The Spouses

While I respect the stay at home mother and belive that it is a very honerable and Difficult job, I do find it interesting the difference between the two groups. The Democrats marry educated working women. So did I.

You are right...the few selected individuals married differently...lawdy lawdy, that must mean something!

Obviously a non-working woman can't be educated...isn't that what you mean, Jarod?
The real trouble is showing the population that being a mother is just as valid and respectable as seeking a career.

THe trouble? There's no trouble, darla just doesn't believe that's a valid and respectable choice. That's the point of this whole thread. "Republican wives are stupid breeders". Darla's nihilism is showing. NECROMONGERS!
THe trouble? There's no trouble, darla just doesn't believe that's a valid and respectable choice. That's the point of this whole thread. "Republican wives are stupid breeders". Darla's nihilism is showing. NECROMONGERS!

Well, it is obviously a valid and respectable choice, just as it is valid and respectable for a woman to become a CEO, a factory worker, an engineer, or a McDonald's cashier.
There are plenty who attack my wife for working and not sataying at home!

Believe me, I know.

Just ignore Asshat and whatever Gonzo is saying. They are just stereotypical dumb white guys. I mean, they really should be ashamed of living the stereotype. It just gives ammunition to "women like Darla".
Believe me, I know.

Just ignore Asshat and whatever Gonzo is saying. They are just stereotypical dumb white guys. I mean, they really should be ashamed of living the stereotype. It just gives ammunition to "women like Darla".

Yes, ignore my stereotypical red neck response of "allow women to have the choice to work in the home or have a career, and either way respect their decision"...I am truly a sexist monster.

This, ladies and gentleman, is why you don't put someone on ignore..then you look like an idiot.
Believe me, I know.

Just ignore Asshat and whatever Gonzo is saying. They are just stereotypical dumb white guys. I mean, they really should be ashamed of living the stereotype. It just gives ammunition to "women like Darla".

You have no ammunition. You've been revealed as someone who doesn't respect motherhood. Your version of feminism = hatred of self and society.
They'd rather disparage women who make a decision to care for children just so that they can pretend to be "superior" somehow because they have women with "real jobs", than to understand that they are actually disparaging women for making a choice to do what they wanted. It's gross. It's unsupported by anything other than that wish to feel "superior" by disparaging women.

They'd rather disparage women who make a decision to care for children just so that they can pretend to be "superior"

LOL. BS Damo. This was about how voters view a first lady, and the propensity of republicans (and frankly, many people) view the gender role of the first Lady. You've obviously forgotten how many people viewed Hillary Clinton's role as first lady, versus Laura Bush's.

I'm on record all over this board saying that I wished we lived in a country and an economy where every family had a choice of one spouse staying home with kids. That's not the issue. The issue is the public view of the first ladies and their gender roles. The "family values" voter prefer a first lady who conforms to the more traditional Mommy, caregiver role. And the republican candidates wives, interestingly, conform more to that role than the democratic spouses.
While I respect the stay at home mother and belive that it is a very honerable and Difficult job, I do find it interesting the difference between the two groups. The Democrats marry educated working women. So did I.

Are you implying that stay at home moms are less educated?
2 posts that are purely danecdotal, and 2 others that say nothing of Republicans, but men in general. You're going to use those words to back up your case? :rolleyes:

And you wonder why you're labeled as disingenuous?


This is utter hogwash. You've been taken to school and back. How do you possibly stand by this drivel?

CK didn't link up KOS, so I don't know if he's full of shit, but the above is obviously ineffective at making your case.

Do you disagree that "values voters" tend to prefer a first lady, that conforms to more traditional mother and caregiver roles?

I think your wrong. I think "values voters" do like a first lady to conform to a more traditional role.

And since you enjoy using Dano-esque slurs on me, I can see why you were such a Dano fan.
Are you implying that stay at home moms are less educated?

No, I am implying that the wives of the Republican canidates listed above are less educated that the wives of the Democratic canidates listed above!

I think it's gross that you are acting as if women who choose to stay home and raise children are the ones under attack. It has always been women who choose the opposite who are attacked as anti-family, bad mothers, and unfeminine.

Except in this thread. It is women who stay at home who don't have "real jobs" and should be dismissed as valid human beings due to that "fact". They are somehow less than ones who chose a different path.

This entire subject is a debate going on within the feminist community and I frankly find it absurd for men to be involved in it at all. None of you have anything interesting to say on the subject.

Again preposterous. Men have daughters and wives and certainly many wish for them to be supported whatever choices they make for their lives.

My personal view is that women should not attack other women for life choices of any kind.

I agree, but I also think that men shouldn't attack women for such choices.

I have always been attacked and viewed with suspicion because I do not want children. Most have assumed I can't have them. Wrong. Many have assumed I must want them. Wrong again.

Most of the people who have attacked me have been other women. Well, and Topper. lol
I can't imagine. If you don't want kids, don't have them. I could support that.