T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
so you should be anti the replacements ban.
I have no problem with the replacements, if they are better, cheaper, and work. My issue is with all this being forced on the manufacturers on very questionable grounds and science by politicians and bureaucrats that aren't going to have to pay for it.
are you against all pollution regulation?
Complex question fallacy, but no I am not against all pollution regulation. I am for reasonable and sound pollution regulation, and zero tolerance regulations of the sort being used more and more today are not reasonable or sound.
don't throw the baby out with the polluted bathwater.
the idea of 'free markets' always selecting for the good products is farcical, as evidenced by the goverment openly abusing it's citizen free speech rights on behalf of big pharma. is big pharma really the victim of an overarching government here?
or are they into it?
It is government doing the victimization here. They are the ones abusing their authority and citizens. Government needs to be reigned in and put on a very sort leash.