The shame and disgrace of Election Deniers

In order to have "shame", you must have some measure of "character". tRumpanzees simply have neither.

Locally, a Facebook “friend”, who is also a relative, posted a photo of him in a crowded restaurant/bar dancing the night away. Unmasked. With many other unmasked morons. Typical Trumptard.

On the same day, he has the gall to make another post talking about adhering to a “moral code“. Some moral code.
Locally, a Facebook “friend”, who is also a relative, posted a photo of him in a crowded restaurant/bar dancing the night away. Unmasked. With many other unmasked morons. Typical Trumptard.

On the same day, he has the gall to make another post talking about adhering to a “moral code“. Some moral code.

The tRumpanzee moral code reads like this:

"After ME, comes everybody else". It personifies how tRump has lived his life and explains why his base loves him so much.
The tRumpanzee moral code reads like this:

"After ME, comes everybody else". It personifies how tRump has lived his life and explains why his base loves him so much.

I noticed you started a thread about how someone was a coward because he wouldn't debate another person. How ironic coming from a pussy that thread bans because he's afraid to debate.