Playing board games with a five year old is pointless. They change the rules so they can win, and when that doesn't work, they throw a tantrum and toss the board in the air.
Trump election deniers have nothing on those five year olds. They are the ultimate sore losers, refusing to accept a legitimate election result, balling up their fists and screaming 'cheater, cheater!!!' and when that doesn't work, proposing that we toss the entire election result out so they can have their friends decide who is President. In doing so, they have shamelessly and disgracefully undermined the most basic of American institutions, a free and fair election.
Time after time, these deniers, fueled by their cult leaders delusional belief in conspiracy theories, have brought forth 'evidence' that is instantly debunked, and has no impact on the results of the election. They lie constantly in service of their un-American attempt to destroy the election process because their guy lost. They make ignorant claims about laws they don't even make an attempt to understand. They attempt to use their ignorance as a talisman, making bogus claims about what the Constitution says about elections. They are wrong, but worse yet, they are intentionally ignorant.
Making up a claim about a rigged election is not sufficient predicate to investigate the made up claim in hopes that you find some irregularity that changes 120 votes. The country needs to move on. But these small minority of loudmouthed ignorant Trump supporters is holding the transition process hostage. Republican sycophants in the Senate for some reason feel compelled to let these ignoramuses push them around. But it's time to call them what they are. They are ignorant, they are uninformed, they are whiny five year olds throwing a temper tantrum. What they are NOT is patriots. Just the opposite, their behavior is as un-American as it comes.
Trump election deniers have nothing on those five year olds. They are the ultimate sore losers, refusing to accept a legitimate election result, balling up their fists and screaming 'cheater, cheater!!!' and when that doesn't work, proposing that we toss the entire election result out so they can have their friends decide who is President. In doing so, they have shamelessly and disgracefully undermined the most basic of American institutions, a free and fair election.
Time after time, these deniers, fueled by their cult leaders delusional belief in conspiracy theories, have brought forth 'evidence' that is instantly debunked, and has no impact on the results of the election. They lie constantly in service of their un-American attempt to destroy the election process because their guy lost. They make ignorant claims about laws they don't even make an attempt to understand. They attempt to use their ignorance as a talisman, making bogus claims about what the Constitution says about elections. They are wrong, but worse yet, they are intentionally ignorant.
Making up a claim about a rigged election is not sufficient predicate to investigate the made up claim in hopes that you find some irregularity that changes 120 votes. The country needs to move on. But these small minority of loudmouthed ignorant Trump supporters is holding the transition process hostage. Republican sycophants in the Senate for some reason feel compelled to let these ignoramuses push them around. But it's time to call them what they are. They are ignorant, they are uninformed, they are whiny five year olds throwing a temper tantrum. What they are NOT is patriots. Just the opposite, their behavior is as un-American as it comes.