Says the man who never, EVER backs up his scientific theories with links to unbiased sources (that I have seen).
But you probably take the word of Jordan Peterson - a shrink with ZERO training on the subject?
Over actual 'climate scientists'.
As I have said, many times, I think global warming
is a thing.
But not nearly as bad as the doom-and-gloomers make it out to be.
And I think governments should stay OUT of it.
And leave it to the matter how bad it gets.
On one side - it's the 'sky is falling', far left.
And on the other side - it's the COMPLETE DENIAL, far right.
Both of you are wrong.
And both of you - in different ways - are WRECKING things for the rest of us.
Let the citizens decide what is what.
And what to do about it.
NOT the governments.
Or psychologists who know NOTHING about the Jordan Peterson and his incel followers.