Truck Fump / h1b
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Lawsuits are laughed out of court.
Want to bet your future participation on this forum on the winner?
Naw, I thought not, pussy.
some are laughed at, sure
others with merit succeed
election haiku
Lawsuits are laughed out of court.
Want to bet your future participation on this forum on the winner?
Naw, I thought not, pussy.
Typically, SecStates certify election results. YakudaMutt would love it if Billy Barr had to certify the results.
some are laughed at, sure
others with merit succeed
election haiku
Lovely. There are no others with merit.
In order to have "shame", you must have some measure of "character". tRumpanzees simply have neither.
Locally, a Facebook “friend”, who is also a relative, posted a photo of him in a crowded restaurant/bar dancing the night away. Unmasked. With many other unmasked morons. Typical Trumptard.
On the same day, he has the gall to make another post talking about adhering to a “moral code“. Some moral code.
There are no credible claims of fraud. Zero. Yes he did recant. I've seen the tape.
The tRumpanzee moral code reads like this:
"After ME, comes everybody else". It personifies how tRump has lived his life and explains why his base loves him so much.
In order to have "shame", you must have some measure of "character". tRumpanzees simply have neither.