Sooner the better! You'd lose again, child.It is the racists democrats that want the civil war
Sooner the better! You'd lose again, child.It is the racists democrats that want the civil war
You're drunk, kid. The Nazis of 'Israel' deserve trials, as you know, and as to peace talks, I doubt if Kim really wants to be murdered, but if he does, good. Trump next?You show your hate for the only with the leadership and balls to move the Israel embassy and to get a peace talk going in Korea. Our economy is now making a recovery now that Obama is gone
Your assertion that Louisiana is a State the Democrats screwed up is idiotic
It was a more a response to your willfully ignorant comment. He thinks we are all willfully ignorant whether one is a dem or rep. Not that big of a deal in the big picture but just pointing it out
Every vote counts. Not exactly true anymore since the republicans rigged the last election.
The Trumping Republicans are illiterate Nazi scum, as you know. The Democrats are mostly decent human beings.
The Trumping Republicans are illiterate Nazi scum, as you know. The Democrats are mostly decent human beings.
Your assertion that Louisiana is a State the Democrats screwed up is idiotic
Sooner the better! You'd lose again, child.
You're drunk, kid. The Nazis of 'Israel' deserve trials, as you know, and as to peace talks, I doubt if Kim really wants to be murdered, but if he does, good. Trump next?
The Trumping Republicans are illiterate Nazi scum, as you know. The Democrats are mostly decent human beings.
Most southern states are the poorest in the nation. But you know that. You're just arguing to be arguing.
The peckerwoods are about to get shock and awe
The Democrats should benefit from the demographic changes in the South. The Republicans should benefit from the increased population gains in the South giving them more House members and Electoral Votes.
The Census Bureau says the nation's highest poverty level is CA when cost of living is used.
Demographic changes were supposed to have doomed the GOP in 2016, even before it nominated Douchebag Donald.
Yeah I think the gun got jumped a little bit on that one. Still trump's biggest support is with Boomers and they are indeed in the process of dying. One way to look at it is that Trump did indeed lose the popular vote.
Many of them are capitalists and I've seen your posts on capitalists and their ignorance. So we're you only talking about republican capitalists and democratic billionaires are ok because they are democrats?
The democrats are racists bigots that hate this country and refuse to seal our borders.
Pissed again? You were supposed to be tee-total, Hitler! My father was on one of your death-lists for supporting Jews, fart.Your hate and antisemitism show you have no credibility or integrity