The rural America death spiral

The piece is a little outdated, being pre Covid. In fact, NYC is dead and there is a real estate boom as far north as 100 miles from the city. Everyone is fleeing to the safety of rural America, saving tens of thousands/year on rent.

I think we're going to see large corporations leave the huge buildings and have staff work from home. The savings are astronomical. Covid accidentally showed them a new business model.

this is all true, Property values here in NYC has plummeted and our company has seen a boom during covid in the areas of setting up distributed work forces (setting up companies to work from home).

While my home in NJ has gone way up in value.
Holy fuck! How did someone as fucktarded as you are survive this long?

Oh! You wanna kill somebody over politics. That's fine by me, motherfucker! :awesome:

Bring it, dumbass! I got what you need! High velocity copper-jacketed lead head injection, baby!
This won't hurt a bit!

I suppose peasants are pretty thick the world over, but this one is quite something, fair play!