren: If You Can’t Ban Guns, Tax ‘Em!

Bernie Sanders Wants To Ban All Self-Defense Firearms

There It Is...Ocasio-Cortez Pushes For A Gun Ban