Coming soon, a new seatbelt safety requirement will have all seats in a vehicle wired to set off the ding-a-ling seatbelt warning when occupied.
Implementation of the rule is expected to prevent more than 50 vehicle-related deaths each year, NHTSA says.
A similar rule for rear passenger seat belt reminders has been into effect in the European Union since 2019
New U.S. vehicles will require Rear seat belt alarms starting September 2027. NHTSA estimates the rule will save 50 lives annually and prevent 500 injuries. Front-seat alerts will also be enhanced, with rules taking effect in 2026. On Monday, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration...
Now, this might seem like a good idea, but it's not. It will drive you insane if you use your vehicle to do anything other than haul passengers in those seats. Got the dog that likes to bounce from seat to seat sticking his head out the window? Be prepared for perpetual ding-a-linging from the seatbelt warning thing. Carry shopping, tools, supplies, or other non-passenger stuff in the seats regularly? Be prepared to have to seat belt them in.
This was tried back in the early 70's and within just a few years was tossed because it caused so many people problems doing stuff like I gave examples of. This will just add cost and major annoyance to car owners for no good return on anything. You can't fix stupid, and you probably shouldn't. We should let stupid kill itself off like nature intended.