The Royal Family

Small price to pay to have 60% or more of the American female population fixated on y'all at times like his and swooning over the red headed kids the rest of he time. Honestly, I kind of like the idea of a royal family.
Why does the US media make such a big deal over a figurehead monarchy in a country that is not our own?

No offense to our members in the UK....but I just don't get it.

Rejecting this codswallop left a hole in your psyche, I think. We've lived with it longer and got a bit more sophisticated, perhaps. And the media - after all - are always short of a story.
First, I have no problem with Britain's monarchy. It works for them; it gives us some nice pomp & circumstance to watch; all good except for the horrible way Diana and Fergie were treated.

But yes - treating something like a baby as though it is breaking news and needs to be covered non-stop - THAT will get tiring fast. I cringed when I saw the headline that she's gone into labor because that means we'll have this circus all day, maybe all week.

But that isn't just something particular to Britain; there are way too many hyped-up news stories in this world!

Can't they just say "she's in labor" and then... eventually "welcome to the world, little boy or girl!"? I wish her the best and hope it goes smoothly.
Blame the media. Americans are eating this crap up. Same way they did when Micheal jackson died, same way they did when Kanye west decided to name his kid a direction and any number of other times. Think about how long they spent covering Romney's pet habits.
Blame the media. Americans are eating this crap up. Same way they did when Micheal jackson died, same way they did when Kanye west decided to name his kid a direction and any number of other times. Think about how long they spent covering Romney's pet habits.

I agree. The media provides it because people want it.

Sigh. Another day to ignore my FB feed...
I say they name the lad Prince Albert Victor, nickname him Eddy, or even Jack if they want. Just to take the stain from that name.

I bet they're cursing the fact that Jermaine Jacksons got in first with the, frankly spectacular, Jermajesty.

Personally, i'm pinning my hopes on a tribute to 1980s retro arcade culture. Bow down to the future King Rastan.
You know....The welfare recipient thing aside....If you folk in the UK are cool with it...great, it's your it the way you want.

I guess I just don't get the fascination here in the should be a second tier story instead of headline news.

So...just out of curiosity....what is the line of succession? Charles, then Harry, then Aragorn?