Spoken from the perspective of an unrealistic optimist, I fear.
Their behavior is as American as it gets.
America as presently configured is a morally deficient nation.
You could make a weak argument that some of the 63,000,000 people who voted for Trump the first time were duped.
I don't buy it. The diseased orangutan made no effort to disguise who he was in 2016.
The 70,000,000 maggots who voted for him in 2020 are beyond having weak excuses made for them.
They saw his act.
They liked it.
They voted for more.
They are lower than the parasites who eat the whale shit at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
No present language used on the planet has words to describe just how perverted those seventy million trumpanzees are--without a single exception.
An America which includes them as citizens is not anything approaching a decent and moral nation.
The behavior of those vermin to which you allude is as American as American gets right now.
The rest of us join them in depravity by tolerating them.