The stupidity of politicians continues...

Stupid people need stupid politicians. Schumer is an idiot.

I laughed the whole time at these fools who got in over their head with houses they can't afford. I have been investing and saving for years to buy a home so that I can get a good fixed rate loan.

I'm not going to pay higher taxes now and have that eat into my savings to cover people who are fools.

Fucking mommy holding hands government.
exactly ihate... too many stupid people buying more home than they could afford... using arms and interest only loans when interest rates were at 30-40 year lows (depending on which year they financed). The stupidity in that really makes me think Darwin was wrong.
I agree with all of you.

These idiots (banks included) drove up the prices for homes and now people like me with sense have been pretty much shut out of the market. I say, let this be a lesson, and move over so I can take advantage of the foreclosures.
I agree with all of you.

These idiots (banks included) drove up the prices for homes and now people like me with sense have been pretty much shut out of the market. I say, let this be a lesson, and move over so I can take advantage of the foreclosures.
Unless I can buy "sub 2," or get the seller to hold paper, I've pretty much stopped buying. I'm building cash and waiting for the sh!t to hit the fan on these pigs, so I can scoop up the good stuff for quarters and dimes.
Unless I can buy "sub 2," or get the seller to hold paper, I've pretty much stopped buying. I'm building cash and waiting for the sh!t to hit the fan on these pigs, so I can scoop up the good stuff for quarters and dimes.

I'm with you on that. I actually think waiting may be a good idea at this point. I wouldn't dream of getting a townhome now for these prices. One girl in my department just brought a McMansion and they need to sell their townhome (looks down at watch) in like 3 days. Everyone was trying to tell her it'll sell, and don't worry, I'm sat there silently thinking, "ummmmmmmmm........maybe not........."
"Hey Super what is the baby thinking in your avatar. My vision is 20/15 and I cant read that."

Says.... "Joo bout 2 get pwned!!!!"

Baby is getting ready to clock Clinton
"so I can take advantage of the foreclosures."

very good point. The whole cry to "save people from foreclosure" also forgets to mention that it is really about saving the banks from having people default on homes that are no longer worth the loan the bank gave them. Schumer is a tool.... schumer is a tool.
I'm with you on that. I actually think waiting may be a good idea at this point. I wouldn't dream of getting a townhome now for these prices. One girl in my department just brought a McMansion and they need to sell their townhome (looks down at watch) in like 3 days. Everyone was trying to tell her it'll sell, and don't worry, I'm sat there silently thinking, "ummmmmmmmm........maybe not........."
It'll sell, but at what price?

Lately, I've been buying distressed property (financially distressed, not physical) in the pre-foreclosure market. There is an increasingly large supply. Last week a man was begging me to take it for what he owed. Problem - it was 20% overmortgaged. Here's the kicker - the house was worth about the value of the first mortgage. There was a second mortgage from the county Economic Opportunity Council (used to repair roof and add new siding). This loan from the county put this man upside down on the house. The loan is at 4% interest, which is better than I can get as a seasoned investor in the free market, and not available to me.

Schumer's idiot idea is something straight out of Atlas Shrugged.
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Politicians bailing out risky loan home owners. Kinda like them helping people that build homes in areas where hurricane damge is sure to happen sooner or later....
Of course the corporations are involved. You don't think the govt would do this for just individuals do ya ?
Us... my point was that I think they are doing it mainly for the benefit of the lenders, not the people, yet acting like they are really looking out for the little guy. I wonder how many big banks and other lenders are based out of Schumer's New York..... hmmmmmmmm
Us... my point was that I think they are doing it mainly for the benefit of the lenders, not the people, yet acting like they are really looking out for the little guy. I wonder how many big banks and other lenders are based out of Schumer's New York..... hmmmmmmmm

Oh I fully agree with That Super, the public line about why a bill is being passed is almost always just a selling line, not the main reason.
you can beg all you like... it won't change reality. They should not be re-building areas that are under sea-level. The stupidity of that is just begging mother nature to bitch slap you again.

I have no problem helping people re-locate... but to rebuild the low lying areas is ridiculous. Side note... aren't the weather people already telling us about all the nasty hurricanes that will hit us this year?
you can beg all you like... it won't change reality. They should not be re-building areas that are under sea-level. The stupidity of that is just begging mother nature to b!tch slap you again.

I have no problem helping people re-locate... but to rebuild the low lying areas is ridiculous. Side note... aren't the weather people already telling us about all the nasty hurricanes that will hit us this year?

Actually I just read the the first part of the sentence. I don't think the gov't should rebuild where we know there will be another devastating storm.