The Suck Zone - Need a science forum

The thing I like about DU is he is curious about a variety of topics, including science. There's only about six posters here genuinely interested in discussing science. I am no expert on genetics or cosmology myself, but it's fun to discuss. Psychology is a social science, so I figure that people with psychology degrees enjoy analytical inquiry the same as those trained in the physical sciences.

Dutch Uncle is a troll.
The thing I like about DU is he is curious about a variety of topics, including science. There's only about six posters here genuinely interested in discussing science. I am no expert on genetics or cosmology myself, but it's fun to discuss. Psychology is a social science, so I figure that people with psychology degrees enjoy analytical inquiry the same as those trained in the physical sciences.

Agreed. The problem with social sciences is that it's not as exact as math or chemistry in many respects.

The Scientific Method is based upon observation and predictability. 2 + 2 always equals 4. Working with living organisms isn't as exact as counting matchsticks or mixing water and salt. It's predictable, but only on a curve such as the IQ bell curve.

As you've noted, while I like to chat with sane, intelligent and educated people, my main interest are the outliers; people who are "off" for some reason. People who are outside the norm. Once I have an idea of what's going on with them, I often lose a focused interest.

Dutch Uncle is a troll.

Ms. BP is a good example. She's young, pissed off and does exactly what she accuses others of doing. That's fine. IMO, about 75% of JPP members simply come here to vent.
Death by verbal diarrhea. Clearly you are upset with me, Perry Phd.

Ahhh, now I've figured it out! Since you never had to write a thesis or a dissertation you think writing is a HUGE hassle. Trust me, for those of us who did that, as well as wrote a couple patents and several peer reviewed articles, I can write all day long. I type very quickly and I enjoy the process.

I see your issue now. You, being a sub-par "Psychologist" think that when someone writes a lot it means they are angry.

You actually couldn't be further from the truth! I LOVE to write! It feels GREAT to me.

You must have been an absolute failure at university.
Dutch Uncle is a troll.

A unique troll, yes, but a troll.

He plays a game in which he subtly needles people by accusing them of things and waits to see if someone responds. When they respond he starts to "diagnose". I am one of the lucky few on the board he hasn't diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic.

The real clue, though, is that he NEVER refers to diagnoses that would actually comport with what a trained psychotherapist would note. He always goes for the TV_diagnoses. Anyone who mildly responds to his posts is bipolar or paranoid schizophrenic.

He really is a fake psychologist who never learned that you don't diagnose people like that. If he actually HAD been able to complete a grad degree in psych he would have found himself quickly unemployed.
The thing I like about DU is he is curious about a variety of topics, including science.

Agreed. He's an uneducated layman who is a dilettante in the sciences.

There's only about six posters here genuinely interested in discussing science. I am no expert on genetics or cosmology myself, but it's fun to discuss. Psychology is a social science, so I figure that people with psychology degrees enjoy analytical inquiry the same as those trained in the physical sciences.

He clearly failed out of psychology. He appears to know next to nothing in that field. I will admit he clearly can google and can stumble upon names of relatively less known people, but his overall schtick wipes out any interesting aspect to his posts.

He's a douche. Perhaps more informed in trivia than the average douche, but at the end of the day a douche.

(Don't even MILDLY disagree with him or you will be quickly diagnosed with a severe psychosis. That's how he operates).
Ahhh, now I've figured it out! Since you never had to write a thesis or a dissertation you think writing is a HUGE hassle. Trust me, for those of us who did that, as well as wrote a couple patents and several peer reviewed articles, I can write all day long. I type very quickly and I enjoy the process.

I see your issue now. You, being a sub-par "Psychologist" think that when someone writes a lot it means they are angry.

You actually couldn't be further from the truth! I LOVE to write! It feels GREAT to me.

You must have been an absolute failure at university.
You should run with that, Perry PhD. You're wrong as usual, but it'll make you feel superior again. :thup:

One thing you are overlooking is that all of our posts are open every JPP member...and guests.

When it comes to listing who is the bigger horse's ass, who do you think would be #1, you or me?
Agreed. He's an uneducated layman who is a dilettante in the sciences.

He clearly failed out of psychology. He appears to know next to nothing in that field. I will admit he clearly can google and can stumble upon names of relatively less known people, but his overall schtick wipes out any interesting aspect to his posts.

He's a douche. Perhaps more informed in trivia than the average douche, but at the end of the day a douche.

(Don't even MILDLY disagree with him or you will be quickly diagnosed with a severe psychosis. That's how he operates).

Good example of my point. :)
You should run with that, Perry PhD. You're wrong as usual, but it'll make you feel superior again. :thup:

One thing you are overlooking is that all of our posts are open every JPP member...and guests.

When it comes to listing who is the bigger horse's ass, who do you think would be #1, you or me?

Good example of my point. :)

Like I said, this is your schtick. I totally understand it now. Everyone has a troll game of one form or another. This is yours.

(Your psych degree didn't do you much good if people can see through you that easily.)
Like I said, this is your schtick. I totally understand it now. Everyone has a troll game of one form or another. This is yours.

(Your psych degree didn't do you much good if people can see through you that easily.)

Thanks for the feedback, Perry. It says a lot. :)
Agreed. He's an uneducated layman who is a dilettante in the sciences.

He clearly failed out of psychology. He appears to know next to nothing in that field. I will admit he clearly can google and can stumble upon names of relatively less known people, but his overall schtick wipes out any interesting aspect to his posts.

He's a douche. Perhaps more informed in trivia than the average douche, but at the end of the day a douche.

(Don't even MILDLY disagree with him or you will be quickly diagnosed with a severe psychosis. That's how he operates).

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. He is about one of six posters here who I can discuss science, history, religion as well as politics with.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. He is about one of six posters here who I can discuss science, history, religion as well as politics with.

OH, don't get me wrong, he clearly has some salient points. It's just his troll game that I find annoying (everyone has one, his is especially irksome). Plus he seems to carry a HUGE chip on his shoulder based on his lack of academic ability. I wish that weren't so, but it is not uncommon for people who struggled in university to be jealous of those who struggled far less.
A unique troll, yes, but a troll.

He plays a game in which he subtly needles people by accusing them of things and waits to see if someone responds. When they respond he starts to "diagnose". I am one of the lucky few on the board he hasn't diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic.

The real clue, though, is that he NEVER refers to diagnoses that would actually comport with what a trained psychotherapist would note. He always goes for the TV_diagnoses. Anyone who mildly responds to his posts is bipolar or paranoid schizophrenic.

He really is a fake psychologist who never learned that you don't diagnose people like that. If he actually HAD been able to complete a grad degree in psych he would have found himself quickly unemployed.
How do you know what a trained psychotherapist would note?

For example, describe Trump in clinical terms.
Ahhh, now I've figured it out! Since you never had to write a thesis or a dissertation you think writing is a HUGE hassle. Trust me, for those of us who did that, as well as wrote a couple patents and several peer reviewed articles, I can write all day long. I type very quickly and I enjoy the process.

I see your issue now. You, being a sub-par "Psychologist" think that when someone writes a lot it means they are angry.

You actually couldn't be further from the truth! I LOVE to write! It feels GREAT to me.

You must have been an absolute failure at university.

Like I said, this is your schtick. I totally understand it now. Everyone has a troll game of one form or another. This is yours.

(Your psych degree didn't do you much good if people can see through you that easily.)

He cranks out 100 posts a day on average, that in itself ought to tell you a lot.