Scut Farkus
I want reasonable regulations. Here's an example: The EPA set for decades the standard for arsenic in water at 50 ppb. That's nothing. At 50 ppm--like you find in places like Bangladesh--arsenic is a health hazard and over time will fuck you up. That's 1000 times the US limit.
During the Clinton administration, test equipment had improved to where even a few ppb of arsenic in water could be measured. The EPA based on nothing reduced the allowable limit to 10 ppb. That cost people getting their drinking water from ground water as much as $100+ a month more for no discernable increase in public safety or health.
So, the US is spending billions to get arsenic out of drinking water that was perfectly safe at the old level. The same thing has happened with hexavalent chromium.
Yet, another example is allowable ozone pollution. Right now 75 ppb is the standard. During the Obama administration the EPA tried to lower this to 70 ppb claiming that the 35 to 50 billion-a-year cost of doing so would save 35 to 50 billion-a-year in medical costs due to asthma. It was amazing how the cost of their proposed regulation just magically was equal to the medical savings.
When Congress questioned this, the EPA refused outright even when subpoenaed, to provide Congress with their original research showing how they got to that number. The fight kept this regulation from being enacted.
Again, a reasonable standard and regulation was being replaced with a stricter one that the EPA could not openly justify. They wanted it simply because that's what bureaucrats do.
Having a reasonable standard is good and I have no problem with such regulations. I have a problem with the zero tolerance / we have to DO SOMETHING! mentality. No, we don't need a zero standard like 90% of the time, and we don't have to do something just to do it. I am a skeptic when it comes to new regulations by government. I don't believe that government has our best interests in mind much of the time when they make them.
Pro pollution will not be a popular stand .