The Shining is Kubrick's Confession that He Faked the Moon Landing

I heard Obama put the kibosh on the NASA moon program to prevent the hoax from being revealed to the world. Obama's in the pocket of Hollywood liberals and they're doing what they can to protect Kubrick dontchaknow.
Kubrick is already dead.
It's hard to take anybody seriously that believes this nonsense. Which sentence appears more "crazy" to you when typed repeatedly?

A. The quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog. (A sentence that uses every letter of the alphabet and is therefore used as practice by many typists).

B. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (Remember the characters name is Jack, has a history of violent behavior when drunk and is battling alcoholism in a place that isn't supposed to contain alcohol but seems to be providing it through nefarious supernatural means.)

Kubrick's goal was to depict the descent into violent insanity within the much smaller framework of time than in the novel which had over 130,000 words and nearly 80 chapters to do the same thing.

It's a movie, based on a book. Although the kid did wear an Apollo 11 sweater, so it must mean Kubrick faked the moon landing to people equally, but less violently (hopefully), insane as the character.

That sentence wasn't in the book, so your snipey little comment about "well stephen king must have been in on it too" is simply stupid.

Get over it and quit filling up the screen with irrelevant garbage.
That sentence wasn't in the book, so your snipey little comment about "well stephen king must have been in on it too" is simply stupid.

Get over it and quit filling up the screen with irrelevant garbage.
I think you are wrong about the sentence not being in the book, but recognize that it is a possibility that I am remembering incorrectly.

However, the scene was most definitely in the book. It takes a particular bit of insanity to suggest what this website does.

You honestly believe that Kubrick was sending this message through this movie, I believe you are at least a little bit insane and that this belief is evidence of that. People are laughing at you. I'll leave it at that.
I think you are wrong about the sentence not being in the book, but recognize that it is a possibility that I am remembering incorrectly.

However, the scene was most definitely in the book. It takes a particular bit of insanity to suggest what this website does.

You honestly believe that Kubrick was sending this message through this movie, I believe you are at least a little bit insane and that this belief is evidence of that. People are laughing at you. I'll leave it at that.

I believe the sentence was not in the book. therefore your witticism about king being on it needs to be rethought. You need to sharpen your game on this issue is all.

if it's so insane, you wouldn't be working so hard and making such errors in your debunkment.
I believe the sentence was not in the book. therefore your witticism about king being on it needs to be rethought. You need to sharpen your game on this issue is all.

if it's so insane, you wouldn't be working so hard and making such errors in your debunkment.
Pointing out your harmless insanity is both funny and fun. I'm not working hard. I am entertained.
What I find even more funny, and even more interesting, are the people who will believe this on one hand, then believe that aliens "threatened" us, after our first trip to the moon, into ending the moon programs. On one hand we "fake" moon landings, on the other we were told not to do it any more by aliens whom we discovered by traveling to the moon...

Sometimes harmless insanity is also contradictory. Are you one of those who believe that aliens have ordered us to never go to the moon?
Pointing out your harmless insanity is both funny and fun. I'm not working hard. I am entertained.

But when faced with the fact that the sentence was not in the book, you keep trying to expand the argument, instead of just admitting you're wrong on that particular aspect of the discussion.:)
But when faced with the fact that the sentence was not in the book, you keep trying to expand the argument, instead of just admitting you're wrong on that particular aspect of the discussion.:)
Mostly because I remember, when first watching the movie, expecting to see that sentence when she "discovered" the book (which was a play in the novel). But again, I know that my memory on this isn't perfect so I also inform people that I may be wrong as I watched the movie long ago and read the novel even further back.... worse, I can't find my copy of the book... That's frustrating.

Your insistence that it means he was talking about Apollo 11 is pretty much what I aim at here, because it is funny.
Mostly because I remember, when first watching the movie, expecting to see that sentence when she "discovered" the book (which was a play in the novel). But again, I know that my memory on this isn't perfect so I also inform people that I may be wrong as I watched the movie long ago and read the novel even further back.... worse, I can't find my copy of the book... That's frustrating.

Your insistence that it means he was talking about Apollo 11 is pretty much what I aim at here, because it is funny.

I didn't insist that. Im just saying that sentence was not in the book.
I'll continue to look for my copy. I'm clearly not going by what that website says.

Of course, if you admit to stealing my copy I'll stop looking for it and buy another.

If that guy was lying about that, I'll be very disappointed in his journalistic integrity.
I heard Obama put the kibosh on the NASA moon program to prevent the hoax from being revealed to the world. Obama's in the pocket of Hollywood liberals and they're doing what they can to protect Kubrick dontchaknow.

Nigel, you usually make a lot of sense but you are just completely wrong if you think the Moon landings were faked. In all likelihood the Chinese will put men on the Moon in the next 10 years.
The time will come when one will be able to stop at the moon on the way to other planets for a quick burger. I hope they have servers that look like AssHat. His avatar is such a cheerful looking face.

He is such a cheerful chappy, reminds me of the old blues song #if it wasn't for bad luck he wouldn't have no luck at all#