The Skill Collapse "If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are"

You cannot afford groceries? Give us more details so we can understand your suffering.

My memories of a little over four years ago was a time of shortages. Everyone had a lot of money, but not much to buy with it. It created inflation, which only now have we reduced to near target.
Walter you may be beyond help.

Tech is an industry in particular that is into fads a lot. If you aren't experienced in the latest fad, out the door ya go! The problems suffered by the Tech industry is self inflicted.

Coding skills are coding skills. Skill comes from experience, not school.
When you hire some green engineer out of school, they can't solder, they can't handle screwdriver safely, they can't handle machine equipment safety. They don't know how to weld, they don't know how to properly identify pin 1 on a chip, they don't know electronic construction techniques.

They have to be taught all this on the job.

Kids coming out of school can't code their way out of a wet paper bag.
Coding too comes with experience.

New plumber or electrician? These guys know nothing. You start 'em sorting parts in the truck, so they know what they are. THEN you give 'em a simple fixture to plumb, or some outlets to wire, but only AFTER you show them exactly what to do and then watch them actually do it for themselves.

It takes time. If a business wants to hire someone that will hit the ground running, they had better hire someone with extensive experience.
Coding is the equivalent of this today:


It's semi-skilled, low-pay, repetitive grunt work.
Kids coming out of school can't code their way out of a wet paper bag.
Coding too comes with experience.
I'd like to add that code editing by itself is an invaluable skill that should be taught in high school but isn't. "Typing" (or "Keyboarding") should be expanded to include proficiency in editors like vi(m).

Also, basic modeling, for communication purposes.

Imagine if high school students could code, edit and model, and then add onto that basic database experience and familiarity with SQL, JSON, APIs and object oriented design, and we would have massive value emerging from our high schools.
As bad as you think things are the reality they are way can bet your house on this.

MISTRESS! and I disagree on this point.

And that is OK.
I coded a lot of controller boards using microprocessors, mostly using assembly and machine language. It was indeed tedious and boring. That was one of the reasons it paid well; nobody wanted to do it. With electronic devices, a lot of it was merely calculating dozens of timing loops across gates, capacitors, resistors, etc. so that data reached inputs and outputs at the correct times together across multiple electronic components on the same digital clock cycles. Karnaugh mapping was kind of challenging, but after that it was all pure tedium. Higher level languages were even more boring.
Like Henry Ford learned, the more tedious and repetitive the job, the more you have to pay people to do it, and the duller the people needed.
Coding skills are coding skills. Skill comes from experience, not school.
Maybe back in the 1970's, but today there is a fair amount of school learning that you have to do to become a really hardcore software engineer.

When you hire some green engineer out of school, they can't solder,
Do you think an iPhone is soldered by people?

Tech is an industry in particular that is into fads a lot. If you aren't experienced in the latest fad, out the door ya go! The problems suffered by the Tech industry is self inflicted.
If you have a masters degree in computer science, computer engineering, or something serious like that, you can pickup any new techniques in a few hours. If not, you might be able to learn them sooner or later on the job, but it will be difficult.

New plumber or electrician?
You are having trouble understanding the difference between education and training.